nah, you havent tried to address the point, you've just called me a hypocrite, because i said something unfunny. its called an insult. you didnt address the point
thats not the point im making. it wasnt about opinions and other people. its about you. you and your humour. ****ing hell, you keep saying people are dumb. here are some italics so you know what its like to read what you write
LET'S PLAY THE LOGIC GAME! yaaaay QKT: "you're unfunny, your humor is unfunny" Sarge: :oint about opinions being argued as fact = illogical:: QKT: "you didn't address the point!" Sarge: ::reposts bit about opinions hoping QKT can finally make the obvious logical jump to see how it applies:: QKT: ::naivete:: "YOU DIDN'T ADDRESS THE POINT!" Sarge: /facepalm YOU DIDN't ADDRESS THE POINT! regular ironically-condescending stereotypical naive-self-centric teenage text so you know what it's like reading what you write.
eh, where did you get that pic? maybe i did post it here a while ago... [br][/br]Edited by merge: yes go ahead and copy me because you are floundering. you've lost all credibility. good day.
Ahahaahaha ahahahahaah ahahaahahaha really? you won't just admit that I addressed the point (which is probably because you don't understand it) despite the fact that I've said it over and over again in different ways to convey it effectively for you. Apparently though, nothing short of asking your autism coach to help will get the point across. CHUCK, what was the simple point I was making?
So does anyone here watch arrested development? I just started watching it today, meaning I've seen two episodes.
I've been through the entire series twice and physically made my family and best friend watch it (the latter of which is going through it now). Severely underrated (as in popularity, not critical appeal) show. There are few shows that do such an amazing job of having recurring jokes and foreshadowing intertwine so well.
We had some recorded. Watched one about the main characters father hiding in the attic, and a funeral, where the brother tries to get on the cover of "Poof" magazine. Gave some lols.
So tonight I got my laser star field projectors and put them outside. No more hanging Christmas lights for this ****er! And yes I did buy them under the pretense that it would make my yard look like Pandora, which it does. Also I think I have sort of a thing for Swedish Eurasian women. I mean Mirror's Edge was made in Sweden, and Lisbeth from the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is Swedish eurasian (well actually Eurussian).