New medals in Reach!! (not real medals just made up ones for fun)

Discussion in 'Reach Screenshots & Videos' started by Wrek, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Locker- Use a Drop Shield to block heavy damage.(The Drop Shield needs to be activated
    after the projectile is fired)

    Airsassination- Assasinate an enemy in mid-air and survive after hitting the ground.

    Air Strike- Kill an enemy with an explosion while Jetpacking.

    EMP Spree- Have 5 enemies get killed after you hit them with an EMP burst without dying. It says "Get killed" because you can also have EMP Assists.

    EMP Technician- Have 10 enemies get killed after you hit them with an EMP burst without dying. It says "Get killed" because you can also have EMP Assists.

    Electro Magnetic Pwnage- Have 15 enemies get killed after you hit them with an EMP burst without dying. It says "Get killed" because you can also have EMP Assists.

    Ejection: Get a Close Call while Jetpacking.

    Retreating- Get a Close Call while Sprinting or Evading.

    Safe Shield- Get a Close Call in a Drop Shield or when in Armor Lock.

    Suicide Bomber- In a game of Assault(Or Invasion) plant a bomb, killing yourself and at least one enemy.

    Survivor- Survive a whole round of Infection as a human.
    #21 artifact123, Dec 21, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2010
  2. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    Ricochet- get a kill with the sniper rifle after your bullet as bounced off of something
  3. twofers5

    twofers5 Forerunner

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    Medal - They were always faster..
    Description - Play a whole round of Invasion without ever using sprint or evade.

    Medal - OMG HAK0Rz 1337
    Description - Toss a grenade in the beginning of a match and get at least a double kill
  4. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
    Senior Member

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    JETPACK SPREE: 5 kills while jetpacking in one life
    FLYING HIGH: 10 kills while jetpacking in one life
    ROFLCOPTER: 15 kills while jetpacking in one life

    YOU SUCK: 15+ deaths no kills in one game (opposite of perfection)
    #24 ♥ Sky, Dec 23, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2010
  5. TNort17

    TNort17 Forerunner

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    Facialize: Get an extermination with all headshots. (headshot face with extermination background)

    Happy Ending: Get a kill joy with a sticky. (small kill joy face with sticky background)
  6. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    u dun goofed: kill yourself with your own sticky-nade
    noob: get 5 nube tube kills in one life
    scopeless: get a no scope
    firin teh laza: get a triple kill in one lazer shot
  7. Dinosaur Drugs

    Dinosaur Drugs Forerunner

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    Keep on spinning: Get a 360 no scope (Snipe medal but with an arrow going in a clockwise circle)
  8. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Both of those sound incredibly sexual. And yes, I'm very tired right now.

    Description: Earn an assassination spree.
    Looks: Like a big ol' Ninja, or something.

    Description: Avoid enemy fire through an assassination.*
    Looks: How the hell should I know.

    *(They kill their teamate as you ass. him)

    Description: Emp a flying vehicle into a death barrier.
    Looks: Like a flyswatter.
    #28 Hogframe, Dec 23, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2010
  9. TNort17

    TNort17 Forerunner

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    I'm aware that thats how they sound but they also work for the actual actions taking place. see what i did there :)
  10. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Solar Flare- Earn a Spartan Laser Multikill.

    Pump Action- Earn a Shotgun Multikill.

    Both Barrels- Earn a Rocket Launcher Multikill.

    Facestermination- Earn an Extermination with all Headshots.

    Collision- Earn a Splatter while you aren't driving any vehicle.

    Dead Driver- Earn a Splatter from the Grave.
  11. FloppyPhoenix

    FloppyPhoenix Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Medal Name: Keep it Clean
    Medal Pic: An Extermination medal with a 4-sided star above a 6-sided star in the background.
    Medal Description: Get an extermination against the same team at least twice in a match.

    Medal Name: RPM
    Medal Pic: A warthog tire inside the place of the palm in a Yoink! medal, surrounded by 5 stars from the Killtacular medal.
    Medal Description: Get a kill with any piece of shrapnel from a warthog without you inside.

    Medal Name: What's Armor Lock?
    Medal Pic: The Rejection medal crossed out.
    Medal Description: Get 10 kills without taking any damage from an enemy. If a teammate harms you, you are still able to get the medal.
  12. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Flag Kill Spree - 5 kills in a row with the flag
    Capture This - 10 kills in a row with the flag
    Suck My Flag - 15 kills in a row with the flag

    Bomb Kill Spree - 5 kills in a row with the bomb
    Bombardment - 10 kills in a row with the bomb
    Short Fuse - 15 kills in a row with the bomb

    Oddball Kill Spree - 5 kills in a row with the oddball
    Head Banger - 10 kills in a row with the oddball
    My Precious - 15 kills in a row with the oddball
    #32 Spicy Forges, Jan 15, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2011
  13. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Animal Kill Spree: Kill 5 Animals(Moas, Seagulls, Fishes) in a row without dying.
    Hunter: Kill 10 Animals in a row without dying.
    Call Greenpeace: Kill 15 Animals without dying.
    Spree Spree: Earn 5 different Sprees without dying.
  14. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    Medal Name: Betrayal Frenzy
    Medal Pic: A blue spartan whooping another blue spartan's ass
    Medal Description: Betray 10 Temates without getting booted

