
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Antares777x, Nov 21, 2010.

  1. Antares777x

    Antares777x Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    EXCLUSION, my second map on Forge Hub. My first map, Martyr (Version 1.1 was released just a few moments ago, so be sure to check it out!), was rather overlooked, so I hope the community likes this map better!


    Exclusion was originally inspired by Construct, yet it clearly doesn't look anything like it. It has four lines of symmetry, and is converse symmetrical. It's a structure built around two towers that rise up out of the water. The higher you rise on this map, the less cover there is, but there is more room. And likewise, as you descend to the lower levels, the amount of room decreases. This in theory is supposed to balance out fighting in all levels, since more people will gravitate towards the top, there will be more room for fighting. The bottom isn't that bad of a place to chill either, because of the sword, which is located there. There are six ways to get from the bottom up: there are four ramps at each of the corners, and two teleporters behind the towers, which skip tier 2 and go straight to tier 3. From tier 2, there are only two ways to ascend to tier 3, which would be the ramps at the side towers. Going down, there are infinite ways because you can jump down. NOTE: jumping from tier 3 to tier 1 will injure you. If you jump from tier 3 to tier 2, and then to tier 1, you'll be fine. All in all, I was hoping gameplay would revolve around tier 3, with players descending for power weapons, then rising back up. This would create RvR, and should influence a good flow for the map.

    Weapon List:
    -(weapon)/(spawn timer, in seconds)/(number of extra clips)/(amount on map)/(location on map)
    -Needle Rifles/30/2/2/top towers, by the receivers.
    -DMRs/30/2/4/one in each spawn and side tower.
    -Sniper Rifle/180/2/1/top middle.
    -Fuel Rod/180/1/1/middle bridge.
    -Energy Sword/180/*/1/bottom middle.
    -Spikers/60/2/2/one behind each tower, tier 2.
    -Plasma Grenades/30/*/4/one for each side tower and each sender.

    -Plasma Batteries/120/*/10/two on each tier 1.5 ramp platform and above the Fueld Rod spawn.

    The weapons list (above) was typed based off of memory and may be incorrect on unimportant weapons, but the power weapon stats are accurate.


    *Since I was playing "Slayer Pro", the Energy Sword was replaced by a Plasma Pistol :'(*














    Known Issues/Inconveniences:
    -Power weapon placement. I want to know on which tiers the Sniper Rifle, Fuel Rod, and Energy Sword would be best placed.
    -Only compatible with Team Slayer and Slayer; this will be addressed in version 1.1

    ~NOTE: These are some changes that I may have thought of and that other people may have thought of, and are NOT a list of changes that WILL be incorporated into the next update, but MIGHT be incorporated.

    ~Download Exclusion!~

    ~Feedback is greatly appreciated! I need the best and meanest criticsm on all of my maps!~
    #1 Antares777x, Nov 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 9, 2010
  2. RodziR

    RodziR Forerunner

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    I can't find anything bad to say from the pictures. Would need some hard testing to find flaws, and I don't xbl man power to do that. Map itself looks smooth. You have found a natural way to use pieces. All just fits together and I love it.
  3. DownfieldCrown

    DownfieldCrown Ancient

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    Its funny how people sometimes are only waiting for the moment you make a mistake... Anyways, enough about constructive criticism, i have to agree, its good lookin and playable. ;D thumbs up
    #3 DownfieldCrown, Nov 22, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2010
  4. Antares777x

    Antares777x Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Glad you guys like it!

    I've been frantically updating all of my maps because I am running out of time to submit them to the Forgetacular contest, so expect me to update this version when of if I submit this map.

    I need testers because right now everyone on my friends list is playing Black Ops and I still need to get a 4v4 vid on my maps. If anyone is willing to help with testing this week, pm me.

  5. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    Looks like on of those offshore oil gathering towers. If the map had either the Purple FX or the Next Gen FX it would look really great as an infection map.

    I bet it would also play really well as as infection map. Humans trying to get to the top of the base to fend against the zombies coming up from below. :)
  6. YourInnerChild

    YourInnerChild Forerunner

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    Your download now link is broken. I'm able to find the file on your fileshare, but the link from here needs to go directly to the map file.
  7. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    I fixed your DL link. Be sure to double check that next time because without a working DL link, your map is technically not up to standards and will be locked.
  8. Antares777x

    Antares777x Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Oops, I must have forgotten to fix it after updating it, thanks!

    Edited by merge:

    Actually, I don't think that this would play well on infection, because of how the higher you go, the larger the dance floor gets, and more lines of sight it grants to the lower levels. Once humans get too the top, they aren't going to leave - and trust me, it's not hard to get to the top of this map. The zombies would also get demolished because of the line of sight to the lower levels and openness of the top level.
    #8 Antares777x, Dec 9, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2010
  9. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    Hmmm... well in truth I didn't realize that the players could access the towers. That does indeed change things. However the general idea of the bottom being more close quartered and the top being more open is a great idea for a zombie map. After all infection in close quarters can be a pain (unless the gametype has a shotgun). So it would make sense for the humans to run to the top in order to have more room to fight. Plus those killed on the lower levels would join the zombie swarm and swarm the upper levels.

    However that only works if you don't have towers such as these. Sorry I didn't realize they were usable. :(
  10. Antares777x

    Antares777x Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I never said that you can use the towers. You can't. They're for show.

    Well, I don't play enough Infection to understand what makes a good Infection map, but I see where you are coming from.

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