Christmas Mall

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by timmypanic, Dec 15, 2010.

  1. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    As christmas draws near even spartans need to get some presents. Where better to shop than the christmas shopping mall! Come see the christmas tree, take a walk around the shops! See if there is anything that takes your fancy in the toy shop, or maybe you will be heading straight for the weapon store. See the awesome quad bikes in the vehical store, or maybe you just need to take a leak! Well there are facilities here too! It's all here in this festive shopping mall.

    2 - 16 players.

    Stockpile - Grab all the presents and put them under the tree!

    Capture the flag - Can you get the flag from the oppositions base and get it back to yours!

    Assault, slayer, headhunter, swat, 1 bomb, 1 flag, multi flag, multi bomb.

    Weapons, come to the weapon store, all the most wanted weapons are here. some are purly for display and are behind glass cabinets to keep everyone safe. You will have to nick some from behind the counter :)

    in weapon shop

    • 3 hammers (1 accessable 2 displayed) (150's)

    • 1 Energy sword (90's)

    • 3 Focus rifle (1 accessable 2 displayed) (90's)

    • 2 Needler rifle (display purposes only)

    • 2 Plasma blaster (display only)

    • 3 Plasma repeater (1 accessable)

    • 1 Plasma pistol

    • 3 needler (1 accessable)

    • 1 Fuel rod cannon (170s)

    • 1 Plasma launcher (150's)

    At the rest of the map there are a few weapons carefully placed around the map. 2 dmr, 2 assault rifle, 1 sniper rifle, 1 shot gun (behind counter) 2 Magnum, 1 grenade launcher, 1 spartan lazer, 1 rocket in sphere.

    In the vehical store you will find a couple of quads, a warthog and a ghost! Order and collect available or you could just take one! But be aware the mall staff are highly trained and packing heat :)

    Grenades 4 frag & 4 plasma
    also 2 golf clubs, all the standing weapons are set to normal so no problem running into dropped weapons.

    Check out my christmas tree, decorated delightfully.
    & some awesome aesthetics throughout this christmas map
    enjoy & merry christmas

    Big thanks to Dirt jockey for helping me with this map and all the pheonix team!



















    #1 timmypanic, Dec 15, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2010
  2. dishonestpirate

    dishonestpirate Forerunner

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    Only one pic? I am disapointed I generally enjoy looking at the pics of your maps. I notice you like to make circular / spherical structures in all of your maps.
  3. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks! you commented the moment it went out! I was just seeing if the thumbnail worked before I added the rest of pictures. The spheres well..... I tried not to use any in my last map and had no comments so I thought I would do 1 last map with the balls for this year! Thanks for checking out my maps! I do appreciate your support. Thanks
  4. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thank you ! I have tried to make this map as playable as possible, the stairs have a window underneath so you walk up effortlessly, It also took me ages placing the weapons in the shop.... Stacking shelves is harder than I thought hehe. Thanks for checking out my map :)
  5. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So that's why you put all weapons on the map into one, single room with one, single entrance. And that's also why you made each team's base have few entrances, making it very camp-happy. Basically, whichever team gets to the weapon room first gets all the weapons on the map for the entire game, and camping in your base becomes a legitimate strategy.

    I am not hating on you or your map. I'm just stating facts. If you want a map that plays well, don't compromise on gameplay for anything. If you want an aesthetic map that looks nice, focus less on gameplay. These are rules to live by. If you're unsure of whether your map leans more to an aesthetics or playability, then it likely won't have much of both. Please, at least consider what I'm saying. I like the way your map looks, but the fact that you tried to pass it off as a high-playability map by posting in the competitive section brings me some worry.

    Again, I don't say this in anger, and I'm really not trying to be mean. I'm just trying to help you for any future projects you might have. I sincerely hope you can take what I've said as just that, and nothing more.

    #5 Hogframe, Dec 15, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2010
  6. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hello and thanks for the feedback.
    I agree the map looks all aesthetics, but I never put all the work on this map to have it unplayable, I took ages getting the weapons all in place set on normal, I placed the rocket , shot gun , lazer and grenade laucher out of the weapon shop. there are energy doors to prevent people staying in the weapons room to reduce camping. This is a festive map, the game types, well if you camp on the stockpile game type you aint going to get much done. Also I have made the stair case so that you walk up with ease, keeping the game as competitive as possible. Spawning is fairly placed, weapons are as fairly placed as possible in keeping with the theme of the map.

