MLG Fusion

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by xXPhilyBluntsXx, Dec 12, 2010.

  1. xXPhilyBluntsXx

    xXPhilyBluntsXx Forerunner

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    Fusion is a highly competitive map with limited yet strategically placed cover in essence promoting lots of action and fast paced gameplay. This map was created with the MLG gametype in mind. The weapons, spawns, and load out pick ups all follow closely to what you would find playing in the MLG Playlist. This map was designed to showcase and build upon precision weapon skills (Response time, awarness of surroundings, and abillity to aim will certainly be huge factors on this map). One of the advantages of this map is it's openness which deters camping and nade spamming. The outcome of battles fought on this map will primarily be determined by individual's dmr or needle riffle skills. I made sure that movement across the map is unhindered and flows quite well, yet still the map offers unique features that will put your skills to the test. Give Fusion a download and watch as the head shots start stacking up. Thanks to SsTtOeNvEeR420, and A lagging Noob for the work they put in on this map and the crafty ideas they came up with. Also would like to Thank Macanada and Rawbillionaire for their feedback ideas and also playtesting.


    The center where rockets spawn was merely designed to get around the issues with making weapons fixed in order for them to float. There are two opposing lifts and rockets spawn between them. Something quite interesting came about from this it seems that the lifts cause the weapons to be dirty and dissapear after a set amount of time after spawning. Basically you have relatively small window of time to get rockets before they dissaper entirely from the map for the next 3 minutes. This feature will promote watching times for power weapon respawns and adding a new layer of complexity to the game play.


    This is blue base and initial blue spawn location.


    and Red base respectively

    here is a top down overview of the map for your veiwing pleasure.
    Also added in was the youtube video of my run through on this map.
    #1 xXPhilyBluntsXx, Dec 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 14, 2010
  2. Drummerboi420

    Drummerboi420 Forerunner

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    This looks really good I can't download right now but I will ASAP. If you wan't to run customs or test this out send a message to my buddy Secret Schnitzel. Hopefully Ill be on for the first run of this. The bases look amazing and original! Ill comment back when I play it.
  3. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Dude drummer, you must have read my mind cause I was just thinkin the same thing.
    I really like the changes in elevation on this map. This is definitely going up on my list of maps to run in customs tonight.
    #3 SecretSchnitzel, Dec 12, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2010
  4. xXPhilyBluntsXx

    xXPhilyBluntsXx Forerunner

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    Yeah the bases are actually quite simple and very open I wanted to make it so that you couldnt just hide out in them and try and take pot shots at people, there are no corners to hide around that will save you from a well placed frag. And the changes in elevation are my favorite part of this map the stunt ramps make the transition from bottom to top very organic and flow real nice. I wouldnt mind catching a custom with you guys some time give me a fr on xbox gamer tag is same as here.
  5. Drummerboi420

    Drummerboi420 Forerunner

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    Ya most definitely, we have a whole testing group. Btw I love to smoke da blunts myself!
    I warn you Tommy is a douche though lololol.
  6. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I booted Tommy after two "bad" maps we tested today as I got tired of him running his mouth. He takes douche to an extreme and I'm not bringing him into customs anymore.
    Didn't get to this yet tonight as I'm dead tired at this point. A couple other maps jumped ahead of this in my customs lobby. Hopefully will get to it tomorrow.
  7. Bleuprint

    Bleuprint Forerunner

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    Gotta run some customs on this with you Secret, let me know when you load them up. I really like the clean lines throughout the map and from running around it a bit, it seems like there will be ample cover with not too much clutter. Looks great and looking forward to getting some games on it.
  8. xXPhilyBluntsXx

    xXPhilyBluntsXx Forerunner

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    Hey sorry about this but I accidentally uploaded the wrong version of the map the one previous was before I playtested it. The latest version of the map has been resubmitted so all downloads after this are of the correct map I appologize for the inconvenience I guess thats what I get for trying to upload a map at 6am with no sleep lol.
    #8 xXPhilyBluntsXx, Dec 13, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2010
  9. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    yo secret, i got dibs on being in that customs lobby!

    My pure slaying power looks like it would go nuts on this map.
  10. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I love that first rush for rockets, even if you don't get it, your team can nade push the teleporters and regain them. I haven't had a serious game on it yet, but from what I could tell is that the top outer level was very open. MLG is open, but I found it to be a death sentence if you were there.

    My GT is JAYclash. Send me an invite whenever, I'd be happy to help test.
  11. Bleuprint

    Bleuprint Forerunner

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    I don't feel quite the same after playing a 4v4 on this map. Still love the overall map but had problems with a few things. The map is very open with a lot of "hard cover" as Secret mentioned during the game. It didn't promote navigating as much as camping behind different sections, which is disappointing because navigating the map freely with general cover would be quite nice.

    @ initial spawn both teams basically emptied the dmr's shooting the middle shields thinking we were putting shots on each other. I, and several others didn't like that the shields were their and the way the teleports worked. Some changes could really enhance gameplay but as it sits right now, its not a map i'd play on again unless some of the above problems were fixed.
    #11 Bleuprint, Dec 13, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2010
  12. xXPhilyBluntsXx

    xXPhilyBluntsXx Forerunner

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    The way the map is setup if you are playing against people who are a good deal better than you with a dmr then you are just going to get smoked I was kind of going for this. This map was not designed for casual gameplay it was designed to make game play fast and frenetic. With the spirit of mlg its all about skill with precision weapons the better you are the longer you live. All I can say is if you play strategically and keep your surroundings in mind and work as a team instead of lone wolfing it you will do quite well. As for the shield walls if I removed them it would be an immediate shot out right off the batt potentially trapping a team in their initial spawn I didnt feel that would promote positive gameplay. However I am not opposed to removing the lifts they are not integral to the map layout. Ive played this map with friends several times and none of us camped and since most of the cover is the covenant portable shield it only gives you effective shielding for so long and the map is open enough that it is easy to get past the camper's sheilding. I do appreciate the input however.
    #12 xXPhilyBluntsXx, Dec 14, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2010
  13. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It was the tower based on the ramp staircase pieces that promoted camping the most. Its also a bit easy to fall off that if your not careful. Some one had also mentioned something about a soft kill zone overlapping with one of its boundaries, but I didn't get the chance to check that out.
    With the covvy shields, they do die after two shots normally... but there is some off glitch in the game that makes it so that they don't die the first time, you have to wait till the shield refreshes to pop it. Besides, its mainly the cover crenelation pieces that are being utilized here.

    Hard cover is essentially a piece placed for the purpose of providing direct, or immediate, cover to a player. These are usually small bits that are close to the ground and involve crouching. Most often these pieces are also wide so as to provide increased protection in the case the opposing player starts to strafe horizontally to be a better angle.

    Rather than the use of hard cover, you should utilize building small "decorative" structures that both accent the map aesthetically as well as break up the line of sight. This will promote increased movement and better play in general.

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