This is why I hate COD. Seriously at 1:31 you can see the sparks from the shot hit the wall hit well behind the guys head, and at 1:34 you just kind of shout the air next to him and blood spurted out. WHY CAN'T I DO THAT? I have to hit EXACTLY with a sniper to even hurt someone, and don't even ask me to get a head shot because that NEVER happens. I hate these montages because they show how awsome people can be if the game where to JUST WORK. /rant great montage, you really are a great player, I just wish whatever screws me over in these games would stop (I think it's my connection but I always have almost full bars). Also, what were you using at 2:55, I've not played black cops online yet.
Blaze, I think the point of the spin around and shoot is too shoot the guy as you're spinning, not spin around, stop and find the guy again. Stupid. Also, you're aim is atrocious. Shot after shot was placed behind the person and yet you get kills. Shows how terrible the game is. @Richard, over half his quick scopes were on players focused in another direction. Keyword: flank.
I thought this was really good. You had a nice variety of clips and even though some luck might have been on your side I think you have quite a lot of skill with the sniper. I know that I'd never be able to run around with a sniper and actually get kills.
Haha, thank you. Don't worry, I know exactly how you feel and I ensure you that I ask my friends the same questions all the time. In the video everything was recorded from someone else and when you go into theater mode in this game, things change slightly. I hit all of those shots I swear. And I get those moments where even a person is standing still and its like the bullet is coming out of the side of my gun but the redial is right on their chest. I am a much better player than this shows, this is all just showing off funny screwing around and having a good time clips where I did something I feel was amusing. I have other videos on my channel too, if you want check em out. I understand what you mean, and actually people like optic rarely do that themselves. They often even spin before jumping to then aim their shots out. In mw2 I was a little more fluent with my shots and 360s but with the nerf I just take my time a little more to ensure that I don't make a total fool out of myself. again, for the shots after the people, that would be from the theater system. I wish I had a capture card myself so that I could show you real-time what it looks like. And I agree, it makes the game terrible cause even if it looked differently originally on my screen, this is probably how it was on theirs and I know I get pretty annoyed when I get killed around a corner. :/ Most of the just regular quickscopes were more of clips to slow how fast I got the 5 or so killstreak without missing a shot. Thanks for the input, I appreciate it, and I'm sorry that you may not have enjoyed it. The only luck honestly is that the people were in the right place at the right time for me. I actually land almost every 360 I do without too much of a problem. I usually plan them wisely rather than just trying until I get one. Plus I take my time a little more than most people. haha. BUT I choke on collaterals all the time, the only ones I get are brap. XD Thank you for the view and reply.