
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Grumpy Duckling, Nov 15, 2010.

  1. Grumpy Duckling

    Grumpy Duckling Forerunner

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    This is my first map, named Hydro. It is based entirely in water, and has a few unique features such as underwater tunnels and "spitting serpents."

    There is a video walkthrough available here:
    YouTube - Halo Reach Forgetacular Contest-CTF (Hydro)

    I originally created it for Multi Flag CTF but it can be used for Team Slayer as well.

    I'm new to these forums and this website seems really cool, so I feel glad to be a part of it.

    Thanks and enjoy!
    #1 Grumpy Duckling, Nov 15, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2010
  2. Skarrow

    Skarrow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow I loved your walk-through, the map looks phenomenal. I loved your spitting serpents mechanism and I think its a great step forward in halo gameplay. The aesthetics of the map are astounding as well. One thing I need to point out though is that the top level with all the walkways looks really over powered. All the power weaponis are up there and just a few meters away from eachother too. I think (you don't HAVE to do this) maybe you should put the sword in the rock tunnel, it would definitely balance the levels of the map more. I just kind of see everyone on this map chilling around on the top level to be honest, and who ever goes on the bottom will just be picked off by sniper fire and rockets.

    Giving it a download though, terrific looking map
  3. orcfeller

    orcfeller Forerunner

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    Very cool map, I love the spitting serpents. One potential problem however is the glass tunnels, I'm not sure being comepletely covered in water while running through those is a good idea. If it was like the rock tunnel where you have the option of hiding under water I think things would be better. Also, the sniper spawns are very close to each other, it would be easy for a team to get both spawns and camp the enemy. The two lifts on the other side also seem a bit trivial since they are so close to each other, one fix would be to switch a sniper with a lift so each side has one sniper rifle and one lift. Just my two cents.

    P.S. When I first saw this map I though you stole my map's name, since mine is Hydro Power, hehe :)
  4. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
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    Welcome to Forge Hub. :)

    The map has a great layout, and from what I saw of the video there didn't appear to be any frame rate problems with the windows, so that's fantastic. The "spitting serpent" mechanism is really innovative, and I can see some fun game situations coming out of that. I would maybe have it shoot fewer fusion coils, though, because its duration seems a little long the way it is.

    I would maybe suggest switching up some of your weapon spawns. A lot of the power weapons are concentrated on the upper level, where they would be particularly useful. The Sword is in a good spot, and the Snipers are in okay positions as well, but I would suggest moving Rockets to lower middle, or maybe in the middle of the rock tunnel. The platform it's on is cool, but it would be immediately advantageous to anyone who grabs rockets because of the height.

    Those are some of my thoughts - I'd download and play it but I'm running on a Silver account right now :( - but great job forging, and I look forward to see your future projects.
  5. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
    Senior Member

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    Wow what an awesome map :D im definately going to download.

    I love the open feel of the map even though it has been enclosed which means that it feels bigger than it really is!!!

    You might want to spread out the power weapon spawns a bit because there are 3 on the top level!!! maybe you could move the rockets to inside the rock tunnel to sperad them out a bit and maybe move the sniper rifles to nearer the two bases, on the upper catwalk above the bases?

    Also, maybe make the water tunnel a bit higher so you can still see above the water without having to jump as it may be disorientating to some people.
  6. Grumpy Duckling

    Grumpy Duckling Forerunner

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    Thanks for the kind words guys. And yea I've received a good amount of feedback about maybe putting rocket or sword in the rock tunnel.

    Initially I had the sword in the rock tunnel but it was a little dominant because the rock tunnel comes out so close to each base. But it would definitely provide more balance in terms of where the power weapons are located.
  7. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    Wow, I was floored by the spitting serpent thing. One of the single most creative ideas I've seen in a Forge map so far.

    Like others have said I would consider moving a power weapon into the tunnels. I would actually try Rockets down in there as it's more enclosed and there would be more risk/reward than if someone picked up the Sword in there and just waited to blindside people. In close areas like that with Rockets there's always a chance of your rocket hitting close enough to really hurt you.
  8. Grumpy Duckling

    Grumpy Duckling Forerunner

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    That's a really good point about the rocket in enclosed areas Natetendo83.

