Well Watch

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Hank102938, Dec 10, 2010.

  1. Hank102938

    Hank102938 Ancient
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    Well Watcher - Download
    Guardians of the wells will give their all to abolish human activity in the caves.

    The basic overview of the map. At the very bottom you see part of the lookout.
    Next there are the three wells where the zombies will come out. At the top where the
    bunkers are and the pools of water, the humans will spawn.

    The human spawn. Not much more to say...


    An alternate view of the wells. The blue well, closest, the purple well and the red
    well, farthest, lead to the zombie spawns underwater. There are paths to the
    aforementioned lookout by the red and blue wells.

    A good ol' panoramic of the zombie spawn. Its not as large of a space as it looks.
    The zombies can chose one of the three lifts to come up to the surface.

    Game type: As for the game type settings, any zombie game will do.
    I would recommend this game type. Its not specific to any map, but has more classic
    zombie settings such as humans have a shotgun and no radar. Zombies have a 3
    second 500% damage increase at spawn in case a human finds it necessary to enter
    one of the wells.

    That about wraps it up.
    Download Well Watch
  2. ringOFtones

    ringOFtones Ancient

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    That's a pretty good idea you have. Looks like pretty clean forging. Have you ever thought of reversing the objective, zombies above, humans below. It would be a good spinoff map
  3. Hank102938

    Hank102938 Ancient
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    Actually now that you mention it, reversing the objective would be interesting. The humans would have to escape the wells and find better defending ground such as the lookout. I could see it. Thanks for the thought, any other suggestions for the map?
  4. Cowco231

    Cowco231 Forerunner

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    i think the whole lookout looks pretty awesome.
    but whats bugging me is only three wells, and with big parties, thats major campage
    i would add a cave coming out of the rocks and maybe another well behind the spawn. aswell the map needs something for people to focus on other then well watching. so possibly starirs that lead to weapons? or better vantage points? not sure, you decide, but thiss just looks great! its simple without crazy buildings or pointless towers.
  5. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    maybe insted of the three wells bsing right next to each other, you could put them in a triangular formation around the or a base.

    possibly make a V2 and have the wells be holes made of rock with red lights at the bottom, making it look like lava (kill balls optional) have the zombies be red and such. this could be fun =)
  6. simonstwin

    simonstwin Ancient
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    Cool map, but not sure what the purpose is.

  7. TNort17

    TNort17 Forerunner

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    I'm pretty sure the concept is to keep the zombies from escaping the wells and killing you. Give the guy a little credit it's a good idea and seems like it could be fun 7/10.
  8. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    I love this map!

    This is one of the best maps that I have seen in quite some time. The well idea, with the bottom of the wells being a playable area, is pure genius! Its simply awesome.

    I also like your asthetics in the map. You blended rocks, water, metal, and grass very nicely to produce great color variation in this map.

    The ridge that is above the wells is another nice touch. I was very surprised when I saw that, and even more surprised when I saw that you allow players to go up there.

    The main thing I think the map lacks is size. Its kind of small, and is mainly just oriented around humans camping the zombies as far as gameplay. I must admit I haven't got to play a game on the map, but it appears thats how the gameplay goes. I'm not necessarily saying the gameplay seems like it will be bad, but just that I wish the map could work for other kinds of gameplay as well. I wish there were places to run around and such. Hopefully you get what I mean.

    Regardless of that small drawback, I think this is an awesome map. Your concept for this map is just pure genius.

    It has actually inspired my next map somewhat, once I finish the one I'm working on now. I will hopefully incorporate a playable underwater area into my next map that really feels like a seperate, underwater area, rather than just a stream, ocean, submerged tunnel, pond, water pit, or whatever like is usually worked into maps. I just love the idea of an underwater area in a map, that is truly another underwater area, not just a body of water or a submerged, flooded tunnel.

    I actually have a huge water pit in the map I'm working on now, or its floating on the ocean, whichever way you want to look at it, but your concept here is just completely different, and far, far better.

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