"Within their wrath, some find clarity breathing the ancient wind they have followed." File Set on Bungie.net Let me know what you guys think. I love feedback.
hahaha i love the newspaper man xP but anyways this looks like a nice playable map with a very long detailed description. nice job
Well, I could read none of that. I saw the word Needle Rifle somewhere, and I'm pretty sure I at least know what your map looks like. Out of what I can discern, the choice to put your map by the waterfall in Forgeworld seems to have been a good idea. There really aren't any other noticeable features so this should be a big step towards orienting a player, even if it's only usable while they're outside.
Haha. Thank you. Ended up being my final project for my Graphic Design class, last semester. Yeah. The original picture is a lot larger, but Photobucket can not handle the awesome. I'll know better next time. As far as game play goes, people always seem to gravitate toward the top center, so it was funny trying to the right set of weapons on the map. Use to have a Hammer spawn at the top. No one but the guy wielding the Hammer came out of that looking pretty.