he has done it to heaps of maps, just ignore him and it shall (hopefully) be deleted. and why when we give constructive criticism, even if it is tied in with our opinions of the nature of your post, do you ignore us, but when cosmic says something you do exactly what he say? just pointing it out.
[offtopicness]he is probably another account created just to annoy us, best to ignore him[/offtopicness] [mapdisscussion] i like how you placed the flag on the wall, but having the sniper underneath it probably wasn't the best idea, the window panel that is used as a stepping stone is smart, but the teleporter next to it makes it seem messy IMO (yes my opinion is very strange)
Well i decided that that place would be the bestteleporter cuz its close to the base but not that close that its two steps away.Great now it looks like i double posted.And when cosmic posted i knew he posted because i told him to check ot out unlike i did with anyone here.I dont just tell random people check out my map ill comment yours.Plus i go to the last page to see who posted.As i do with everything else
Awsome man u got the pics up.this map was so fun when we played it cant wait to see more from you 5/5
Thx guys.I hope u enjoy this.I spent a long time and when i get my xbox back ill fix the spawns.Anything for the community.well maybe not anything