Currently in BETA - If you want to help playtest then PM me. Map Description: This decommissioned Mass Driver station has been re-activated to support the invasion of Reach. This map is a remake of a map that I had made for both Far Cry Instincts Predator and Far Cry 2. (Titan and Titan's Revenge, respectively) You can see screenshots of Titan's Revenge to compare this new WIP with. The focus of the map is a huge coastal cannon mounted on the cliffside. It is a larger-than-life weapon of mass destruction and 2 factions are battling over it's control. This was originally going to be for 4v4 gametypes but it grew larger and now supports big team battle. In the Halo Reach edition of this map, red base is the Anti-Air Missile Battery station and the blue base is a standard halo-style building setup with no specific theme (it was originally going to be a landing platform but that is now in the center with the falcon) HALO REACH SCREENSHOTS: •Initial Camera Angle •Overview •Control Room •Red Base •Blue Base FAR CRY 2 SCREENSHOTS:
Holy crap... This map looks incredible. And incredible is the only word for it. I can see just by looking at it.. Its aesthetically astounding. And the accuracy between that and the Far Cry map is decent. If this map is as good in gameplay as it is in looks, then it will play phenomanally. Looking forward to its release.
WHY! Why must my XBOX LIVE SUCK! I would've loved to help test this thing of awesomness! Picture 3 reminds me of Standoff in H3. The only problem I could precieve is the sad fact that somebody already used the name Titan.
This looks awesome and massive, another impressive forge and no doubt will play as well as others you have produced. What does it shoot! Really like the similarities. If you need a warm body for more testing....
I've loved every map you've come out with so far, and this one looks like it's gonna fit right up there with the rest of them. Can't wait til' it releases!
This map looks very nice, I love the control room and red base. On a side note, you may want to name it differently as there is already a pretty good map released with Titan as its name. Im not talking about my Halo 3 map called Titan, there is a Reach map by Shadow Viper called Titan
Thanks for the initial comments everyone! I hope to get this out in December as a public release but this will require a good amount of balance tweaks since the bases are asymetrical. I am sure there are plenty of problems I will need to clean up. The cannon itself is pretty much going to stay the same though. I know that Shadow Viper remade Colossus and used the Titan synonym. I want Titan in the title but if people an think of a cool suffix or prefix to titan I may add it.
Maybe something like Project: Titan or something? Then if you do a remake you can call it Project: [something similar]
Im looking to playtest this tonight around 9pm est. Ive already got a couple PMS about interest. Anyone else wanna hop in?
That is actually a pretty cool name. I decided on Titan Project as the final name though. I have a new description too. It falls in with my funny descriptions of past maps better. New Description: This prototype rail cannon is the result of too much military spending in all the right places.
This looks great, i'd love to help test. I'm not gonna be able to play at 9 but I will be on later (probly around 12). Just send me an fr if you still need people (gt: CyborgAnthro).
I appreciate all of the playtesting last night! it was a very good time and alot of good comments were given. We also ended up getting 16 players and tested lots of modes and amps fora crazy good time (mostly).
This map just blew my mind. You thinking of getting anymore testing in before release? I'd love to join in if you are.
This map looks pretty nice. Seams as though it would only work for asymetrical game play though. The open base with the dish and the AA gun on it looks to be at a defense disadvantage.