I like that, sort of like a spoof in a spoof. My first room is going to be the tree room and I could put a bunch of spawn points in it facing the walls. The problem with a fixed weapon room is that the glitch with fixed weapons floating and becoming a platform doesn't happen all the time. So, sure it would be funny to have a room of mounted/floating weapons, but only if the glitch actually happened the whole time.
The end of that made me ROFL. I have no idea what that actually means as far as forge goes but it still was a damn funny sentence nonetheless.
You should make a room (or rooms) that make(s) a spoof on the two styles of noob-style cover: either nonexistent, or way too much.
well the grid room is a room out of grids like when people just put this ridiculosly large grid where it dosent need to be and the noob room filled with all shorts of nooby stuff for noobs is like when someone just completly piles every weapon they can on a map and call it good. ex. 5 rockets in a blood gulh sized base. or just put a bunch of noob (<--ha ha i said it again)stuff in it.
A spoof of cover is an interesting yet not a very spoof like idea. The level of cover is actually pretty specific to the kind of map a person is trying to make. Some maps are better with very little cover (Say a vehicle heavy map), where other maps are better with a lot of cover (Say a paintball kind of map). So a spoof of cover would either be an empty room or a room packed full of stuff but in either case people wouldn't really get it. I'm still not sure what "noob" stuff is but while I'm sure there are people who make a map in 10 seconds and just fill it with weapons, that isn't really the majority of maps that populate forge hub or other forge community sites and that is what I am going for. Also while I have noticed a lot of satallite dish themed maps it's sort of a meh joke. I mean usually a satallite dish thing actually is a nice aesthetic choice for the kind of map they are put in. Sure it might be weird if one is in a map for which the theme doesn't match but it still wouldn't be that funny of a joke. I have finals week coming up so progress on this map will be slow for now but I think I'm starting to get a concrete idea of the rooms I will want in my map and how each room will be constructed. Thank you for the ideas so far, you'll definetly see some of your idea's in the final product. If people want to continue posting ideas or just talk forge things that have become cliche please do.
How could we forget about an armory? 0.o And at least 30 DMRs! Because no map is worth playing without 4 DMRs within reach at spawn. Juicy FX too. And every weapon set to respawn at 30 seconds.
^ Mentioned this is my initial post. An armory only really applies to UNSC ship maps and I did express an interest in making a spoof ship, although its a maybe idea because of the budget involved in even making a spoof ship. I already mentioned FX, although a good spoof, wouldn't work because it effects the whole map.
DOn't forget the room with only snipers and completely open gray ground and clumped up spawns that promote tons of camping. Name: Sniper Spoof Cause you can never have enough flare gun- I mean boom headshots!
You clearly need a section with an unbelievable overload of vehicles... 2x scorpian, 4x falcon, 2x banshee, 8x warthogs, 1094812931x mongeese etc...
Needs moar interloxs. Srsly, tho. Your map needs an armory. It should be slightly dipped into the water. Be sure to use tons of pre-fab structural pieces, too.
ok Anyway, I did have a camping spoof in mind but then I thought, people will camp on literally any map and there is a very fine line between too much camping and the normal, I'll just stand here and shoot at people for awhile kind of camping. So I'll pass on a camping spoof. I'm not aware of many vehicle heavy maps on forgehub but if it happens enough to warrant a spoof I suppose it could be done. I like the slightly dipped into water idea. I have seen a lot of maps with essentially a water channel in the middle of the map or a water pit of death area. Usually I like these maps but I suppose there is enough of them to warrant a spoof. Again I'm not sure what an armory means as far as a spoof. I've really only seen them in UNSC ship maps and a spoof of an armory would really just be a block or wall with like 30 weapons fixed into it...Also isn't interlocking the same as Z-fighting? If so I already mentioned that in my first post.