Pirates of Paradiso

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by vesicles, Dec 2, 2010.

  1. vesicles

    vesicles Forerunner

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    Aaaargh; pirate ship yea say.? Me scurvy mutton yer seadog by Davy Jones or me name aint Cap'n Peg Eye Black Hook.! Set sail for carnage.
    Pirate Video courtesy 't unknown halo 't 'taaaargh

    This is my first forge hub map posting, a remake of a ship I consructed on Halo 3's sandbox. Using a galleon as a platform offered many challenges in creating a playable, fun map. The action is fast, there are long sight lines coupled with close quarters pinch points at either end and the cargo hold opening allows for increased mobility from level to level. The masts can be navigated, however not recomended for those who cant tightrope walk; suicides should be turned off for those less agile or prone to falls. The openess is broken by sporadic cover and individual areas are creatively covered from fire by changing elevations and careful placement of ship structure. The overall asymmetry is deceptive, the boat can be cut along the keel symetrically but the gameplay is Bow to Stern and each end of the ship boasts different features. Weapons are placed relevantly and the grenade launcher makes for especially deadly force when dealing with control over either of the ships main stairs, sorry no Rocks. There are a couple of jetpacks for anyone who wants to put themselves out there; located on the first and last masts, climbing the rigging is mandatory to reach them, as well the Snipes, located high above in the Crows nest. While she may not make the grade of yer hard core MLG or Tourny player this map will satisfy even the most competitive player in the areas of fun, enjoyment and pillage. Enough Blah, go play.
    The Halo 3 version.... Bombardos. Infected fired Rockets and such at surviors on the Island. Yaarrrrgh.

    !!! Since posting I found three initial spawns at the bottom of the cargo opening that are neutral and should be PINK team. Also unrecomending several gametypes. I will be correcting this on a v.2 after collecting more feedback on other aspects of the map. This problem does affect FFA play (easy fix though). My apologies; vesicles !!!

    BTW; Vesicles loves Feedback/Critics - thanks.
    #1 vesicles, Dec 2, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2011
  2. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I was interested in looking at this map by the Thumbnail picture.

    Although I can't really tell if this is an Aesthetic map with gameplay features, or more of a casual map. However, with your release in Competitive I expect it will play like standard competitive maps.

    However, coming to the thread itself, you have no pictures which is compulsory to have in any map submission. I'd get the thread amended quickly and include pictures that are embedded in the thread itself so your topic doesnt get lost at sea (cwotididthar?) in the frequent waves of map submissions.
  3. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Opened thread again to allow user to edit in pictures.
    #3 Adelyss, Dec 2, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2010
  4. vesicles

    vesicles Forerunner

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    Thank you venerables

    Pics are in and post is up! Thanks for helping get this up correctly. Sure, she looks real pretty but the real fun is in the gameplay. Ran my friends ragged testing and changing everything from mast hieght to crate - thanks friends. So give her a go if you havent yet and let me know what you think.
  5. unkownhalo

    unkownhalo Forerunner

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    wow. great map. i love it and i think i will keep it. this map i filled with soo many exiting things and was truly a work of art created my a master. some may call that master a god 8P. anyway great map. everyone should totaly download it. this map is awsome and i have had lots of fun on it and hopefuly, no, you will have fun. if not. then you should probly check your pulse cuz no living being that has a soul wouldnt like this map.
  6. vesicles

    vesicles Forerunner

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    Makes me laugh all the time

    I am glad you like it. This is the most hilarious reply I have ever read. If the map weren't as decent as it was I would have to take that nonsense as sarcasm but instead I laugh. Could I get some more serious feedback.?
  7. vesicles

    vesicles Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Irony is

    Getting lots of great feedback from the LIVE community; even from randoms that DL'd it off my fileshare (found a few new forgemates too) but even with 100's of DL's there is no feedback here :( - One can only assume that she indeed got lost at sea in the constant waves of submissions. Hopefully someone finds this message in a bottle; a map to my little treasure arggh 't 'targh
  8. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    My review:

    Aztec pillars in the lower deck break the cohesion of the theme.

    Upside down bridge breaks the aesthetics. I played with bridge pieces as walls and I know it can be done better than this. I do like the effect it has as a top deck appearance.

    Holes in the bow of the ship, don't look like they are big enough for anchor chains, nor do any anchor chains appear to lead to the holes.

    The interior of the bow looks very rough. Flight Deck's aircraft carrier would look bad too, that is why I walled off the bow.

    And I don't find any "goodies" anywhere on this map. It is typical weapon layout.
    I did like the use of the sand bags, that was pretty nice.

    Also, the sword physics I believe is wrong. As a result, when you lay it down, you cannot grab it again.

    I could not figure out how to use the man cannons effectively. I struggled with them at first and so did the others I played with. This is a problem. If any one aspect of the map makes a person struggle, they blame the map designer and the map, not themselves, and they don't come back to the map. I don't know how you can fix this.

    Overall, there is a lot going for this map. It presents a strong theme (which is what I look for and most maps lack). The ship photo shows that detail was put into the map. The map layout in general is well thought out. It plays very good. It is a fun map to play on. It is not one that I would keep on my XBOX, but the fact that I even bothered to look it over and play it says A LOT!!

    7out of 10...
    #8 MrGreenWithAGun, Dec 28, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2010
  9. vesicles

    vesicles Forerunner

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    7/10 - Awesome, I will take it! Admitedly over half of the things you didnt like, I dont like. There isnt a point you made about the negative aspects of this map that I can't agree with. The lifts are the bane of this map, however without them you could not access the crow's nest; a ladder was too expensive and equally ugly/tricky. With responses like yours there is a good chance to do a v2.0 that is superior because it's such darn good feedback. You ROCK for also including your positive opinions in your post, such balance makes me want to tear out the floors and redo them and not redo them - look vs. function; AAARGH. Thank you for the time you took for this solid review, this kind of stuff is priceless.
    #9 vesicles, Dec 31, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2010
  10. tuba reunion

    tuba reunion Forerunner

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    this is by far the best vessel map I've played on so far. i attempted to make an aircraft carrier level with an upper deck, control tower, and bay... but i got way to impatient with all the angles. so cheers to your patience. extremely clever with your usage of parts to create a believable ship.
  11. Xx Z0R xX

    Xx Z0R xX Forerunner

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    Dang dude, this map looks like a really creative idea. I read that u first made a ship like this on sand box, haha, i guess u lucked out that forgeword is about 80 percent open water. What better way to utilize water than a pirate ship? Looks good dude, nice work.
  12. vesicles

    vesicles Forerunner

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    Thanks for that. I posted a pic of the Halo 3 version for heritage. Yer so right about patience. I got sloppy on this when I think what Reach can do. Halo 3 Forge was open-heart surgery compared to Reach - the old ship is a pale comparison... it took weeks to build, the framework alone was intense. I never did finish it to what it could be, instead made a 'Ghost Pirate' game that was fun. This was rushed out, for fun, so cheers! it's a BOAT.

    (3v3 Swat is fun on this too.!!!)
    #12 vesicles, Jan 9, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2011
  13. pajama dad

    pajama dad Forerunner

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    With the exception of some z-flicker (and maybe a few other minor points) the map is amazing. Not big enough for some games.... but perfect for me running around with my boys.

    And! it looks like a pirate ship. Can't get much better than that.
  14. vesicles

    vesicles Forerunner

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    ...and every night he would say to me, 'good night Wesley, I'll most likely kill you in the morning'....

    Seriously, THANK YOU.
    #14 vesicles, Jan 9, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2011

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