Weapon Perching

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Kittenpaste Company, Nov 23, 2010.

  1. Kittenpaste Company

    Kittenpaste Company Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I posted about this in the Promethean map preview thread but I came across this post after explaining what to do.

    It dawned upon me that this trick might not be out there in the open yet (though I may be wrong, it doesn't hurt to reiterate). I wasn't talking about the sword perch trick exactly, but quite close.

    We all know of the energy sword perching on upright flagpoles by now.
    Simple, right?

    But I couldn't get that to work with any other weapons, since their geometry isn't so symmetrical. So I thought about it for a second after reading those invisible ramp/how to make real stairs threads. This isn't quite the same principle but you get where I'm going with this.

    It's very pretty to look at in some builds. Notice where the DMR stands, though. Seems the nails are actually working as they should! There is an invisible barrier directly underneath them but it's kind of weak and can be overcome.

    But overcoming that little box pokes through things sometimes. Not exactly pretty when it does that, but functional. Very functional, in fact.

    So functional that it helped me reliably fix a gun-spawning woe. Normally, when not at a 45 degree twist, that Antenna can hold that Spartan Laser upright without the aid of the flag stand. However, since it was turned, every time the SL spawned, it fell right off (unlike when it was unturned or on 90's). Those lovely nails reliably allow the weapons to respawn without sliding off or what have you.

    I haven't tested this with all of the weapons yet but I think it's safe to assume that with one or two of these, you can prop any weapon up and keep them that way without having to use fixed physics. This was tested over and over with the weapons above, making sure they always spawned the way I wanted them to.

    So there you have it. I hope this helps out people always looking for ways to make weapon holders. :D
    It's free, it's easy, it's reliable.

    Sorry if this is old news.

    Edit: Do not lower your item to the point that it starts leaning over from you lowering the height. These weapons ALL use Normal physics, no fixed or phased.

    EDIT: Tempest flagpoles seem to have slightly different geometry. It still works, you just need to be a bit more patient and vigilant.
    #1 Kittenpaste Company, Nov 23, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2010
  2. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That is so cool and awesome. Im going to remember that trick for any upcoming maps of mine. :D
  3. Slamm Andrews

    Slamm Andrews Forerunner

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    Very slick. I'll have to give this a try!
  4. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Ancient
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    Tried it, can't ever get it to work. I fidget and fiddle and mess with it, but the damn Flag Stands can never hold anything up. Any tips?

    In particular, is there any way to get this to work while using Edit Coordinates?
  5. Kittenpaste Company

    Kittenpaste Company Forerunner
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    Yes, line your items up and simply lower the height gradually. Don't force it down into the pocket. Let it rest on the point before it starts to bend from the geometry bumping together. Also, be sure to get your items oriented at a good angle first.

    For the Plasma Launcher and Spartan Laser, I used edit coordinates to position them. For the laser, I just lowered it like mentioned above. For the PL, I angled it to 60 degrees, got the height about right then slammed the depth until I felt it was pressed against it well enough. The DMR was tweaked to be as close to perfect center as possible before forcibly (well not forcibly but I didn't put much finesse into it, just slammed it down fast) pressing it into the spikes.

    Do not lower your item to the point that it starts leaning over from you lowering the height.
    #5 Kittenpaste Company, Nov 23, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2010
  6. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I didn't realise you could shove things between the spikes. I find sniper rifles are really tricky to stand up on their own, or even to get the just leant against something, they keep rolling.
  7. wi1lywonka

    wi1lywonka Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cool! Great job!
  8. oOMr BecksOo

    oOMr BecksOo Forerunner
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    This is truely great! i am going to change all my fixed weapons now lol, but i am hopefully going to make it so they are on a wall like this (_--------_) (_)stand (---)weapon like more of a armory affect
  9. Portal of Souls

    Portal of Souls Forerunner

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    Kittenpaste Company you certainly have found a very cool way to get weapons up off the floor, I and the community appreciate the help, though I have never used fixed weapons myself, they certainly are an issue the community need to be fully aware of.
  10. seredhras

    seredhras Forerunner

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    if you are trying to mount a gun on a wall, if you put to flag stands under the low points, will it no support the gun if you make a slight hook?
  11. Kittenpaste Company

    Kittenpaste Company Forerunner
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    Sadly, leaving your flag stands so that the nails are sticking straight out of the wall does not work. :( The best you can go for is using a flag stand at a near flat angle, sticking out of the wall , then using another that merges into the wall and connects the other flag stand, to make it look cohesive.
  12. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    To get any weapon to stand up on end: just set it ON THE GROUND where you want it, set it to fixed, and place it. THEN you select options, without picking up the weapon, and set it to normal. It doesn't move; therefore won't fall over, and is no longer fixed.
  13. LD

    LD Ancient
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    Or you could just use gunnergrunts awesome weapon holders, like I did here
  14. TCD

    TCD Forerunner

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    Wrong. When it spawns it will fall. So yeah...... The invisible barrier here makes it so it doesn't fall.
  15. Kittenpaste Company

    Kittenpaste Company Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    If you're willing to spend budget, yes. However, this method is free.

    In reply to the first of the two deigning comments - yea... because the floor is where everyone wants things to be.
    #15 Kittenpaste Company, Dec 22, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2010
  16. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Not if you have it on the ground. Like I specifically said in my last post.

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