Lazy, lazy, lazy, Bungie.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by DavidJCobb, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Ancient
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    Guess what I did in Reach.

    I went into Invasion. Got matched up with a bunch of lamers who decided to pick Invasion Slayer on Paradiso. Why? So they could spawnkill me and my AFK spawn-buddy for the entire goddamn game. They got 94 points off of that ****.

    So what I'm wondering is, what exactly made Bungie think that one spawn point -- ONE -- was sufficient for an entire third of a team? How could anyone who has ever played any video game think that that is a good idea? Can anyone on this forum honestly tell me that giving a player only one easily-accessible respawn point is a good idea?!

    Why do I mention this, aside from my need to vent? Simple. It's part of a pattern I've seen. A pattern of bugs that Bungie should've caught with even the slightest, most minimal testing. A pattern that leads me to an inevitable conclusion:

    Bungie doesn't even give one **** about Reach, let alone two.

    Here are a few more things that hint at shoddy game design and/or a lack of testing:

    Infection breaks when lives are enabled. We all know this glitch, and it's pissed off many a Forger. Here's the thing, though: had Bungie played around with the settings for even a few minutes, they should've found this. I mean, haven't they heard of Duck Hunt? And they still haven't patched it.

    You can shoot THROUGH a corner on Sword Base. What? Really? For serious? Bungie can't even make a contiguous collision hull for terrain? How hard is it to mash two cubes together, and then round the outer corner a bit, to get a working hitbox for that spot? Apparently, it's so hard, not even Bungie can do it!

    Host Migration causes AA loss. This bug existed in the Beta, and damn near everyone reported it. Bungie knew about this problem before the game was even released and they still haven't fixed it. We also lose Forge status on host migration -- that's right, the game doesn't even save whether you're in Edit Mode. FFS, Halo 3 did this! What, has the netcode gotten that much worse that they can't even save two important game mechanics? That'd explain why some people host-migrate five times per match.

    Mismatched structures on Asylum. Several Forge pieces on Asylum, red side, are mismatched. In one case, this even allows people to snipe out blue base from a ramp. The problem is that Bungie didn't use Edit Coordinates... And yet they did for all of blue side.

    Wait, what? They were making a symmetrical map in Forge, where each side had to match, and they didn't use Edit Coordinates? They didn't notice the mismatched ramp or the fact that their Corner, 2x2 was floating in midair? I can tell you right now, that's something I would've noticed while Forging, and I'll bet half of the people here -- at minimum -- woulda noticed the same thing. And I'm not even a professional. They're getting paid for this **** and they're still doing this worse than the fans. All it would've taken them is a few button-presses: A, B, down, A, X, literally. They couldn't even manage four button presses and a movement of the joystick.

    Asylum's rockslide still isn't patched. Literally the very day that Optimatch's Living Dead thread was created, people were reporting the rockslide problem. Bungie has known about it for months. The fix is moronically simple: just slap a Soft Kill Boundary on the rockslide. I could talk a five-year-old through it. Has Bungie done it? No.

    So Bungie's known about most of these problems for months. Half of them can be fixed in five minutes without even using a game update. Half of them never should've happened in the first case, and could've been avoided if they were paying any attention at all to what they were doing.

    I think that Bungie doesn't give a flying **** about this game.

    Your thoughts, community?
    #1 DavidJCobb, Dec 13, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2010
  2. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    I'm thinking maybe you should play another game. This one just makes you angry.

    It does take time to fix these things. Saying they don't give a **** about how their own game plays seems a little harsh, after all they had a public beta for testing and ironing out a lot of glitches. how many things would be wrong with it if they hadn't done that?

    Also, I think there are other threads you could have posted this in. Plenty of complainer threads.
    #2 IH8YourGamerTag, Dec 13, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2010
  3. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Ancient
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    Halo: Reach itself doesn't make me angry. The unpolished, un-attended-to glitches in Halo: Reach's maps make me angry. Better maps, less rage. Simple.

