
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Portal of Souls, Nov 29, 2010.

  1. Portal of Souls

    Portal of Souls Forerunner

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    "Time in its aging course teaches all things"
    YouTube - Promethean Fly Through.wmv

    Version 2 now available without the shield doors at Glass Corner.
    Version 1 - still available and as of 12/10/10 had 101 downloads and 5 likes
    In short, Promethean is the lovechild of 'spontaneous imagination' and 'labor of love'. I started Promethean 1 month ago with only a handful of small ideas, and as I built, the map designed itself using me as its creator. Upon initial creation Promethean glimmered and shined in ways I never imagined. Through multiple playtests I reconfigured a few things to enhance certain areas of the map, and ultimately Promethean is better for it.

    Want pictures and not details? Skip past weapons list

    Promethean is broken into a number of main areas; Overlook, Glass Corners (Red and Blue), Hammer and Lift zone, Central Platform, and the Brace Gate Battlefield. It's overarching design is a U-shaped ring around a central lower field.

    During a normal game of slayer, the highlight of the map becomes the Central Platform. With a central Gravity Lift, 2 Heavy man cannons, and 2 two-way teleporters as the only entrance points, Central Platform becomes a heavily battle worn area with frantic fire fights as Spartans and Elites launch themselves into the fray from below. Other highlights include Overlook with a Rocket Launcher spawn, a standing Hammer (Normal Physics) that is only reachable from above, and a couple of one-way drops out of the second level of Glass Corners.

    Weapons included:
    1 - Rocket Launcher 180 sec. spawn - 1 extra clip
    1 Gravity Hammer 180 sec. spawn
    1 Sniper Rifle 180 sec. spawn - 1 extra clip
    1 Shotgun 60 or 90 sec. spawn - 1 extra clip
    4 DMR 30 sec spawn - 2 extra clip
    2 Needle Rifle 30 sec. spawn - 2 extra clip
    2 Plasma Pistol
    2 Needlers
    Various Grenades throughout the map

    In a nutshell, Promethean is fast, fun, and varied. It plays smooth and is balanced well. The spawn system is lightly modified to promote varied and pleasant spawns. And the different areas of the map are broken up decently to enhance different play styles. Up and around Overlook and Glass corners is a more tight and short line of sight area, and down around Brace Gates is more long sight lines with broken views for a lot of strafing fire fights. Central Platform is pure fun bottled up in a mash of chaos.

    Take a look here for my "Preview Post"which features some before and after and notes how the map has changed in a few key ways.

    And then when you're done with all of that, download it, enjoy it, talk about it, and rate it over on I really hope its as good for you as it has been for me.
    Thanks All!

    Central Platform

    Uploaded with

    View Out of One Way Drops Looking at Overlook, Hammer Spawn

    Glass Corners
    Uploaded with


    Hammer Spawn and Central Gravity Lift
    Uploaded with

    'Brace Gates' Battle Field
    Uploaded with

    Angled Shots of Platform, Brace Gates, and Heavy Man Cannon
    Uploaded with

    Uploaded with

    Lower Floor of Glass Corners looking at Teleporters
    Uploaded with

    Uploaded with

    View out of Teleporters on Central Platform
    Uploaded with

    #1 Portal of Souls, Nov 29, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 14, 2010
  2. Dizzyman572

    Dizzyman572 Forerunner

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    I am actually really surprised that nobody has commented on this map yet. I got to play with my little brother the other day and we really enjoyed it, and I hope that in time more people we'll come to notice this map.
  3. Big C

    Big C Forerunner

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    Wow loooks sweet! i like the cover you used. Is is 2 braces? Anyways map looks fantastic and well balanced. Just a suggestion i think should make this map have multiflag. Also the one way shield on top is very surprising!
  4. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I downloaded the map but havent had a chance to check it out yet. It looks quite nice from the screenshots though, and the central structure looks great. I'll give you some more feedback after I look around the map tomorrow.
  5. Portal of Souls

    Portal of Souls Forerunner

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    For anybody looking at this map I do have one part on the map that I am at arms with myself over. Any feedback regarding the shield doors at Glass Corners would be much appreciated. Specifically the gameplay of it, does the shield door hinder this area in any way? Does it make the corners too defendable? Does it make the area less fun? I want to know what you think so I can improve it if possible.

