Things i have learned playing the beta in the amount of time i had: When you throw a chicken egg out comes a chicken! There really are dragons in the nether they are hostile, they can fly, You can RIDE them with a saddle! nametagged items. thats all for new folks!
Some mods may work, nothing has changed majorly other than the inventory. Although, I'd wait until mods are updated to reduce corruption possibilities.
MINECRAFT IS NOW BETA!!! I'm currently trawling through all the troll threads in an attempt to find out what the rare secret is :/
So as you should know by now, I have a slow as **** computer. And the only was I can play Minecraft without lag is tiny render distance with fast graphics. And that sucked. Now just after I got the update for the beta, I decided I needed to start anew, so I got a customized painterly texture pack. So I dont really know if its the fact the game is in Beta, or its the texture pack, but HALLELUJAH! For some unknown reason, I can play on Fancy graphics with medium render distance. So either way, I can finally start playing again...but my mouse is starting to **** up...FUUUUUU- Also, I spawned in the most epic place: Strange, every screen cap I make is of pretty low quality, but my monitor is of decently high quality...
Any cool minecraft servers? That work with the beta? [br][/br]Edited by merge: Someone ban this stupid kid. He is obviously trolling. If a twelve year old can find a huge easter egg that other ultra minecrafters have not, there is obviously something wrong here...
The exact opposite of what you experienced has been happening to everyone else. 31 fps is damn pathetic compared to the 150-210 I used to have.
Most of the community is already complaining about this. So it is normal atm, and hope it'll be fixed soon.
Mining Bros. Go, go, go!!! My Minecraft website is now officially open and online, with the Main server expected to be online within the next day or so!
Your forum is broken. I never got the conformation email and I told it to resend it a few times and it has yet to be sent...
Warning? More details/screenshot so I can fix. to those who showed up as inactive I activated said accounts you should be good to login. Please when joining on the forums do so though the forums and not though the wordpress (front page of the site.
I noticed that you activated my account, but now I don't know my password (It said that passwords would be sent in the activation email I think).
I assumed that they were pretty much the same thing, since the forums are telling me that an account with the name IDave the Rave, and my email has already been made, so I assumed that's because I tried to register through Wordpress...
Stupid freaking creepers ruining my epic house....and by house I mean Igloo. But still. Is anyone using any mods since the update? If so, could I get a link?