    Whatev, though, I don't even care anymore. I'll just stay off of Failmaking until they release a Title Update, with Grab Bag and maybe LD serving as possible exceptions.

    Feel free to lock or delete or whatever, mods, IDC anymore.
  4. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Do what I do. Stop ranting, go play Halo 3 or 2, they are fun. If not, then leave.

    I got so sick of Reach that I cannot stand to play a competitive game seriously because the competitive gameplay sucks (IMO) when compared to the previous Halo titles plus there are many exploits that have yet to be patched (but I am patient about patching). Instead of ranting, live with it or go play one of the other many Xbox games...
  5. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Its not that they don't give a **** about their game, its that they don't give a **** about balanced competitive play. By trying to make the game more "fair" and open to casual-tards, they've inadvertently opened the game up to further abuse by try-hards and the such.
    This is why I play customs. Your able to choose the skill level of the people you play with, which is (in my case better than MM lames), and you can play on balanced maps.
    When I do go into MM, its either for some MLG play with a To3 or To4. Sometimes I'll do SWAT for fun, or Social Slayer to womp on nubs.
  6. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    I have an idea. You create this game; give it expectations. Put out a public beta which surpasses your expectations and you try to fix the server issues. Then, spend the next five months working your ass off to squash as many bugs as possible, and still have time to keep the community updated. Then, out sell any Xbox 360 only game. ever. Keep trying to fix those bugs. Then, browse the community -- the very community that you created with your game -- and come across a thread with somebody ranting on things that are on the agenda but haven't been addressed yet. How do you feel?

    In case you haven't noticed, Bungie has acknowledged the rock slide, The armour abilities, and the infection issue.

    You think Bungie doesn't give a **** about their games? Look at Infinity Ward.. Oh wait. They were really ****ing stupid, even before they 'disbanded'. How long did it take to patch the infamous "Care Package Glitch"? How about Boosting? Oh yeah; they never fixed that..

    Compared to the rest of the market;
    And the most apologetic attention grab ever goes to.. ::Drumroll::... DavidJCobb!
    -For the fastest apology in a rant thread, ever.
    #6 pinohkio, Dec 13, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2010
  7. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    uh same thing, if you don't like gameplay on the maps, you don't like the game. You just posted over 10 paragraphs of what you think is wrong with the game. If thats not hate, or at least outright dislike, I don't know what is.

    Also, this game of invasion that was so terrible, you mention you had an AFK spawn buddy? Was that also on your xbox, specifically to have a player to spawn on? if so, please stop playing the game, throw it out, because I don't want to be matched up with YOU. People that do that make the game unbalanced as well, when your party of two is actually one player. how can you expect to do well at all in a match like that?

    I'm realizing its a waste of time to talk to players that do such things.
    #7 IH8YourGamerTag, Dec 13, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2010
  8. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Halo Reach is neither "glitchy" or "unpolished". However, it is ill thought out in regards to some maps and the spawns on the maps. It is intended to cater to the play style Bungie likes, CASUAL. If you want to enjoy the game, take my approach and play Customs and MLG.
  9. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    que? did you quote the wrong person?

    I am enjoying the game, and I didn't say "glitchy" or "unpolished" in that post.... :)
  10. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Bungie messed up many other things along with these. Just quit complaining because it's not going to change anything. It's doubtful that bungie even expects or cares that anyone will buy another one of their games.
  11. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Whooops, my bad. I did click quote on the wrong one. Meant to multi quote as I was chiming in on what you quoted.
  12. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Borderlands <3
  13. cookies4you

    cookies4you Halo 3 Era
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    To all Rants, "Deal with it". To all Rants with SMART Answers, wait for teh update. Said and Done.
  14. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    In Infection on Asylum; On the rockslide, zombies can get from behind. I used the top of the red base to get on top of the rockslide and get an infection Triple Kill.
  15. Chan

    Chan Forerunner
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    Not only does host migration mess up AA, but I get bad framerate dips for about a minute after one as well.