    So just to clarify, most of the weapons are not in the weapon shop. The rocket, shot gun, lazer , grenades, machine gun, vehicals are all in other places.
    I have discussed the issues with the map with a few fellow forgers, many agree with what you say, and I am understanding what you are saying. If I wanted this to be the most competitive possible, I would have to change the weapons shop to have less available weapons, and loose the decorations on the top of the building. I just have ideas and roll with them. The only reason I don't put my maps in aesthetics is that I want people to play on the map, I understand that I am not as good as structuring gametypes and competitive play, as I am at making the maps, but I am learning. Appoligies if you feel I am placing my maps in the wrong catagory. Thanks for your feedback and checking out my map

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Isn't a Quad Bike the same thing as an ATV?

    I would also change the name of the map to something other than "Christmas". That way, you can make a non-Christmas version of this map, and you don't have to name it 'blah' Shopping Mall. Besides, "Shopping Mall" just sounds square.

    I would do Forge World Mall or something like that, and in the description, specify that it is the Christmas version. Then make an infection game, where the Zombies are red (evil Santas), etc. etc..

    Oh yeah, One thing that bothers me, is that (In my mind) you tend to go a bit overkill with all those spiral designs.

    But otherwise, nifty idea and/or map.

    Has you got the stairs idea from toastman, or a post from 'Embassy'?
    #7 T3RA PROWL3R, Dec 15, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2010
  8. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hello , thanks for checking out my map!

    The quad is a mongoose, sorry if confused u on that (atv)

    I never thought past christmas with this map , it is designed for the festive season, although I am going to make an extream competitive version with some help from a top forger, this will have the decorations off the roofs gone to improve frame rate. The stairs was a suggestion from Dirt Jockey, I used a large window wall that has an invisible layer and doesn't affect the aesthetics too much, before you bumped up and down them.

    I like the idea of the zombies as evil santas, really good idea, I just set it up for the above gametypes, mainly as a shopping spree, especially with the stockpile game type. Grab all the presents and put them under the tree. Thanks for your feedback and comment! Great ideas thanks
    #8 timmypanic, Dec 15, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2010

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, but that doesn't technically count as 'shopping'.

    I think you should come up with some sort of payment system. Like, you have to push a fusion coil into a slot, then it blows up and opens up a doorway. Not only would it look cool, but it would also be pretty expensive and f*** up the frame rate!
  10. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Another great idea, Well all ideas can be taken on board for the newer version, I will definitly be adding the evil santa theme for infection, I'm not so sure on the payment system for the vehicals, but i will definitly check out the idea, have some destructive walls and barriers, another cool idea. Thanks!
  11. Hat

    Hat Guest

    Power weapons should not be balanced with other power weapons, it should be a risk v. reward scenario were the power weapon is in a open area that you could easily get killed in.
  12. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hello thanks for the feedback, I have tried to make it as competitive as possible keeping to the theme, I understand about the weapons, and that I use too many powerful weapons on my maps, I seem to like them a bit to much. Duly noted about the risk reward senario. Like many maps with the rocket dead center, with lines of sight to the power weapon to add risk. I was ment to be getting help with the lay out of weapons and spawning as clearly I seem to struggle placing the weapons fairly and competitively. Thanks for checking out my map
  13. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    am i the only one wondering why theres a jewish star on top of the christmas tree

    edit- and uhh, yea this really should go in casual or aesthetic. i dont mean that in any type of negative way at all, its just what it is. like the above posters already said, maps with major aesthetic features, and armory rooms, usually go in those categories.
    #13 Titmar, Dec 16, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2010
  14. xRage10

    xRage10 Forerunner

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    Just saying, but to balance out the "power weapons" a bit more, you could always put a lot more weaker weapons in the gun shop. Who says it can't consist a majority of pistols, assault rifles, plasma pistols/repeaters, and maybe a needler or two? Then add maybe one or two power weapons in the weapon shop. It's not necessarily the "risk vs. reward" thing, but it makes it to where you can't just sit in there and expect to camp it the whole match.

