New Venice Description: "A familiar city in a strange place. 2-8 players" Weapons: 3x DMRs 2x Needle Rifles 1x Shotgun 1x Plasma Launcher 1x Grenade Launcher 1x Energy Sword 1x Plasma Pistol 4x Frag Grenades 4x Plasma Grenades This map is sort of a remake. It's a remake of a map I made back in Halo 3(Prominis). Since Halo: Reach has a much improved forge, I decided to bring back my old maps and give them a nice update. The map reminded me of Venice but last time I checked there wasn't any waterfalls in Venice hence the "New" in the title. I almost forgot to mention, this map is part of a series of maps all connected by one common thing, water: as in they are all connected by a sewage system. Pictures Base of the lift(and initial load out camera) Path goes to red side Walkway probably had the biggest update(check Prominis) Base of mid lift and blue side More in depth look at red side Spiral-ish walkway going up to mid Teleporter exit and Plasma Launcher spawn Teleporter and, as my friends call it, Excalibur
The map has very good aesthetics but it seems small for the power weapons on the map...and can you pick up the sword because the place it was placed?
From the pictures it looks asymetric but from the descriptions its sounds like it is symetric. Which is it just wondering? Because, either way this map has a great layout. This layout is great with many different walkways, ramps, ledges, and cover. This is not what caught my eye though. Aesthetics! This map has it all. It has a smooth transition between water, steel, and grass and rock. This not only gives the player a good idea of where they're at but makes the map look great too. And putting the sword in the rock to make it look like it was stabbed into it and the pipe to make it look like water was actually coming into the map, great ideas. The water, aside from being aesthetics is a good gameplay changer too. It can trap nades, act as cover, etc. I have seen numerous maps that use water in very inefficient ways, but you used the perfect amount here and in the right place. The only thing I see wrong with this map is that there is a walkway above the pathway to red side that looks like it would be overpowering and there's not that many ways to get up there from the looks of it. This is just speculation for the moment since I did not download your map yet its downloading right now. I dont know if you're even supposed to get up there or if there's a softkill up there, but if there isn't I woul fix that. Lastly, aside from this map being great, you are making other maps that connect to it. This is a great idea, but you don't want to make them look totally different. Give them a good original layout and all but really make it feel like it connects with the first map and goes with it. Over all, great layout, aesthetics, and idea on making maps that go with it. Definite download and I hope other do too. Good map/post keep up the good work.
Would this be the same map that was added to the matchmaking playlists? I haven't actually played on the specific map, but they have the same name.
How can you tell that the layout is good when you don't even know if it is symmetric or asym? Nonsense.