I'm trying to make a large cube balanced on one corner, but I'm having some issues with two of the sides. The walls I'm using for the north and south* bottom sides are angled at X=45, Y=0, Z=45 and X=45, Y=0, Z=-45 respectively, but no matter what I do I can't seem to get the east and west bottom walls angled correctly to make a cube. I haven't even started on the top sides yet, but I'm pretty sure that I'm going to have an even bigger problem with those since the top half is going to have to be rotated a bit so I can make it into a cube instead of two pyramids fused at the base. Two pyramids fused at the base is unacceptable. Anyone know how to get this damn rotation thing to work, or is it too mathy? --------------------------------------------------- *I'm calling them north and south because I don't actually know which way the cardinal directions are in on Forgeworld
Have you considered using multiple 3x3 talls? Also, the cardinal directions are shown at the top of the screen. Elites directions aren't in english, but you can easily associate the symbols with the general direction.
It's not the size I'm having issues with. It's the angles. And I'm using colosseum walls. It's a large hollow cube, and the player is inside it, but that's irrelevant.
it is a known failure of the rotation system rotate object manually to solve, or use braces like the old school way to get it lined up right.
I'm unsure, but when you're on the 90's can't your vertical rotation be perfect, but when on the 45's or 30s thats when things get hectic?
I guess I forgot to as if its hollow or not. If you can't get the angles perfect, you can built a cube using them(since it is a cube), and then use them as reference points for the angles. IE make a cube the size you want with the 3x3s* line the colo. walls with the big cube and then delete the 3x3's Also I believe the colo. walls are NOT perfect squares, so you might end up with a rectangular prism if you use only six. *(if you can't spare the amount per size, then make a corner, add a piece to one side do the same to that piece and delete piece 2, repeat until size is optimal)