    Thanks for looking, playing, and posting.
  6. Dizzyman572

    Dizzyman572 Forerunner

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    Well, it is a good camping spot with the Gravty-Hammer. So yeah I would recommend getting rid of it. (Funny I never thought about this until you mentioned it)
  7. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ok, your feedback as promised. I have NOT played n the map yet, but I have looked around n forge for a good while. Aesthetically, the map is quite nice. I really like the thing made out of collumns in your first picture. Game play looks mostly solid, but I'm a bit worried abput map flow. The central platform is reachabl;e only via grav-lift, teleporters, and mancannons. I would suggest adding a bridge to the central platform on either side. Also the hammer's placement, while cool looking, isn't great for gameplay. You should be able to just be walking around and just hold x for a second to pick it up, having it perched on top of that thing mades it hard to get during a firefight. Lastly, I believe your shield doors are fine. I would need to play a game here to confirm this, but because of how they are placed, I believe they will work well enough and not encourage camping too much. Overall good map, just needs a few tweaks.
  8. Portal of Souls

    Portal of Souls Forerunner

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    Hey Psychoduck,

    thanks for the feed. I appreciate all input. Under all my playtest, I promise map flow did not become an issue. The, in total of 5, gravs and teleporters was varied enough. Also since no power weapons reside up here there is little incentive to camp the spot. Play a few matches. I think you'll be pleasently surprised by both this and the hammer concern.

    I'm still worried about the shield doors though.
  9. rbenhase

    rbenhase Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I was finally able to try out this map, and I enjoyed it very much; it's a thoughtful use of the vertical space offered by the coliseum and it looks very nice. Gameplay is fun; it flows quite well. I would perhaps like to see the map separated a bit more (it's a little open in places), but I think the bridge makes an excellent focal point, as riding the lift up is quite fun.

    I would get rid of the shield doors of which you speak, but I honestly can't complain about them too much, either. You've done a very nice job.
  10. Big C

    Big C Forerunner

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    Sorry Man. The one way, that drops on the hammer spawn. I meant surprising in a good way. Like it is a great feature to have there. Being able to attack a power weapon spawn from a different angle. It will be surprising to anyone whos camping in there :)
  11. Portal of Souls

    Portal of Souls Forerunner

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    If I were to tighten it up at all I think I'd have to work up around the hammer spawn. Its arguably the most open area. Would you agree or were you thinking a different area?
  12. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    If your gonna be on tonight, I want to give this a go.
    Btw, nice shameless plug on your part too. lolololol. ;)
  13. Portal of Souls

    Portal of Souls Forerunner

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    Familiarity is good, but I can honestly say I had nothing mind from previous maps when I built it. I hope you like it High Charity, It was damned fun to create. The man cannons are an absolute blast and the central grav lift becomes quite the highlight too. But my favorite part is definitely the man cannons. Just so much fun.

    12/10/10 Okay so I just added the Flythrough video. 12/10/10
    #13 Portal of Souls, Dec 7, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2010
  14. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Promethean was an interesting experience. The map itself encourages movement to the centralised platform and overall plays well. The main enjoyment factors, as stated in the map thread, are centralised around the Man-Cannons and the Gravity Lift.

    I really enjoyed the use of Plasma Grenades on this map as there were plenty of occasions where one came in handy (I actually had Plasma Grenades as my Tool of Destruction during a game of Crazy King). However, as the main focus in the map is to head to the centralised suspended platform, it prevents many players from actually exploring the map to admire any extra aesthetics or weapon spawn locations and gaining full enjoyment out of the entire map. The main areas that suffered lack of attention and didn’t really stand out in any way were the East and West walkways. They looked dull and besides the little alcoves near the Man-Cannons, there was no reason for any players to use them. This is because there were no physical attractions to these hallways, nor were there any weapons of significance spawning inside them.

    As far as Enjoyment goes, it’s a map worth playing for casual fun but in regards to any competitive play; most players would probably prefer to set up something else.



    Balance is a very difficult criteria to fill when creating maps for competitive play. Every little change that you implement has an effect on the entire maps balance. Sadly, Promethean isn’t as balanced as it could be.

