City Map (needs name/testers)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Artickill, Dec 19, 2010.

  1. Artickill

    Artickill Forerunner

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    Here is a map I have been working on for about 2 days. This will be a mostly a slayer map along with some other gave variants. I will also be making a infection varient/map for this map later

    It includes 13 buildings
    5 houses
    3 stores
    a public restroom
    2 2 stories buildings
    a 3 story building
    and a bar

    I need play testers as of RIGHT NOW. If someone could also help me with spawn/healthpacks placements that would also be nice.

    the pics

    overview from the front
    view of broken highway
    view of town center
    overview of map

    gt- artickill or alpha cm
    #1 Artickill, Dec 19, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2010
  2. TNort17

    TNort17 Forerunner

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    how about naming it Hillside Boulevard. Also i think you should health packs on like shelves or counters in the stores and behind them and initial spawns could be inside some of the houses and respawns could be in other houses and down alley ways.
  3. Patsteirer

    Patsteirer Forerunner

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    It looks like you prolly have a sizable amount of budget left over, I would suggest doing something to the roofs, as of now, they look ugglyyy. Just saying. Other than that, looks nice =]
  4. Artickill

    Artickill Forerunner

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    I tried to keep it modern a futuristic by having flat roofs not slanted ones.
  5. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If this is an infection map, which I'm assuming it is due to the city theme... hell to the N-O. Putting health packs inside buildings only encourages camping. Make people go outside for health and give zombies a chance.
  6. TNort17

    TNort17 Forerunner

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    I was assuming it was a slayer type game due to the red and blue lights (kind of mark base starting points). And health packs in the stores would mean they would have to probably infiltrate the enemy side and duck into their stores to grab a health pack. While in a store you could be easily ambushed or grenade spammed so staying near a health pack wouldn't always be a smart move. But if it is infection i totally agree with you, in which case health packs could be behind buildings so humans wouldn't be able to travel alone to get health.
  7. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
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    The buildings definitely need detailing, both on the roofs and on the faces. The roofs give you the most room for creativity; even the simple addition of railings on the side would improve them considerably.

    Buildings in real cities and towns tend to have all kinds of small, interesting little doodads. Adding some to your buildings (so that the sides aren't so flat) can increase the map's aesthetics without severely compromising gameplay, if you're careful about placement. (In the worst-case scenario, you could use a very small Soft Kill Boundary if some of these doodads end up being jumpable ledges, though small SKBs should always be tested.)

    EDIT: Regarding the discouragement of camping in Infection... You'll want to have at least three entrances to every area, and a zombie should be able to move through those entrances at normal speed, without jumping or crouching. More entrances means the humans have to work together and/or watch their backs to survive, if they do decide to hole up in a specific area.
    #7 DavidJCobb, Dec 19, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2010
  8. WannaBeMe

    WannaBeMe Forerunner

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    Looks like a nice map, does need a touch of work as far as looks go, but it seems as though some buildings only have one way to get in. In a map you NEVER want to have a bottleneck, you want to make sure that there is more than one way to get into the buildings, like a ledge you can jump up to get in through a window is nice. Look at Call of Dutys maps, there is never a building with only one way in. Multiple entrance points helps to stop camping.
  9. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I could've sworn that the zombie's sword didn't care how much health you have.

    My point is that in theory, putting health packs inside a building doesn't encourage camping at all. Now, you could try to argue that the health packs add some subconcious layer of safety to staying inside the building, but I really don't think that makes any difference in the long run.

    EDIT: Oh. You're using a custom gametype. In the event that this gametype uses large amounts of health (which it probably does), I apologize for making an ass of myself : )
    #9 Hogframe, Dec 19, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2010

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