Thanks a lot for the feature! I am very surprised that this was featured (especially now) due to how soon it came out after Reach was released. Either way though, I really appreciate the feature, and I hope you guys enjoy the map!
Hello everyone, I am in ne ed of someone with great forging skills and ideas to help finish the spawns, weapon placements, and all that other "good" stuff that is a pain to place to create an even balance throughout the map. That is why I need someone to do these few things for me. With that, you will recieve full credit for all your ideas, tweaks in the map, and anything else you could have possibly done to help me. If you would like to help me out with my map, add my gt, Lnterrogation (Just to clear up any possible confusion, The I in "i"nterrogation is an "L", not an actual "i"). Looking forward to forging with some new people, Interrogation
Yeah, for sure. I think saying "aesthetics mean jack ****" is completely wrong - of course they mean something. If the all maps which were shipped with Reach such as Boardwalk, Countdown, Zealot, etc, were instead built in Forge World using Forge there'd have been mass uproar, even if the gameplay was identical. I do feel there is too much important placed on aesthetics nowadays and sometimes it is preferred over gameplay which is definitely just plain wrong - but the way a map looks can be very important in defining it and making it more interesting for a player in the long term. I can get bored easily of looking at a grey Forge wall, but I'll never get bored of the space backdrop on Anchor 9, which, if it was built in Forge World, would probably be nothing more than a couple of blocks. OT - Leviathan is a great map and has fantastic gameplay and flow, which has been said many times. And aesthetically I really liked it, I don't know how people can find it boring - the geometry and architcture was extremely well done, even if it was simple. Congrats on the feature.