I want to build an invasion map since there is a lack of them but I have no ideas for one. Can anyone help me out?
I would recommend you build what you like to build, not what you think needs to be built, because you will tend to do better and have more fun doing that
I agree; the best maps are original, fun, and uniquely built. With that said, we all suffer from Forger's Block sometimes. Try building a ruined city, filled with bombed out cars, homes, workplaces, etc. Then, make it so that one team owns the ruins, while another is trying to scavenge gear and equipment, for their own reasons... Kinda like the end of the world/apocalypse style thing... just an idea...
Those are some good ideas but I'm looking more for a Halo CE style of combat with the Spartans trying to take an objective. I just can't think of any unique objectives though.
Just make a map that's not on Forge World or Tempest, it'll be fun. And if you make a Invasion map on Powerhouse, Boardwalk or Sword Base i will know where to find you!
You shouldnt really take an idea from someone and attempt to forge it. You will have so much more fun forgeing something you thought up yourself, and you will feel a much bigger feeling of reward once you do finish it. If someone gives you a decent idea, it can get pretty frustrating when trying to actually forge it out, no matter how easy it sounds in concept.
If you look through the competitive maps section you should see hundreds of invasion maps, so there is no shortage of them; therefore you should make whatever kind of map you feel like making. Don't limit your ideas, forge will do that well enough. If you need some inspiration, Spoiler