
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Kyler, Dec 6, 2010.

  1. Kyler

    Kyler Forerunner

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    Photon is a small 1v1 or 2v2 map built by Dr Killmore. This is one of the first maps known to use Tempest's laser. There is one large, linear area around the laser, and two identical spawn hives on each side (thanks Dulden). The center includes two levels to battle on, the top featuring the Sword. Although many gametypes are supported, slayer is recommended.


    Big thanks to Dulden for help on the spawn hives and many other various objects. Thanx!


    Please leave comments!
    #1 Kyler, Dec 6, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2010
  2. High Charity

    High Charity Forerunner

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    I like it . people are trying to get people from not using DLC maps but you cant get a giant laser beam running through a forge world map . I like the look of it . it's very clean looking ( in the sense that its very bright ) . I will DL right away
  3. Dulden

    Dulden Forerunner
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    Dude your already done?!?!? Wow. Oh by the way, IT'S SO BLUE! Since you don't feel like giving me enough credit I guess I can't copy and paste it to XF on my account. How'd the testing go? Hopefully good since you released it.
  4. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The major downside to forging on Tempests is that everything is so damn bright! I'm really not a fan of the bright lighting on it... :(
    While the laser is a cool concept, I want it mounted on a freaking shark! Err.... I mean, can we have pics of the rest of the map? And possibly a birds eye view pic show casing the general layout? It's hard to get a feel for it (which I want before clicking DL), from a few pictures that show off the centerpiece.
  5. Dulden

    Dulden Forerunner
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    By the way the lighting isn't that intense, it's not as bright as you might think, but it's really blue. And also more pics would be good, even though it is a really small map.
  6. LT Claydohman

    LT Claydohman Forerunner

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    I appreciate your use of the particle beam of Tempest in your map. Makes it look Forerunner (I have an unnatural and probably unhealthy love for Forerunner architecture), but lets hope that, like the "Your mother," or "That's what she said," jokes doesn't get over used.

    Anyway, I really like your map. There are few maps made on Tempest, and even fewer that I would really enjoy. Bravo! This map looks stellar :3
  7. Kyler

    Kyler Forerunner

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    I didnt say it was first, I said it was one of the first.

    Oh and I am trying to get a bird's eye of the map, it's just so hard because I can't move my camera high enough. Expect it soon...

    EDIT: Birds eye pic is up
    #7 Kyler, Dec 6, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2010
  8. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Did you change the map at all Killmore? I remember telling you that you should have elbow ramps or something leading up to the second floor from the DMR rooms because it's awkward how they end at a dead end. This map has so much potential, I don't think you should've released the map just for the sake of making a laser themed map first but that's just my opinion.

    I still love the aesthetics and general feel of the map though.
  9. Sikaxis

    Sikaxis Forerunner

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    Just did a look around in forge and I gotta say I was impressed . It didn't look very big from the pics ( to be honest it really wasn't . But I don't play with a big group that often anyways so this is perfect. The brightness is actually really cool I think . It looks like some sort of forerunner temple or something . ( by the by if you didn't want it so bright the juicy effect would have darkened it . )
  10. Wrek

    Wrek Forerunner

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    seriously though dude this is amazing i did a quick forge through i really liked it. the general layout of the middle reminded me of a campaign mission in one of the older halo games (can't remember which :p)

    the one thing that bugged me about it was the 45 degree slopes at the middle. maybe its just me but i really hate 45 degree slopes when playing a game (for flow issues)

    overall i give this a 9/10 and i do think if you were to find a way to incorporate what me or Rifte said it could be a feature :D

  11. PeteTacular 42

    PeteTacular 42 Forerunner

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    Hey, I think I know what you could do to get that birds eye view pic. There's this glitch where if you knock somebody out of the invisible boundary--go in forge, and spin a big object, and as it kills a player, there body will fly out of bounds--then you can go in theater mode and pause when your viewing the body that flew out-of-bounds. Then from there, just press 'Y' to go in free mode!

    I was thinking about doing this for a map I created, because the camera would hit boundary as well, but I never got around doing it. It depends on how much you want that perfect shot. Hope this helped if you didn't know already, and cool map!
  12. Kyler

    Kyler Forerunner

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    I already did that, but thanks anyway.

    And the 45 degree angle slopes give good cover, and they give the map more character than just flat ground.

    I didn't expect this to get much attention, it was more of just a quick project. Thanx guys, and expect a v2...
  13. styxman34

    styxman34 Forerunner
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    It reminded me of the room on The Covenant where you kill The Prophet of Truth, and get the IWHBYD Skull.
  14. death2all55

    death2all55 Forerunner

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    Yeah if the birds retarded. Lol, jk.
    Really fun map, looks great, and has a LaZoR!!!
    Great map. (Just wish it could support 4 v 4)
  15. dishonestpirate

    dishonestpirate Forerunner

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    I DLed and looked arount pretty neat idea and really nicely done however I noticed on the second level on the east side starting about where the sword is you hit the invisible game barrierl when you jump really makes it unnatural and strange. I dunno how that factors into a competitive map but it deffinately messes with mechanics.
  16. Ociee

    Ociee Forerunner
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    When I see a map sometimes I say, damn why didn't I think of that and right now I'm saying exactly that. Very original idea it looks very nice for other things too besides the big beam.
  17. Papa Justice

    Papa Justice Forerunner

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    Great map and great integration of the beam.

    Question from someone who doesn't own the dlc: Does Tempest have the same shitty lighting that Forgeworld has where at certain angles the shading is way to dark?
  18. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    aw i missed the DLC :( but thats a sweet map I'd play on it if i had live. the map is very narrow so does that mean there are closer range weapons on it.. or any at all? lol
  19. Antares777x

    Antares777x Forerunner
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    I like the creativity that was put into this map's design, particularly the laser running through the map.

    I am not sure how well that the 45 degree ramps will impact map flow in a 2v2 game, but I have tried 1v1 on this, and it annoys me when I throw a grenade off of the ramp and my opponent can just back up out of range. As for map flow, it is not actually that bad.

    This map is worth a download from everyone who enjoys 1v1 maps and probably 2v2 maps.
  20. Kyler

    Kyler Forerunner

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    The three main weapons are the sword, the needler, and the pro pipe.
    There are also 2 DMRs, an AR w/ high clips, a magnum w/ high clips, a frag, and 2 stickies. I think thats it...

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