
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by DeathstarsOG, Dec 21, 2010.

  1. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    "The stories of Reach sent by this satellite became tales of the galaxy"

    Fiction is the first design I started when Halo 3's Sandbox first came out. The original concept was meant to be inspired by Gaurdian/Lockout but to improve on parts of those designs I fealt were flawed. Lockout had more height variation than Guardian, however I wanted to push that boundry even further. Also the biggest flaw in those two designs in my opinion was the lack of safe routes around the map. This lead to standoffish gameplay especially towards the end of the game and almost required an objective for better movement.
    Fiction also started life as an asymmetrical design with inverse symmetrical routes. This would allow new gameplay around every part of the map, yet still play symmetrical gametypes rather well. When it transitioned into Reach, I changed that concept to become a full inverse sym in order to potentially meet the needs of what MLG may be looking for. I kept the areas of the original Fiction that I liked and expanded from there.

    Fiction has undergone numerous rebuilds in the last 3 months. Many changes have been due to poor movement, limited options, screen lag and a few other things. The latest iteration which brings us to release was a re-scaling. The biggest complaint once I got the map playing how I wanted was the size. Most of us aimed too high in terms of scale for Reach when it first came out, and Fiction is no exception. The map has been scaled towards the center from all directions anywhere from .5 - 1.0 units. This may not sound like much, but it definately made a large impact on pace for the better. Fiction was also originally designed to be a KotH/TS map, however until Bungie decides to patch that bug it will have to play the other gametypes instead. That being said, Fiction is no slouch when it comes to versatility. It supports all MLG gametypes with ease.

    Coming from other suspended bridge maps onto Fiction, you'll instantly notice the maps verticallity. It has been tapered down from what it previously was as it became apparent fast it was too vertical. Now that I am much happier with the height and scale, the map is ready for it's Forge debut.

    YouTube - Halo: Reach Forge Map - Fiction

    -Team Slayer
    -Crazy King

    Item List:
    DMR - 4 - 10s
    NR - 2 - 30s
    Magnum - 2 - 30s
    PP - 2 - 90s
    Plasma Repeater – 2 – 60s
    Snipe - 2 - 120s
    GL - 1 – 120s(Slayer Only)
    Frags - 4 - 30s
    Plasmas - 4 - 30s
    Health Packs - 2 - 30s



    I hope you all enjoy the map. Big thanks to Tak for offering advice during the original design in H3. Big thanks to Fritz who's also been around since then helping me with ideas and testing as always. Big thanks to Salty for his input through most itterations of the deisgn. And big big thanks to everyone else that helped me test. Feel free to leave some feedback below.

    NOTE: the jetpack in the first picture is on the MLG version only.

    #1 DeathstarsOG, Dec 21, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2010
  2. Fritzster

    Fritzster Silly Goose
    Senior Member

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    Booooo This map is awkward. This is definitely not my style >:[

    Throw in the forge towel Garrett

    game over mayne, game over

    This map sucks <3
  3. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Apparently the map does suck. No love around here.
  4. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Lies! This map does not suck. Not one bit. I'm just ashamed that I don't play it nearly as much as it deserves. :/
  5. Bleuprint

    Bleuprint Forerunner

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    We should definitely get on this one more. I played once on it and really liked the feel. The forging is wicked. Gotta put this in some custom rotations.
  6. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Congratulations to Fiction and to DeathstarsOG. One of MLG's top 5 maps being considered for the playlist and the pro circuit, along with Col Keller's Retroactive, Atticus's Veridian, Baron Saturday's Serenity, and my very own Genome. Two of the five listed above already have FH features. Fiction should be next, it plays beautifully and absolutely unlike anything else in Reach.
  7. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    Whoah, be careful with all that MLG talk around here. I don't want to get this thread moved to the MLG section. And this map will never get featured. The only responses in this thread are from people I know/play with.
  8. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    And now they're not.

    This map looks really nice. You've used the pieces in Forge World in ways I'd have never thought of, and the result looks like a solid map. I'll download this and give you a full review because it's criminal for maps like these to get overlooked.
  9. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
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    The pictures don't do this map justice. They just don't convey the scale and flow of the map the way the video does. The map looks great and seems like it lends itself well to many game types. Good job.
  10. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    MickRaider's Pick for 3/14 to 3/20
  11. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    I remember playing this some weeks back. Tis a beautiful map. I especially liked the green/purple tunnel areas.

    My thoughts on the gameplay were that they were alright. I felt like everyone was fighting to just stand in those high rooms overlooking the middle, and the lower area was a death trap. There was just too much sightline regarding the bottom. You could shoot and see EVERYTHING across the entire bottom. There is no tactical approach.

    I will admit the map is memorable though, so its got lots of potential. Just think some renovations would be good for it.
  12. tuba reunion

    tuba reunion Forerunner

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    watched the video. I've been waiting for a map like this dude. well done. I wish Bungie would put more user-made maps like this, because most of the forgeworld maps they've made are so repetitive.
  13. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
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    great looking map. I'd say you did a good job on conserving enouph pieces to finish the map. correct me if im wrong, but this looks like an mlg map because of the pickupable (i know not a word) armor abilities.
  14. Br4k3d0wN

    Br4k3d0wN Forerunner

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    First off, Limp Bizkit ftw.

    Ok, with that said, this map looks spectacular. The way you connected each structure makes this map feel like a cross between Lockout, Guardian, and Construct. It flows very nicely and provides much ease of access (something I find to be a necessity in Halo maps). I'll do a more in depth run through and provide more in the way of criticisms, but from what I can tell, you seriously need to take better pictures, because the ones you have posted truly do this map no justice :)

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