Just dropped in to it with a friend and we've won all 3 games so far, so perhaps I'm a bit biased when I say it's hella fun. Anyone else got a chance to play it yet, and if so what are your thoughts? EDIT: The gravity problem has now been resolved, but the runtime maximums for the weapons on maps are still not fixed. Any help with the cause of keeping this thread all up in Bungie's grill would be much appreciated, though obviously well mannered and constructive posts are a must, there's been too much bitching from MLG forums posters on B.net already.
Yeah, I played one game on Sanctuary and went straight to customs to see why the jumps weren't working. :/
I would like, flame on if these end up being new MLG settings or something. I hope to god that it is just a mistake.
Wow I didn't even notice it (Probably cause I haven't been party leader)! I have a feeling team snipers and SWAT are gonna miss me
I've played 1 game of it so far and I must say that it is much better than arena. Hopefully bungie can fix the gametype settings soon, the jetpack is useless right now
I had never played MLG in Reach before so when I played today, I was really confused as to why the jetpack was even on some of the maps if it was so useless.. then I found out there were mistakes with the gametype. Finals got me occupied now, so I won't really get to play much until afterwards. Then hopefully I'll be able to enjoy some good old competition for the first time in Reach.
Ok, apparently the updated versions haven't loaded on to everyone's boxes yet, so it depends on the game. I just had one game with fixed settings, followed by one still with the broken settings. I gotta say, though, the first game made me quite sad. With the settings now working as they should be, there's nothing left to use as an excuse in my mind as to what's actually frustrating me so much about playing. Playing against actual decent people, let alone decent To4's with a team shot, has shown me just how bad bloom really is. In the space of a few games I've given up pacing completely and done much better for it, what Bungie did with this excuse for weapon bloom really is depressing when the truth is highlighted by people who know that spamming works at most ranges and can actually hit shots. TS and the mostly awful people therein had cushioned the blow until now, Halo just got a lot more fun and a lot more dull at the same time.
what actually are the MLG settings.. I know the Halo 3 settings were basically br starts, faster movement, less damage resistance, and crappy weapons on maps.. and stupidly open maps. So basically Halo 3 MLG sucked.. And then today i was in customs with some random people and we played MLG, and it seemed even worse than Halo 3 MLG, but that might be because i couldn't understand the settings. The effectiveness of headshots seemed to have been toned down to match the damage done by normal body shots, which i found weird.. :S anyway, what are the settings? If i can understand it, maybe i would like it more.
I found it to be. Obviously at longer ranges it's still worth it, but at close to mid ranges I just found it to be a death sentence. I've been getting my pacing down since Reach came out, I was the first to pick it up amongst my friends and owned (comparatively speaking) because of it. I've made kills with it, but I'm coming to the conclusion that at anything below longer ranges (below scoping distance basically), it's more worth pacing properly only if you're definitely shots up or have a decent jump on someone. It may not be so much that spamming always beats pacing, but that as soon as you have 2 or more DMRs on you, you'll just die before making a kill with paced shots, and the same at mid to closer ranged 1v1's. I've also noticed my assists going up significantly when playing MLG, which again leads me to believe that skill + a teamshot is what's really bringing the bloom so heavily to my attention. I've played a reasonable amount of Arena before now and faced people much better than myself, but a focused and aggressive team shot is a rarity in Arena if you're going in alone and the majority are there for their own stats. Also, to be fair, pretty much every game I've played has been pretty fast and rushy, no real slow standoffs, and in my experience the latter is more conducive to pacing for kills. And honestly, this is coming from one night of play, albeit bringing longer terms frustrations to a head, but I suppose what I'm getting at is that I'm genuinely a little surprised how much pacing has screwed me over tonight. I can't even put it down to connection since I had host for a couple of games and didn't do much better for it even with the warrior status this gave me against the poor US guys who were having to play on my host. Idk, my DMR just feels more and more useless the more I play MLG, I'm gonna try out some heavy NR action tomorrow and see how that works out. However, Sniping on Sanc is like heaven.
is the MLG playlist just MLG settings on MLG default maps? or have they incorporated new custom map variants chosen by MLG into this as well?
The only Forge variant in there right now is KC's version of Asylum (or rather, more accurate remake of Sanctuary, hence its name). Word is that community maps are being looked at for v3, and I've no idea on the latest from those who get games with KC/follow the testing more closely, but as for community variants Genome is the map that's probably received the most official and public mention so far. Halo 3 MLG had a 110% damage modifier rather than lower damage resistance, though maybe the 90% shield recharge rate is what you're thinking of. I don't get what you mean about stupidly open maps, though. The only community variants were Amp and Ons (save for a brief while were Lockdown was in) and they were hardly massively open. Though honestly, if you didn't like the weapons set or the rest of H3 MLG, you'll quite likely not like Reach's either. They're very different games, but the driving ethos behind why those weapons and setups were picked is the same across both in terms of MLG design. I don't know what you're talking about with the body/headshot thing, I don't think that's even possible. The settings are (as far as changes from default): -110% speed/jump height -150% grav -75% melee modifier -Sprint starts -DMR/NR loadout options -No radar -Warm up time on AA off respawn -Evade and JP as pickups (map dependant)
MLG, OMG. ALL THE WAY. IT'S... IT'S LIKE A DOUBLE RAINBOW. Actually, even though I lost all my three matches, I loved it. MLG just might save Halo: Reach.
So... I had my first game of MLG on Sanctuary.. My GT is The Wunder Here are the stats. Feel free to laugh your ass off that I got beat 2v4 against some pros. Oh, and one of them had inclement weather which was pretty interesting to look at.
Does anyone else besides me think that there should not be any starting AAs or just get rid of AAs completely? Anywho, I really enjoy the new playlist. For once in MM I'm actually trying to do the objective in objective gametypes. I don't think I've actually touched the bomb until today. I've also gone back to bumper jumper, it'll take a bit of getting used to but I think it'll help me in the end.
Those weren't pros. Probabjy just a team of 4 playing competitively and coordinated-ly (that's a word now). Anyway, regarding the bloom discussion, the fundamental problem with it is that Bungie (or Microsoft, I don't know who exactly gets the blame) has this philosophy that everybody's mother should be able to play the game. According to this philosophy, people who don't realize what bloom does should still be able to get kills. Bloom won't make an ignorant player miss too many shots because then that player won't have fun and won't spend their own $60 on it. Basically, they've made the bloom idiot proof, but in doing so have made it pro proof as well. If it was implemented well, spamming max speed at mid range would give you a snowball's chance in hell of landing a 5 shot, and the player that controlled it better would win. Instead, spamming at mid range gives you a really good chance of landing 5 shots faster than the other guy.