Voting And the Nominations are... Attainment Blockade Suspension Amalgam Heresy The Venetian Abridged Essence Voting ends on December 24th!
Hard choice for who my vote goes to. All of the maps are good. However, I ended up giving my vote to Blockade.
I wanted to vote for attainment + abridged Only one it is....I like BTB maps better so abridged it is.
I have only played Blockade and Amalgam. Amalgam was alright, but Blockade was quite good so that has my vote.
holy **** my map got into voting? when the nipples did this happen? but im not self voting cuz im not a *** and amalgam bends my map over the table.
Just about every one of these maps deserves a feature, and hopefully will be in time. I had to throw my vote to Venetian, because I think it's one of the more underrated maps on the list!
Amalgam all the way! If you haven't played it go do so, It brings back fuzzy memories of guardian games =)