What features do you want to see in an infection based maps. Please state what you would like to see in an infection map and explain why. If you could vote on the poll that would be great! But please do say anything silly like: "I map where I can kick you a**!!!" or anything stupid like that. Thank-you for reading this thread. [br][/br]Edited by merge: From what I have heard are the cabin maps are kind of cool. However it has been done so much that I think people should try making infection maps with multiple cabins thus making spreading out the humans and making it that when they run out of weapons that they have to come out into the open in order to get some new ones.
I choose "Other" because I like an Infection map with all of these settings. For example, you spawn in indoor type area/facility, then fight your way out onto the streets, then find a cabin or outdoor campground to fend off the zombies until time runs out, or the last man dies. I'm working on an infection map right now, where the humans respawn in a "Cave-Like-Area" and they have to fight through the infected horde, then once they reach the Forerunner Facility, they can hold off the horde. EDIT: Don't forget about balance!
I chose other; because the location doesn't matter, it's about the balance. This is just another Aesthetics vs gameplay thread, but with infection in mind.
I want to play an infection map that can be played over and over without getting boring. Even the great infection maps I have played are fun the first time, then you say "Ugh, this again?" when the party host decides to go for a second game. No matter how great an infection map is, (imo) its fatal flaw is re-playability. The only way I see this happening is giving the humans different routes to play through, whether that is forced to where you spawn in "groups" in different areas of the map or make the players choose a route. The problem is the lack of zombie encounters all the groups will have because the zombies are trying to attack one team and forgetting about the rest, which will make gameplay boring. Fortunately, I have a solution to this problem.
I agree with you on this, replayability of a map is one key flaw in Infection. But I see where you are going with this, and my solution is to create different game variants for a single map, to increase diversity and replayability of the map. But this would work well IF the gametype is fun for the party to play. BALANCE | REPLAYABILITY | EXECUTION
That is a good idea. One game the zombies could be super fast, next game they could be strong and slow. I haven't thought of your idea before, but it solves the problem perfectly by messing with the gametype options to make the map itself more fun. But perhaps we could add re-playability to the map itself, which combined with your varying gametypes idea would make the map incredibly awesome to play on multiple times. What I was thinking going along with the "force spawn the humans into groups separated from each other" is to have these groups meet up and help each other out at certain intervals. For example, one team could be defending in a courtyard and another team is providing covering fire from the second story of this courtyard. The teams could even activate switches along the way to send ammo resupplies to the other team or open shortcuts for each other. That would solve the "little zombie encounters" problem. Thanks. Good luck forging!
This is a very interesting idea. Where you could set only four "Initial Spawn" points for the humans, but one group is separated from the other, along the way, they must help eachother out by: covering fire, and activating switches. Very good idea, that gives me an idea. But anyways, this reminds me somewhat of CoD WaW Zmobies on the map Verruyct [I think that's how you spell it]. Thanks for sharing, also, for the switch part, I was thinking one team had to get to this certain area, upon reaching the area, they must activate a switch [which possibly detonates a fusion coil, respawning another, then destorying a grav lift, moving the crate]. But yeah, you have some nice ideas here.
The reason I used locations in the poll is that I am trying to see what environment people would like play with during an infection game-type. However I can't disagree with the fact that the map should be balanced and that it should be as fun the second time you played the map as it was when you played the first. So what trademarks would you like to see in an infection map?
I read this and I want to make one on the island using all the stuff made here. I hope you guys are ok with that. The humans start at the back of the island farthest from the coastline. The are trapped in a medical research facility. Zombies initially spawn on the first floor near the entrance. They respawn in various caves and behind various items across the island. Humans must fight their way out and into the streets of the island city. There are various buildings. Some abandonded and others are where one or two humans MAY have initaially spawned. Zombies will spawn in empty ones while there are a few (poorly) barricaded ones which may be used to reside in. However they have a few entrances. The humans then get to a bridge. The bridge is indestructible until three minutes in. Why? Well a large section is made of fusion coils. However they are protected by a shield door. They can only be destroyed by a fusion coil that spawns 3 minutes in, half way in and half way out of the shield door. On the other side of the bridge is the coast line with a few cabins to camp in. However it is very difficult to get here as zombies have a large chance of spawning at the forerunner cave located 2 evades away from the bridge. The only way to get to the cabins is quite possibly immense teamwork. The zombies spawn near key locations that will help the humans.
You make a lot of references to zombies spawning in these areas. However there is an easier way for the zombies to get to these various places. This is what we call the zombie room. Basically you have teleporters spread throughout the map each linked up to a corresponding teleporter in the zombie room where the zombies spawn. Now when ever the zombies respawn they can choose where to teleport. As long as these receptive teleporters are out of the humans reach and bounds there will be no chance of the receiver teleporters being camped.
They can but this can be avoided if each teleporter is timed to appear so many seconds after the game has started. So for example Teleporter Alpha starts at the beginning while Teleporter Bravo spawns 30 seconds later followed by Teleporter Charlie 60 seconds later. By doing so you can avoid confusion while making maneuvering around simple for the zombies while giving the humans time from move from point A to point B. Now onto a different subject: Who would like to see an infection map based in a hospital?
I chose an indoor map, but I think the best maps are maps with tiny outdoor pockets, and glimpses of the outside world (perhaps through broken walls and ceilings). Think: perhaps, you're in a Singularity-esque laboratory, running through ruined rooms full of research desks and jumping through a large window. You land in a small alleyway, the buildings forming tall, imposing walls. You can see the sky if you look up, and the tops of the buildings are noticeably decayed -- half of them look as though the roofs have collapsed. And then it's back into another creepy, narrow metal maze building.
Maps that support gametypes involving STRONG infected, not pushover 1 or 2-shot zombies. I'm spoiled by Resident Evil's stronger monsters (Hunters and Tyrants for example, like in my Enmity map). Progression, like in the L4D remakes. Limited weapon pick-ups, like in the L4D remakes. More L4D. :v
Now someone mentioned creating a destructable bridge via the use of fusion coils and so I was wondering if there was a way of doing that without using creates for the job? If a one of the blocks (in structure: Building blocks) were used (and normal not phased or fixed) could it be used in a way that after hitting a "switch" (trip-mine) the bridge would collapse? Because it would be a great escape mechanism for the humans to use and could change gameplay mechanics in an infection map.
Nope. While the 'normal' attribute works a bit on forge, for those objects, it does nothing in actual gameplay.
Well that is kind of disappointing... A bridge made of crates would just look lame and pallets can't be used in forgeworld. [br][/br]Edited by merge: So here are some great places to model infection maps after: * A Hospital * A Lab * The Mall * Camping Grounds * A Haunted House (please don't do this. This idea has been done way to much). * Sewer System * Underground tunnels (aka caverns) * Military Bases Hope you like the list. If you have more you would like to add then just post.