    Medal Name: Big Booty
    Medal Pic: A blue spartan swinging a gravity hammer and aiming at another blue spartans ass.
    Medal Description: Boot 3 players in a game

  15. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    drop the curtain- get 5 show stopers in a match (JERK!)
    nothing to see here- get 10 showstoppers in a match (B****!)
    the show cant go on...-get an incredible 15 showstoppers in a match (**** ***** ***

    ******* **************** **********************************!)

    ...I hate showstoppers, unless im being saved or saving a freind.

    griff hater- kill the ball carrier in griffball 5 times
    give me some griff- kill the ball carrier in griffball 10 times
    heres your shotgun- kill the ball carrier in griffball 15 times

    serious one-

    -Mirag abuser
    -the hollowed out sparten in the hologram emblem with flashes and explosions in the backround
    -have a hologram take at least half the damage it would take to kill a normal sparten
    #35 Talons013, Feb 11, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2011
  16. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I just came up with some Objective Medals since i am getting tired of Medals that encourage people to boost more instead of completing Objectives(You get cR for Medals ya know).

    Forerunner: Get a kill while in Editor Mode.

    Homerun: Get a kill by launching a projectile(Rocket, Grenade) Away.

    Lifesaver: Use Evade to dive in front of a Rocket that was going to kill a teammate.

    Recon: Capture 2 Flags in a game of CTF and earn a positive K/D.

    Marksmanship: Finish the game with a 75 % hit ratio.

    Ammo Waster: Waste the largest amount of bullets, plasma bolts and grenades together.

    Jack of All Trades: Use the largest amount of Weapons to kill.

    Top Shot: Earn 10 Headshots in one game.

    Raider: Capture at least two Objectives in Invasion.

    Sentry: Kill a person while in a Hill or Territory using a Magnum, Assault Rifle, Plasma Rifle, Spiker or Grenade Launcher.

    Pioneer: Capture at least 3 Territoreis in a game.

    Plunderer: Capture at least 5 Flags in a game of Stockpile.
  17. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Et Tu Brute?

    Emblem: A human skull stabbed by a red knife in the eye with a blue knife in the back of it.

    Requirements: Betray a teammate while they are being assassinated.


    Emblem: A DMR in a cancel sign

    Requirements: kill an enemy without your shields who is currently wielding a headshot weapon.

    Double Ds

    Emblem: Two double kill emblems coming out of a woman's blouse.

    Requirements: Get two double kills within four seconds of one another.

    Auto Spree: Get 5 kills with the Assault rifle without dying.

    Auto Frenzy: Get 10 kills with the Assault Rifle without dying.

    Spray n Pray: get 15 kills with the Assault Rifle without dying.

    WHo needs a DMR

    Win a slayer Match with your only kills being the AR.


    Emblem: A baby with a pacifier thats holding a sniper rifle crying.

    Requirements: No kills and no deaths in any game.


    Emblem: Silver 6 sided star

    Requirements: Kill 10 infected with a magnum as the last man standing.


    Emblem: Gold 6 sided start

    Requirements: Get a show-stopper on 3 zombies assassinating humans.

    The Legendary Warrior:

    Emblem: A Spartan in a Platinum 7th column pointing a magnum at the screen

    Get at least a kilamanjaro with a magnum.
  18. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    @Zow Jr: Those are some awesome Medals but Double Ds would be impossible. 2 Double Kills within 4 seconds of eachother is an overkill.

    Too Close To The Sun: Splaser a Banshee

    Air Traffic Controller: Destroy 2 manned aerial vehicles in one life.

    Stepping Razor: Earn a Triple Kill with an Energy Sword

    Outbreak Controller: Place at least 2nd in a game of Infection and be the Zombie at least once. Other requirements are that you may not have a K/D of 10+ or higher(I don't want to reward people that got tons of kill because he was extremely camping)1 Assist and 2 Headshots. You may not have any Bulltrues. And you must survive a round for atleast 3 Minutes.

    Golden Gun: Earn a Killing Spree in SWAT Magnums.
    #38 artifact123, Mar 6, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2011
  19. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Mario stomped

    Emblem: Mario's boot stomping on a spartan head

    Requirements, kill an enemy with a jumping melee or beatdown*asassinations not included*

    Mario spree:

    Emblem: Mario face in a killing spree star
    Requirements: spree of 5 Mario stomps

    Mario frenzy
    Emblem: Mario face in a killing frenzy star
    Requirements: spree of 10 Mario stomps

    It's a me:
    Emblem: Mario face in a running riot star
    Requirement: get 15 Mario stomps.
  20. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    emergency evac
    pick up a person carrying an objective that's in combat and drive them to safety. or make it so its tied to the ojbective carrier getting a close call medal, so you have to actually save their life

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