    I really do love this map. I understand it's more aesthetic and that's perfectly fine with me.
  15. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for your feedback, I have been going through all the xmas maps on bungie and I have to say this is the most closest to a map out of all the christmas themed maps on the top 250 recomendations and dls. I have tried to combine both aesthetics and a map that is suitable for playing competitve matches, I know there are a lot of changes needed to try and fix the issues people have with my map. I appolagise if you feel I have placed it in the wrong catagory. As far as I know aesthetic maps are just maps to look at and not to play matches on, besides the problems viewers have posted on the weapons, the map does play many gametypes, the theme was collecting the gifts and placing them under the tree (stockpile), I thought that as there are game types and stratagies involved in them to win that it is more competitive than it is aesthetic. I know it needs work but its not as bad as the feedback i've received makes out that it is. I'm not trying to say this is the ultimate competitive map, but I am saying it plays gametypes and it works and has had effort put into it, it is just a christmas map

    Edited by merge:

    Thanks ! I was playing with my brother on it earlier and he loved it and couldn't understand why I was getting so much bad feedback over a map. But he's not a die hard critic or anything but he plays halo. We had a laugh. Problem is I don't test the map enough to make it as competitive as possible, I am working on that sorry, I had no idea the weapons room would go down so badly, there are 9 accessable weapons inside shop (and they aren't too easy to grab as need to jump off counter), 11 outside shop in various locations, many that I think are better than the weapons in the shop. Although slayer is my most played match this is more intended for stockpile, ctf, headhunter, it still plays slayer but you may come against a camper.
    #15 timmypanic, Dec 16, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2010
  16. Slamm Andrews

    Slamm Andrews Forerunner

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    So people are still giving you crap about "competitive" vs "Aesthetics?" People need to actually download your maps before judging you. You are really good at making neat looking maps, and I've been happy with how your others play. I'll give this one a look soon. I always know your maps as soon as I see the first picture! Anyhow, I'll see what I think of the gameplay when I get in and get back to you. People need to realize maps can look cool and still play well. :p

  17. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks man. It can be annoying when u know its not been tested. Was playing with my bro on it. Sharing half a tv with my girlfriend and then the split screen from 2 player. So i was expecting a little lag from frame rate... suprisingly there wasnt any. Thanks for checking out my Christmas map and your support on all my maps :)
  18. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    First off, the map is amazing. Its got a great christmas theme around it and it looks fantastic.

    But, I think the map would be more suited in either Aesthetics, or casual. For some reason, the map is ridiculously fun to mess around on. It wouldnt be a map I would nominate in a real competitive game, but its now my favorite map to just mess around on.

    The thing I found most impressive is the christmassy theme the map has, and just how FUN it is to play on.
  19. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The reason people are stating this map is either Aesthetic or Casual is because you originally set out to create a map themed around a christmas tree.. an Aesthetic feature. The rest has just been built in order to make the tree not look out of place. Aesthetically it's very nice, a lot like your other maps... but from a competitive point of view it's not a competitive map in the slightest. No competitive game should ever have the scoring zones for two teams directly on top of each other... it typically takes the balance of a see saw, and lays it flat on the floor completely removing the entire aspect of balance at all.

    The map is still fun regardless with the gameplay it creates, hence why it's a casual map. You can argue that it's competitive with member after member because it supports competitive gametypes, but the fact is it doesn't support them all that well.

    You have some great ideas, and your aesthetics are very nice. Just take note of what members are saying as they're trying to help you, rather than hinder you, in your progress to becoming a greatly recognised forger. Balance is exceptionally hard to maintain in a map and there are various guides throughout the site that can help you further your knowledge in the area.
    #19 Stevo, Dec 17, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2010
  20. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks! It is nice to know it is getting played on. :) I know I should have spent more time on the spawning and gametypes. I had offers of help too, then my xbox gold ran out and couldn't get the testing and help I needed, I'm sure if I put my mind to it I can fix the maps I have made, to make them more competitve. I just do them too quickly.
    I will go over my maps and improve them to make them more competitive , and maybe think of introducing my maps to different catagories, I would say this could be in casual or fun maps, I don't agree with putting in aesthetic section as they are mainly for show and have no gametypes, or proper spawning, I am sure there are some aesthetic maps that are playable but I don't want to make maps that are mainly/only looked at. Thank you for feedback and checking out my map! :)

    Edited by merge:

    Thank you! It is nice to have good feedback. Firstly i'd like to appolagise for having this up in the wrong section and I do agree it is more casual or fun than competitive, I do understand the comments are there to help me and to make better maps. I don't put the maps up in this section to annoy people I just want the maps I make and publish to be played on. I have really gotten into the forging since halo reach launched and am enjoying making maps. I need to take more time with the testing and gametypes making sure the map is fair and competitive. I do understand and have taken on board all of the comments received on this post and others and will implement in future publishments. Thanks for your feedback and checking out my map
    #20 timmypanic, Dec 17, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2010

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