Figured I should update the OP seeing as the game's actually out now. Hard to believe I made this thread only an hour or so after it's announcement and now here we are with Skyrim in our PCs and Xboxes. Anyways, yeah. Discuss Away! \/ Original/Updated OP from June \/ Spoiler Someone had to do it... Announce Trailer YouTube - The Elder Scrolls V (5): Skyrim Official Trailer Full Trailer YouTube - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Full Trailer HD E3 Gameplay YouTube - Skyrim - E3 Gameplay‏ Discuss. Nostalgia. Rant about the fact we have to wait 'til November.
I just jizzed on all of your faces because of that. Do want. Btw, I really hope its better than oblivion story wise.
When is the release date? I'm really excited about this. I always wonder what I'll be playing in the coming years, but then some game always pops up and I know already.
Oblivion really didn't have that bad of a story to it at all. It followed the path of most rpg's int that you wake up in amnesia and must quest to uncover truths about your past, the thing that made oblivion so much better is that you focused on the history of another character in stead of your own. This meant that you could play the game any way you wanted to. So, it wasn't a game that wanted you to go deeper down the rabbit hole; It wanted you to make your own rabbit hole.
Holy ****, really? This bad boy comes out on my birthday next year! And rusty, I meant that most of the stuff was cliched, evil demon guy that wants to destroy the world just for the hell of it, evil cult that wants to resurrect an evil demon just for the hell of it... you get it. I did like the guilds and how much you could do though, I just thought it was kind of stupid how I had almost no attachment to the characters I made.
That's why I liked Shivering Isles so much, it was far more entertaining, but I felt it was more of a task to explore the region and have what felt like a home base. The quest line was far better, but it lacked in the freedom department. Skyrim will obviously follow in the footsteps of 'save your world from destruction storyline'. Ultimately, the idea of the conflict in the game will be cliche, but I hope they add some interesting stuff in there. I love it when they introduce some alice in wonderland type stuff into the game. Although, stuff like that seemed to happen more in Fallout than in Oblivion. It would be cool to see some of the stuff break away from the traditional fantasy styled middle ages game and introduce some memorable characters.
Well, I can tell Forgehub likes The Elder Scrolls... Anyways, it's amazing that Bethesda actually announced it to the world. There'd been rumors spreading around for a long time and everyone knew it was coming, but it's great they finally flat out told us that we're getting another installment in the series.
I'm pleased. I haven't played I or II, but I've play Morrowind and Oblivion. Bethesda makes some pretty solid games IMO. I loved those two and Fallout. This looks like something I'd want to buy.
Spears, katanas, crossbows, throwing stars, throwing knives, halberds, also bring back left and right pauldrons, and left and right gauntlets, also the ability to wear clothes under armor. All of this was in Morrowind. It should be in Skyrim aswell IMO. Also some new Ideas: - Throwing axes - Throwing Spears - Add Bloodmoon creatures like These - Play as a werewolf - Not every Nord sound retarded - Environments besides snow. - Horse Sleds - Better horse controls, fight from horseback. - Not so much leveled items - More useful and cheaper houses. - Children That is what I want in the new game.
I just want to be worshipped when I become so powerful I loved morrowind for the fact you eventually found out you were a chosen one, and that every perceived you as the next coming of a great god. Oh, and I hope the Thieves Guild has some epic quests again <3