How the **** did this become a girlie/sex thread without me?! ..oh yeah, I was actually out booping. derp. -_-
did someone say LOCK for the discussion of sexual matters regarding minors and posting their pictures? yeah no, not happening.
The legal age is eighteen right? And the majority of people here MUST be like 17+ because how else would they get an M rated game. Sooooo girlie/sex thread starts up again?!
Logic dictates that legality must be in line with the lowest common denominator. As our primary audience lives in the US, and the highest age for consent is 18, that age is 18. Deal with it.
Legality dictates that I have all rights to discuss it as long as those who live in provinces/states with different rules keep their ass outta' the discussion. If they choose to partake, it is their laws that they are breaking. So I have full rights to discuss whatever I want. And i'm trollin' you like a sum'*****. Deal with it.
actually, that is not the case at all. This is a public forum, were it a private discussion such rules would come into play, but that is not the case. It's like you visiting California and expecting the 16-year-old = legal idea to still be in effect for you. an nah, it isn't trolling if I'm fully aware of what you're doing and making you use your brain to come up with a counter point. ***** dun got countertrolled.