It isn't hard to like something that's marketed to male youths. A couple of explosions, some flat bad ass characters, and an easy aim assist feature and easy kills, yeah it's hard not to like, but that doesn't mean its not a festering pile of ****. A good game, a great game will make you think, but with the map and game play style the way they are, there's no point in playing tactically or intelligently. You simply camp and it's effective. That's why it's a piece of ****. I'm not upset at all that this is yet another perfect example of culturally accepted crap sold to the masses of gamers out there. The majority of gamers like it, which is unfortunate. Gamers, it would seem, don't like a challenge. So, we aren't given challenging games. I'd analogize this game to Justin Beiber.
(do not want to stray too far away from topic) Spoiler I agreed with basically everything Rusty just said until the Justin Beiber analogy. Your whole argument becomes null and void if you compare the cultural impact of a game to the cultural impact of a singer. Honestly, I do not really care for his music, however, I'm getting sick and tired of people abusing his reputation. He didn't make fun of you, nor did he steal your girlfriend, neither did he rape your ear hole. I don't know what is wrong with at least 90% of the "young" men in this generation. Maybe its jealousy, or perhaps just hate, envy possibly? Graphix, I'm usually available a few hours before 5 o'clock on then?
I think what rusty was trying to say is that Justin Bieber has no talent, yet millions still listen to his shitty music. Way to miss the point.
No it doesn't. The whole of the argument does not become null and void because of one point I made. Besides, the mass marketed appeal of Justin Beiber is similar to the mass marketed appeal of a CoD. Both are stupid. Both are successful.
Your opinion. (about the music) Eh, sorry guys, I've just been seeing too much crap on basically every single youtube video out there arguing against different people (mainly jb), and I just had to come in here at this time.
almost every fps has these features... i don't think this so could you explain for me? you sound pretty upset to me.
If I remember correctly my states were like so: Prestige: Nil Level: 44 COD Points: around 16,000 or so I'd be glad to play some games with people. I'm from Australia but I usually don't mind having a bad connection.
does anyone have this for the PC? i might get it, is there any differences between the pc and console version?
It's more fun than sitting in a chair, well no honestly it isn't. I can entertain my imagination far better. I would argue that a game should be challenging and fun. CoD is hardly fun and it isn't challenging at all. I just get in a dull stupor because it isn't worth the effort. The reason I come to vent isn't to rant and rave, but to point out that your support of this franchise is making gamers stupider.
i agree with this completely, like any industry, the video game industry endorses games merely by how sell-able they are. which call of duty will sell, it's guaranteed cash in pockets. While it may be fun, it's essentially mw2 with added features which is VERY stale imo. They dont need to spice it up, and wont truly spice up another CoD game if they keep doing so well. dont get me wrong, i can get down with CoD, i definitely care about the series, modern warfare 2 was VERY fun but was broken in my opinion. You can say they addressed most of the issues for Black Ops, but i'm mainly referring to one giant crack in the game. spawning. which i'm sure you all can admit is truly unacceptable, especially after so many releases. Keep buying into it they'll never truly create something worth buying past the last game released. Look at any sports game series, they sell like crazy every year, so there's no need to add anything worth more money out of pockets than what was provided before. For me to cash back into CoD, which im sure i will eventually one way or another, they need to make DRASTIC changes. Personally, im not sold on Black Ops. If people keep eating it up and breaking sale records with every release there will a lot less motivation to truly create something worth buying past the last game released in the franchise.
Why do I keep getting shitty teammates. Why. Keep in mind everyone except for Lok619 only got their captures when a teammate (aka myself) was capping the flag and it was already almost through or when the spawns flipped and we were three capped. No really digging the FAMAS either though it's probably my shoddy connection that makes me lose my gunfights. At least I run Flak Jacket and Hacker with UAV, Counter UAV, and Napalm because my teammates are all too busy running ****ing RC CARS AND CRAP PACKAGES. Gah. I need to start playing with full parties that actually play the ****ing objective and don't just camp with Ghost whoring out their K/D.
I haven't been having the same fun that came with MW2, up last night. The FAL was my favorite gun of any call of duty games, and fits my play style perfectly. However, for some reason its just not the same in black ops, and I grew tired of the game quickly. Last night changed me though, and I found a new weapon by chance, the M14, somewhat like the FAL. Winning games and pwning noobs. I like this game now. Also, Class stuff: M14 Mackorov Frag Claymore Ghost Sleight of Hand Ninja Many people think that having ghost and ninja are too camp, however, think about it this way... If the enemy has a spy plane in the air, and can see every non ghosted person on the map, I separate myself from the group, and try to break through the enemy lines, using ninja.
finally got my hacker's too fun. watch out with ghost pro though youtuber, i found for ages that it was too difficult to seperate from it and choose another tier 1 perk. it takes a while to get used to realising that killstreak rewards and spy planes can see you.
I never said it was a bad game, I just got bored of it, I recently got into it again. That happens. You make claims in your argument without supporting them at all, as if it were accepted fact, when in reality it's just a summary of your opinion without any substantial argument. You suck, you are the fanboy on a halo forum who can't accept that some people might like a different game. For some reason you think I'm a fanboy, if by that you mean I like the game, then sure, I'm not going to take **** for liking a GAME. If you're going to make an opinion, and try and shove it down other peoples throats. Try to make you're opinion not completely retarded. It's sad that we can't even discuss a game on this forum without some nincompoops spamming the entire thing creating a massive shitstorm that I can't help but respond to. No. Good to know our very own forgehubbians are the **** tier people who call each other bad in public lobbies though. Youtuber, we need to play. I need some ****ing flag captures. Haters gonna hate.gif
I got black ops like a week ago and i hate it the campain is pretty good and all but the multiplayer is the exactly the same, the game is way to competitive for my liking. I don't play online but sometimes i do play combat training, i wish you could use combat training offline though. My internet always disconects my xbox if i am not downloaded or uploading crap.
Exactly I honestly don't understand the majority of gamers Because I played MW2 sometimes over Halo 3 because it was fun, But in Black ops I've played 15hrs gameplay almost got to prestige 1 beat campaign which was actually best campaign in any COD IMO wasn't just Get there shoot meaningless AI without dieing repeat hole way though. In BOps they give you 1 choice Run though this 1 narrow path they know you have to come though OR spend half game walking around to this other 1 narrow path they have someone at just in case. Either way you have funneled into your death just one way takes longer, There is no if there there we can go here have a better angle. Just charge we fight them face to face!!!! Which I hate in COD games only reason i play is to hide be sneaky wait for them walk past shoot em in back. If i wanted a run and gun shooter I can play Halo. But Finally someone has the same thought about black ops i was thinking either im crazy or(the much more likely) the people in the world of gaming are crazy I liked MW2 , Seems like everyone hated it :l, I hate BOps(only reason i have it is because i got as a gift) seems like everyone loves it , I liked halo 3 at start then disliked all the BR's power but everyone seemed to love it, I like Reach a lot and seems like gets more complaints then any other game D:. (BTW i dont just judge on what games i like by my personal experience that makes it fun, but to be a good game I have to see good potential and fairness etc has to be a good game )
i have a lot of fun playing black ops. some people seem to be favoring the argument that "hrrr its too simple and easy to kill people hurrr drr," but that whats fun about. instant gratification and satisfaction, no thinking involved. i like playing video games to get a break from all of the thinking i have to do in other areas of life. if i want to have to wrack my brain in order to reach a goal or be exceptionally challenged, then i'll go work on some of my organic chemistry. i play video games casually to take a break from that, so i prefer aim- shoot- pull trigger- dead.