If you're interested in a minecraft let's play I STRONGLY reccomend this one. It's a multiplayer LP with some mysterious visitors.... YouTube - Minecraft Part 22: Old Peculier (Multiplayer Survival) There's the latest edition, but I suggest you watch from the beginning for the anticipation of exactly who is on their server was quite enjoyable.
I did something EXTREMELY similar to this. My cousin loves to play Minecraft SSP on my account, and a few days ago, he was over. He played the game for AGES, building up lots of stuff, getting lots of diamond and valuables and making his house look AWESOME. I told him to stay away from World 1, and he can do what he wants to the other worlds. He thought it would be funny to put a creeper spawner into my house (using a mod that allows controlling of what spawners produce and mining them). He let the creeper count build up until there were loads of them, and then saved and quit. I came back and spawned, walked inside, got RAPED, lost my diamond armor and tools and half the house got blown up. I got revenge. I went to his epic house, and planted all the TNT he had (Which was alot. He had a chest with a bunch of it in it), and connected it all to a pressure plate in front of his HUGE room filled with chests. He had each one labelled with a sign in front of each chest saying what was in it. Basically, I backed up the world before I did this, because Im not mean. I then proceeded to take everything out of his inventory, and then saved and quit. He starts his save game, goes into his storage room and steps on the pressure plate. And he watches and his ENTIRE house explodes. He went crazy, and ignored me for like an hour until I restored his world. His reaction was epic. He hasnt touched my world again.
My friend hit the switch! There is nothing left of the mountain. I am a sneaky little bastard. Especially since I denied doing it. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thinking of staring up an SMP server off my PC; what's the easiest way? Any tips? It only needs to host ~4-5 people at any given time.
nononononno Hamatchi isn't for minecraft; it's like a pseudo server. You get your friends to join your 'server' and then you don;t need to forward your ports, because only the people in your hamatchi 'server' can join you.
I don't know if this has been posted, I haevn't read all 150 pages in this thread. but I found this amusing: Crazy Epic Bigness in Minecraft
Yeah; that's a huge ****in' ship. I can't believe he made that, and then his Hard drive **** the bed on him, I would've snapped. I wish he could've finished it
Lol great, just awesome. Wish I could have seen his reaction @Kidbomber I'm confused. Can anyone play on crafthub's server? Why does it say it hasn't been updated?
Actually it has several times, but I don't blame you. The only way you could have known is if you were following this thread since it started. Anyway, I highly recommend installing this mod. Rocket creepers are really cool.
Been playing this game like crazy. (FIrst time i played a game for over 12 hrs straight in a loong time. ANy good SMP servers out there where that are Forgehub people i heard crafthub is good.
Crafthub currently needs to update their server. Mc.plugpayplay is another good server but I haven't checked to see if it is still active. Anyway, Merry Creepsssssssssmas!