    I agree that Bungie is taking way too long to fix these problems. As far as I know, Pinnacle is still the unbalanced POS that it has always been.
    #15 Chan, Dec 14, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2010
  16. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    Its true.

    I agree that the rockslide area is a stupid and obvious spot that bungie should have noticed and blocked in the first place.

    But, really, zombies have increased jumping distance and evade, meaning they can access that spot faster and easier than the humans. In the infection games i have played on it, it has not been difficult to organize a swarm and get up there relatively fast and take out the humans. The zombie can move thru the softkill much faster as well.
  17. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Too much italics. Too much anger.

    When I read posts like this, all I can think is that the author is way too worked up to see straight. Bungie demonstrably "cares" about their games more than most big development companies. They tend to release better and more stable updates. They are more responsive to the community, acknowledging issues and blogging about what they are working on fixing and how. Their accessibility and transparency beats the crap out of many other big names - Infinity Ward, Capcom, EA, Rockstar - whose games I have also played and enjoyed. But they are imperfect, and I wouldn't claim otherwise.

    It's not realistic to expect them to fix everything immediately in the exact manner you want it fixed. Having worked for a software company for over a decade I know - it's not possible. There are limited man hours that go into development and testing, and it's bad for business to release a never-ending stream of mini-patches. By necessity, you have to put everything together in occasional large updates. With each of those, you spend weeks or months putting it together; then you test the hell out of it, test it some more just to be sure, and cross your fingers when the update goes out. That's just the business. And the bigger your company and more popular your product, the more those rules apply. On top of that Bungie has to process all their updates through Microsoft, which supposedly takes some time and adds a second level of stress to any patch they want to put out (at least if you can believe EA's developers, which I'm not sure you can).

    Beyond all that though, there's just a general question of whether or not it's worth getting this mad about minor problems in a game. I don't think it is. Maybe Bungie could do a better job, but who isn't that true of? What is it gaining us to ever get this hostile? It can't possibly make you feel better, and when Bungie reads things like this I imagine they mostly roll their eyes. There are some good points here but they are buried in an avalanche of rage, sarcasm, and exaggeration. It does the community no favors when any of us acts like this, and judging by Bungie's own forums, a whole lot of us are acting like this all the time. Which is why I mostly stay off of Bungie's forum, and usually keep the audio muted when I'm playing with randoms in matchmaking. I never stop being surprised how angry people seem to be about things that barely even matter in the big picture. It's a game, not life-saving surgery. It cost $60, not $6000. Take a deep breath.
  18. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    thank you. you said everything I've been trying to articulate when I see threads like this.
  19. TCD

    TCD Forerunner

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    Bungie sucks! I know. Last time inranted the thread got banned cuz people were debating with flames.

    Anyway i agree. Like really? One spawn? When i make a map for invasion ill put 3 or 4 spawns. The asylum issues are also major in my opinion. Especcially the infection one.

    The sword base thing is retarded. I got sniped through that thing in swat. Probably a stray shot and my bad luck though. D:

    And pinnacle is unbalanced. The tower is too easy to camp in. One team also spawns right beside the rocket.

    Dont know what host migration is though. Please dont call me a noob.
    #19 TCD, Dec 14, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2010
  20. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    You know when the game goes to blackscreen (scores shown against a black background) when someone quits out? That's because that person was the host and it is migrating host to a new player. It sometimes (often in Reach) happens without the host quitting out, but because the game decides the host's connection isn't good enough and it switches to someone else. I've noticed it as more of a problem in Reach too, it happens right at the start of a game a reasonable amount, and I've had games with up to 4 host changes without a single quitter being responsible. Sometimes when you come back from blackscreen you'll have randomly lost your AA and won't get it back until you die and respawn. This happened to me once on Countdown, right at the start of the game and I had to play the whole game with no AA, got a perfection ;).

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