    I really did enjoy using the plasma grenades, but the locations of these were a little over-powering. I didn’t think it would be possible to locate grenades in an overly dominant position but each location for these had significantly greater advantages over the use of Frag Grenades. For example; the two Grenades that spawned on top of the suspended platform. It’s possible to hold your ground on the isolated platform by “camping” the one way barrier. All a player needs to do is wait and watch for people to enter the gravity lift, throw the grenade on the barrier and jump off. As the enemy player emerges through the barriers, the sticky detonates and gets the player an easy kill without having to move any further than outside the grenades blast radius. These grenades often made the central platform very difficult to siege and survive. Some of the players dubbed the platform ”Campy Ledge” as most players could hold the ledge on their own with a DMR and the Grenades. The only Plasma grenades that weren’t in any positions of dominance were the ones near the Orange Column centre piece. I liked the positioning of these and felt they were on an adequate respawn timer. Not too fast, not too slow.

    Another weapon spawn I didn’t particularly like was the Gravity Hammer spawn. It wasn’t very far from the shotgun spawn and it was placed on a ledge you couldn’t just jump up to. I felt as if I had to go to the Rocket spawn and jump through the window just to get the hammer, or be forced into picking the Jetpack as my class. I had no issues with the timers of the Sniper Rifle or the Rocket Launcher. I feel these were the strongest weapons for the map and were adequately placed.

    The maps layout itself directs all gameplay to the central platform and with immediate access via teleporter from the very start of the game restricts even more map flow. The central platform is raised a little too high for players further down to see any enemies up there and there is essentially no counter points for this region. It does have 5 access routes to the platform, but this just simply doesn’t prevent the platform from being easily dominated.

    The general Lines of Sight across the map were fairly balanced. There were some good long range sight lines down the hallways and across the map as well as some decent short range and close quarter combat areas scattered here and there. Overall, the central platform could do with being lowered so it becomes more visible and not so hidden.



    As this map is in the Coliseum, the map is entirely unbreakable in terms of escaping the map as it utilises the full Colesium and the window section is nicely walled in. The spawn system was also implemented fairly well. As most of the players kills/deaths were focused on the central ledge during Team Slayer there were lots of safe spawn locations around the edges of the map. However, during Crazy King, as the objectives moved around the map more and more there were a few occurrences of players having Bad spawns where they would die a little too quickly or entire combat before they’ve fully established their bearings.

    The Hill sizes were also a little peculiar. More often than not, the Hills were way too small to ever stand a chance of fully controlling them. If you weren’t already dead from the “Nade Spam” you were cowering away in a corner hoping that no one else left alive has any more grenades to throw at you. All the hills were essentially in massive lines of sight with the only really effective hill being on the suspended platform. Rather than this breaking the gameplay, it just somewhat hindered it and caused the game to slow in terms of gathering points for hill control.



    Promethean is an interestingly different map in terms of aesthetics. The Free-For-All loadout Cam focuses on the Orange Column centre piece which is very simple but original and nicely put together. It also helps as a nice line of sight blocker and also allows for players to traverse through it without too much difficulty. Other aesthetics that are also included in the map, aren’t overly unique or original, but still help the gameplay and make the map stand out that much more by adding colour and intricate shape design to the bland canvas.

    Apart from the East and West walkways, there weren’t many dull areas that caused you to feel momentarily lost thanks to the simple aesthetics and colour decoration. The sideways laid Braces are also a nice touch for gameplay purposes. During the games, they also received compliments from other players.



    Promethean is not an all-out original map, but it does utilise some nice simple aesthetics and creates some good gameplay with the weapon choice. The fact that I found Plasma Grenades to be the better power weapon than the Rocket Launcher on the map is definitely saying something for originality. They're almost a pair of small, blue, gift-wrapped kills that you can pick up almost anywhere in the game.

    However, in terms of layout and map flow; it’s very restricted. All the gameplay flocks to a central platform and causes all players to ignore the complete layout of the map unless the objective is located there.

    All in all, it doesn’t really bring anything new to the table for competitive gameplay, nor does it fulfill the hunger most competitive players yearn for.



  15. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    How are the changes to this map coming along? I'm looking forward to seeing an improved version released soon.

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