    Does anyone have any suggestions about what could go in the top middle in place of where the rocket is?
    #8 Grumpy Duckling, Nov 16, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2010
  9. Skarrow

    Skarrow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    if it were up to me I would put the sword on the top bridge (where the rockets are) the rockets in the rock tunnel and take each of the snipers and put them both at the back of the map (opposite sides obv) I mean up on the back catwalk that way they aren't too close to eachother. Its your map though its up to you grumpy duckling
  10. Jack Attaak

    Jack Attaak Forerunner
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    I love the aesthetics here, and the crisscrossing tunnels and walkways should allow for some fun gameplay. I do agree that the power weapons are much too close to each other on top, though. I'd recommend putting each sniper in each base, but keeping the sword, shotgun, and rockets where they are. The big issue I see, though, is the rock tunnel. I don't think a direct route between the bases is the best idea: I have a feeling that most matches will be a tug-of-war grenadefest inside there. I'd much rather see the rock tunnels only go halfway to the center to provide more of an alternate route to each base instead of a choke point.
  11. Grumpy Duckling

    Grumpy Duckling Forerunner

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    Re-locating the snipers might be a good idea. I was even thinking of sticking them at the bottom platform at the side of each base. I forgot to show it in the video but on the outside of each platform there is a spot where the needle rifle is. I may consider switching the sniper with the needle rifle.
  12. Manichima

    Manichima Forerunner

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    I am loving the map, havent had a chance to DL it yet, but i definitely will. The spitting serpents were probably my favorite feature on here. Great map bro!
  13. Grumpy Duckling

    Grumpy Duckling Forerunner

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    Thanks! That's my favorite feature as well :)
  14. PowerSpartanl99

    PowerSpartanl99 Forerunner

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    Could you please post some pictures so we can get more of an idea of what the map is like?
  15. ShKai

    ShKai Forerunner

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    Great idea, simplistic main area with more complex ways to travel, a nice twist with the water for cover and add in the ingenious spitting serpent and you have Hydro. I love this map, the spitting serpent idea is genious. I always wanted some kind of booby trap/defense system in ctf. Good luck in the forgetacular im rooting for this one :)
  16. Grumpy Duckling

    Grumpy Duckling Forerunner

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    I'd like to, but it says I don't have enough room on my file share. And I'll need to keep up everything I have on the file share until forgetacular is over.

    If you take a look at the video you can see pretty much the entire map.
  17. DrSammyD

    DrSammyD Forerunner
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    This has one of the most innovative uses of explosives in it. Spiting serpents. Fantastic.
  18. Grumpy Duckling

    Grumpy Duckling Forerunner

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    Thanks, for my next map I just developed something similar to the spitting serpents that uses the same basic release mechanism, but will have its own unique spin to it.

    Hey guys, I received some pretty good feeback from a couple forums on potential changes to improve gameplay.

    Any opinions on how many fusion coils should be shot when triggered? Right now I have it set to 5. Is that a good number, or should it be lower? I'd love some input, thanks.

    Edited by merge:

    I have been working on a revision of the map. What you said about the rock tunnel makes sense so I'll put a dropdown into the rock tunnel from the middle of the map without players having to go through the deep water tunnel.

    - The spitting serpents reduced to 3 shots per.
    - Snipers moved down to platforms beside each base.
    - Sword will be moved to where the rocket currently is.
    - Rocket will be moved to the middle of the lower walkway that goes across the middle of the map on the same side as the rock tunnel.

    Once forgetacular is over, I can put the map with the new changes up on fileshare.
    #18 Grumpy Duckling, Nov 27, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2010
  19. Bleuprint

    Bleuprint Forerunner

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    Really great idea with the "spitting serpents". The mechanism itself, working the way it does, made me very interested in trying this out. I'll download it now and hopefully get some gameplay on it soon. Hard to get 4v4's going lately, but even if I can get a 3v3 ctf to check it out i'm sure it'll work.
  20. Grumpy Duckling

    Grumpy Duckling Forerunner

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    Thanks, and yea 3v3 sometimes plays even better. A few of my close friends prefer 3v3 instead of 4v4 because they can sneak around better and use the tunnels more to their advantage.

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