I wish Halo had multiplayer maps take place on things like a boat. or include water vehicles. And also (I've had this idea forever) have a map floating high up in the air. On this map, there are two large platforms (not connected) and they consist of plenty of air vehicles, such as phantoms, banshees, hornets, and pelicans. The players would have to use these and attempt to invade the enemy platform and capture the flag, plant the bomb, etc. If you fall off, you're dead.
I don't see any connection between your topic title and what you posted. I don't see anything questioning whether Halo is "war". I see a random idea and wishing you could fight on a boat.
i would like to see a space level where theres a covie ship and a human ship where you could get in jets and stuff like that and board ships!
In war, it's not teams of 4 fighting eachother in an enclosed area with maybe one or two air vehicles- it's chaos.
No, halo multiplayer is nothing like war (we're back on topic!). In war, you don't get back up after getting pegged by a rocket, or ripped to shreds by frag shrapnel. Also, in war, about 50% of all rounds fired end up missing their target. Spartan accuracy detracts from realism. If you wanted a real war game, give everyone one life, smg's and assault rifles, 75% speed, 200% gravity, and no shields. That would be as close to war as you could get.
Err, this is slightly odd, but the idea of floating high up in the air could be better replaced with boarding action remade.
if you want all those vehicles then just get halo custom edition. it has everything but too bad not as many people play anymore
halo custom edition and halo combat evolved are different. custom edition lets people make their own maps and all the misc. inside it such as weapons. halo combat evolved for the pc is usually just referred to as Halo pc.
I really don't think of halo's multiplayer as war because not enough is going on at the same time. It's mostly just small skirmishes. I consider the battlefied games and battlefront games more as war because of their large scale battles.