I'm looking for some people to play this with. Sure, it's fun playing with randoms, but its even better as a team.
Black ops wasn't that great imo. I had much higher expectations. The killstreaks are bad, the graphics are bad, the guns are ok, and the story is good.
Sooooo... I've been debating whether to buy the game or not. Heard a lot of criticism, heard a lot of good stuff. I guess I'm asking the people who bought the game to convince ME to buy it. Please?
@Shanon 1. The campaign was overall decent. This is of course compared to other COD campaigns. Although I will say it was the most enjoyable out of them all. 2. Zombies has taken up most of my time when playing Blops. It is a great deal of fun with friends while getting more challenging. 3. Multi-player has been fun so far. I'm waiting to see what kind of stupid things will arise. Such as the care package glitch from MW2. Haven't run into anything like that yet. Overall I'd say if you have the money lying around get it. Or wait for Christmas.
The killstreaks are fine, except for the gunship. The graphics are fine, guns are nice and the story is clever, however it doesn't suck you in like MW2 did with Spoiler ghost's death . Although after a while you'll think that it was a waste of money because its just a MW2 re-skin, I came to think this after I played it too much in one day. I'd say get it.
That's because a majority of the characters in any of the Call of Duty games don't have any development or personality. They're all just cardboard cut-outs of testosterone junkies with no back stories, except Chernov from WaW... RIP Chernov, RIP Black Ops is the best CoD since CoD4, but it is over-praised by fans. The thing that bothers me the most is that the balance the community boasts about weaponry, ignoring the 74u and G11, because while the assault rifles have more recoil than MW2, it's still very little. The Commando, Galil and AK47 all have little recoil and crazy damage values. Treyarch is apparently still working on adjustments, but after the empty promises of IW in MW2, and the yet to be fixed MP40 of WaW, I'm not holding my breath.
Who wants to play some SnD? I'm looking to get better at SnD, and I know a few Hubbians play it. PS: 3rd prestige. ^^
Graphix, I'll play, I love some good communicative teams on snd. Hit me up usually after about 10 on weeknights. o Youtuber o
Ugh, I used to love this game. Not sure what happened but I stopped playing it, booted it up again yesterday to see if I would enjoy it. Went into Demolition on Radiation. Played for about three minutes. Then we got spawn trapped and I died to the same guy three times in a row before I could get him with a semtex. Nope.avi, turned it off and did something else. Not interested anymore. Probably just a bad game.
Probably just a bad player. Spoiler Fair enough though. Not so much ghost, but the way you and him die, at the same time you uncover shepherds plans.
LOLOLOLOLOL you're fanboyism didn't even last a month. Told you it was a bad game. It's simple, too simple. Multiplayer is a dud. Zombies is fun for a couple of minutes and dead ops is good for a little while too. Nothing more than a couple hours of fun play then it's just the same thing. It's alright i guess if you like the same thing over and over again.
/me is still playing/loving it. Just saying. o-o I'm getting off of it for now though, as I has school in teh morning. Might play a game or two before bed. ATM: Prestige 3 Level 18 CoD Points 30,025