I'm agnostic but I love Christmas because my family celebrates it and they are all so happy during, so why hate it? Anyways, ofcourse Macy's would be so lame to make it so you have to walk in there =/ They could TOTALLY make it so you could submit your letter online... But they want people to walk in and see the pretty new jewelry or skirt or wtfever... To security77: Pro troll skills. Hope you have a terrible real life.
No letter from me. Those Make-a-Wish kids are so full of themselves. Spoiler Also, there's no Marcy's in Australia. But mostly that first reason. Those smug sons-of-bitches. Think they can cut in line because their hourglass is broken.
Blew me away with how inconsiderate you are "transhuman." Hope karma comes around and throws a hourglass cutter you're way.
My grandmother died of cancer. Have a little heart instead of thinking of you and your forge maps all the time. The reason that this is stickied is that one of our members has been given the mercy by his religious idol to live and fight off cancer. He won. He wants to help a child in need. He wants to get people in the holiday spirit. I nearly came to tears when I found out he was a cancer survivor. Cancer and other non-communicable diseases have stricken my family and his too. Now stop being a **** and help us make a little joy in this heartless, war-barren world.
I'm terribly sorry about your Grandmother. =/ What you said really touched my heart, and I thank you for saying what you did. I'd just like everyone to know that we've reached: 904,281 letters to Santa!!! Not even 100,000 till we reach 1,000,000!!! This is a great achievement, and once we reach 1 Million, it will be a VERY joyous day for me personally, and many, MANY, children all over the world.
**** Yeah, Santa is my homie, man. I personally dont know anyone to close to me who has fought cancer but it is free and goes to people who need it. To all you inconsiderate douchebags out there, think before you post. If you dont have something nice to say then just stfu.
The letter below is to you too, asscrack. UPDATE: The make a wish foundation has received 997,137 letters. Just about 3 thousand more.... [br][/br]Edited by merge: **** YEAH. We got over 1,000,000 letters! Just in time for Christmas! Even Celebrities like Donald Trump, Jessica Simpson, Tommy Hilfiger, Kim Kardashian, Carrie Underwood, and Tony Hawk have written letters to Santa. Our mission is complete.