First, I'd like to give you some background on this. This started off as an idea in my head. I wanted to make a small-medium sized asymmetric map with lots of variety for different scenarios. I also had an idea of the basic layout of the defending base, but nothing solid. Last Friday, my brother and I drove across the state for Winter break. I took the opportunity to do a top down sketch of my idea. It was a little rough (drawing a straight line in a shaky car isn't easy), so I transferred the design to grid paper once I had the chance. When I got home, I inspected Forge World to see where the best place for my design would be. There was a cave in my idea, so the coliseum was out. The only suitable place was the quarry, but my dimensions wouldn't fit. I got some more grid paper, moved some things around, re-sized some areas, and got a pretty good design on paper. I've spent the last few days getting it into Forge. What you're going to see is my original design mostly as it was on paper. I'd like some input on the design. I'd also like some ideas about the weapon layout. I have a few ideas of my own, but some other opinions would be nice. Also, I haven't come up with a name yet. I hope you like what you see. Any criticism would be extremely welcome. Thanks. I already feel that the attacking base (the last one pictured) needs to have a lower ceiling. I also think that it's lacking in aesthetics, as is the map as a whole. Any suggestions there would be very much appreciated.
I think this might have been a map better suited to be floating, the grass just doesn't flow well at all with the rest of the map. Also, the area in between your two structures is incredibly bland, I hope you end up creating something interesting in that area.
Floating? No, I don't see how that would work at all. If you get rid of the ground, there's really only one path between the two bases. As for the area between the structures, yeah, I think it's lacking as well. I've been experimenting with different pieces of cover, but I haven't found anything I've liked. If you have an idea for those areas, say so. That's why I posted this here.
I mean floating as in using pieces for the ground and not forge world's natural landscape. As for suggestions, I think you need to go more along the lines of creating some sort of structure instead of just placing "cover". Adding cover just for the sake of providing cover almost always looks out of place. Try creating some structure in the middle that flows well with the rest of the map and disrupts sight lines.
Nice layout, it could use some color and 'landmarks' could be more unique. Like the style, nice railing.
ah, I see what you mean now. Sorry about that. The problem with that is that I have a natural cave in the map. That would really look weird if the rest of the map was artificial. Besides, I like the grassy look. I don't really like the idea of having a structure in the middle on a map this small. I think it would over-complicate it. The mound in the middle with the 4 pillars works well for disrupting sight lines, as do the spike formations. The cover pieces that I have placed now are there to simply provide cover, but I don't think they look out of place. The slope theme that I've used unifies everything, and makes it look right.
Yes, the base concept seems nice but it lacks the anesthetics that most look for in a map. The center seems too open seems as if i would be shot from all sides. Just how many players is this map intended for?
8 players max. I'm already shuffling things around and adding more geometry to the middle. It's better now. I'm also trying to add better aesthetics. Any suggestions in these areas, particularly aesthetics, would be great.
I drew a quick doodle of one idea to help close off the middle a bit. The weird looking blue and purple things are man cannons. You may also want a stairwell up to the top on the front right side to be able to get up to top mid from that direction. Also the top mid platform might be a good place for rocket spawn. Hope this gets your ideas flowing... Also I think instead of those spiky things, smaller rocks might be better looking cover.
that's not bad, but the cannons would make for too easy access to the top of the defending base. No good for games like one-flag. I'll consider something like that structure though. That's a good idea.
It looks pretty good from the pictures, Id just suggest adding some sort of transition in the middle, or the map ends up looking bland. It looks like an interesting map that could play incredibly well if the right decisions are made.
I like the layout, as well as the proposed addition from CyborgAnthro. But the aesthetic would be improved if you replaced some of your ramps you have placed as cover with rock pieces. That would make it feel more organic, blending better with the fact that you are using the Quarry, which has a grass floor. You also have a rock cave, and it contrasts the lack of rock elsewhere in the map. This would also be solved by changing the ramp pieces to rocks as I mentioned. As for names, the first thing I saw when looking at this was a courtyard. But Courtyard would be a very ordinary name. So here are a few similar words: Terrace Aviary Curtliage Piazza Now those names are all both likely taken, and non-descript. I'm personally not a fan of the dual-names with maps, but I support them as there are simply too many maps out there for a single name to work. So... Your name is Decadence Night. Throw the purple filter on for the nightly effect, and go with something such as Evening Aviary.
I want to use rocks for cover pieces initially, but I used them all making the rock cave. It's the first one I've ever made, so I could probably do it better with another try. I'll try to salvage some natural pieces to use as cover. I agree with you, I think that some natural cover would be good. Those names are all pretty good, except for Piazza. Whenever I hear that word, I think of that scene in The Italian Job.
the platform sounds really good, I was going to suggest making the centre mound a roof, but this does that and more, i really like how there looks to be alot of cover for gunfights, butbwill that restrictmovementat all?