Timberland 2 (unofficial name) is a BTB map inspired by the Halo PC map Timberland. It was created in Alaska mainly because it seemed the most Timber-filled. I'd really like some constructive criticism so I can start its badly needed testing.
I'm really glad to see someone is trying to recreate the Timberland feel in Reach. I loved that map on PC. Any rate, the bases look pretty good and I think you are right to base it on "alaska." I can only imagine how tough it would be to recreate a good timberland, just as death island would also be a nice comeback. Anyhow, I would need to get into this map before I could really comment on how the flow/sightlines work. A good way to get a feel for this is to do a team snipers match and see what you come up with. If it doesn't feel like Timberland snipers, well, you will know what to work on. I'm interested in the ways taking those outerwalls away would affect vehicle combat. Are you including revenants in the mix as well? How are you accounting for the new armor abilities? In an effort to make a more dense "forest" feel, you might think about using forerunner architecture to simulate important forested areas. Just giving you some ideas. I'd like to help test this sometime. -Slamm
I really just started out making something that reminded me of Timberland, and it just morphed as I came up with ideas. I began with no wall and found that vehicles kept falling off. Right now the Revenant sort of takes the place of the tank because the map seemed too tight for one. I've never really focused on AA's as they seem to fit as well in as Hemorrhage. My real goal with this map is to create a balanced map on Alaska that sorta feels like Timberland. Writing this gives me an idea. I wonder how replacing those outer walls with Colosseum walls would effect gameplay...