Super happy face I'm gonna make the beginning uncampable/unbreakable tonight... this has been sealed in blood. In regards to the assassinations, I have played games without them, it does seem for lack of better word fairer, but the game lacks the pace and sense of panic and urgency without it. When players first step foot into the streets, they have a reason to stay alert, work together and get the hell out of there. Why? One hit assassination kills. Without the assassinations there wouldn't be this style of gameplay which I feel that lots of players enjoy. Again, thanks a lot Organite for the high review, a 10/10 for enjoyment makes me a happy panda to say the least [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thread updated; new map variant posted. You can no longer break the map and you can't camp inside the starting building anymore. You've got 80 seconds to get out as soon as the game starts.
Act 3 deleted itself off my hardrive, because I'm doing a lot of other things right now I think I'll restart it during the winter holidays when I have more free time.
You know it would actually be great if Bungie used this for a matchmaking infection set-up. Like how they used to in week-end double experience days.
I love this map, and I can't wait to play the second version with some of the fixes. I have to say assassinations make this game. Every time I play this, there's always that one moment where I turn around to help my friend to see him being assassinated by a zombie, then turning back around to run and seeing the friend in front of me being assassinated.
The last act sould be the first act backwards in a even more torn down city. You should have some more falcons at the ending that you jump in and fly to a haven where you get extra points
^ been done, and just no. As is it is pretty fair for both zombies and humans and other than making the initial area uncampable that would be all I change about it.
so how do you make the "tank" or alpha zombie in halo reach? [br][/br]Edited by merge: Here is a crazy idea why not have it like in the halo campaign. When the player is separated for the party (aka they stay behind to camp) they are teleported were the rest of the party would be at that point it time. For example they stay inside the building instead of heading outside. Then after the time allotted to leave has timed out they are teleported outside the building where the rest of the party is. Now some people are going to get mad at me for throwing this idea out there saying, "But we might get killed by the zombies!" Well my friends if you weren't trying to camp in the first place you wouldn't be in such a mess now would ya! >
Download the V2, the beggining is entirely uncampable now. Humans have a limited amount of time to get out of the builduing or a teleporter will kill them. To make the "tank" special infected I just used a custom powerup.
So apparently they removed the alpha zombie for the game. Bummer... I remember being able to have that option for Halo 3. Thanks for the info.
That is one sweet map Rifte! I gave it a download. I like the crashed falcon alot because it gives the feeling of how the area is abandoned. It feels kind of like Halo 3 ODST, except when you die, you become the zombie, and you have to get to a certain place. An awesome map, Rifte, job well done!
This map is so much fun to play with a huge party. I like the fact that you can't camp the main building. The crashed Falcon is a nice touch to give the feeling of hopelessness
Act 3: The hotel Hello everyone, i just made an Act 3: The hotel map the continues the series.... if rifte does not want me to play this map i will not.... but i was just going to say that if you want to test it out then just send me a message and ill invite you to a game... again rifte if you do not want me to play this then just ask and i will delete it i ment not to take your map.
This map looked awesome and i had fun exploring it i couldnt find enough friends who play infection custom games and would love an invite from someone who does. GT XxDangerXlinexX sorry bout the long GT [br][/br]Edited by merge: Oh and also how did you get the falcon to smoke at the start of the game because it doesn't save damage?
Awesomesauce!!!!! I hate infection! Almost as much as grifball, but I DLed this map anyway because I liked the concept, and look of it. I DLed it a while back and forgot about it till a buddy of mine booted this bad boy up the other night....Genius. You obviously put alot of thought into creating the necessary tension to make this balls to the wall super edge of ur seat madness, amazing job! BTW Please let us know how you pulled off the ladder. I tried to duplicate it, but was unable. Thanks MRX
I myself, played the Act 1 before playing the Act 2. The way our party played it was "We are not playing Act 2 until we beat Act 1!" Gotta say that the gameplay was spectacular, and we all enjoyed it. I don't think the assassinations should be taken out since it makes the game that much more intense. And to be honest, we still haven't finished Act 2 yet. But let everyone know when Act 3 is released please! Would very much like to play it! As it is, you should take a look at another guys' map and gametype. I can't recall his name, but he made a Resident Evil 2 map where he was able to make the Safe Havens work. If you can find the map, ask him and he might be able to inform you on how to get it right. If I remember correctly, I think he said something about mines and such that were used to get it to work. Thanks again! I'm going to go play some more of this map now!
Where is part 3? My and my chaps are waiting for you to post it! You are an amazing forger and the entire community would like to see more.
Wait, is there actually a way to make it so the survivors only win if they're in a certain area, or is that just a figurative way of saying, "You weren't on the boat, so you didn't really win?"
This looks awesome! I prefer Slayer over infection but after watching the gameplay video I just had to download it and try for myself. I like how you added a storyline to it and made it so people couldn't just camp in a corner and get a ton of kills. I'd love to play this map with a full party( I don't have enough friends who play halo). If you need more people to play this, my GT is Bullet Rebel.