Forgeworld DLC

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by cornlord, Dec 2, 2010.

  1. cornlord

    cornlord Forerunner
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    Does anyone know if there are plans to release new content for Forge? I know the Noble map pack has some custom stuff for different maps but nothing that you can use in forgeworld. I think it would be sweet if they would release some different skins or something. Also, I would love to have those Tempest man cannons in forgeworld... those things bring sexy back.
  2. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    I don't think it's really possible because of how Halo's map system works. Basically any update to Forge World would have to replace the existing map file, and then your old Forge World maps wouldn't be able to be played on Forge World 2.0. Really the only way to do it, as I understand it, would be to just give you a separate new version of the map under a different name. And I think they'd be much more likely to just release a brand new map, like what they did with Sandbox.

    That said - I'm all for the Reach version of Sandbox. Not necessarily sandy like that, but expanding the forge possibilities as Sandbox did compared to Foundry.
  3. Patsteirer

    Patsteirer Forerunner

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    It's definitely not possible with the mechanics of the game. I'm just praying they have some forge maps coming out. like a "Forge Map Pack" wouldn't that be amazing?
  4. cornlord

    cornlord Forerunner
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    Like, just a bunch of community maps integrated into matchmaking? Cuz I would be all about that. I just joined up here and I'm already psyched about playing the maps i've seen on here with my buds. If they were in matchmaking I wouldn't have to find 7 people on my friends list willing to play customs.
  5. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    I think he meant a map pack full of Forge World alternatives. I'd be all about that - the problem is that the main Halo community wouldn't care that much unless there were some awesome pre-built variants included. And if the main community doesn't pay for the map pack, it doesn't help us forgers much to be the only ones that have it.

    I think the best we can hope for is one map in a subsequent pack that gives us a Forge World alternative, maybe with some expanded possibilities.
  6. cornlord

    cornlord Forerunner
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    Oh, i got ya. That would also be sweet. I agree though, I doubt more than 5% of Halo players would really care enough to want to pay for it. But, they could release it for free. That could happen, right?..... right?..... guys?
  7. Patsteirer

    Patsteirer Forerunner

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    no prolly not. lmao.

    I dunno, I think a large amount of Halo's fanbase is Forgers
  8. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    Honestly they should come out with a Forge Map Pack, with 3 new forge worlds with a new variety of items, well maybe the same items with different skins, ie less glass. Well not all the same objects, but take out some lesser used objects and add maybe some more buildings and objects for us forgers to create more maps.

    Maybe they could make us a Snowy or Sandy terrain. Then a Covenant based city or something of that nature. Then a city based map that is kind of like Sandbox with multiple layers (crypt, skybox, the middle place thing.) Like for the city based map, we could have the streets as the bottom layer, then we could have the inside of skyscrapers interiors as the second layer, and then the rooftops of the skyscrapers as the third level. and we could also not have the layer separator between the middle and top layers so for people who want to make awesome race tracks that go from the bottom of it to the top, they can without any glitching or outside tricks.

    thats just my two cents.
  9. Noble V1

    Noble V1 Forerunner

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    I don't think it will happen. I'm just hoping for some new forge worlds with different atmosphere and pieces.
  10. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    ^ That would be great for forgers, but they're unlikely to do it because it would be less great for the bulk of their paying customers. I'd settle for one Forge World-ish map with an expanded palette and a few different-looking areas, which could be as separate as Bungie sees fit. You could easily divide a map of Forge World's size into a desert area, a snowy area, and an urban area; they wouldn't have to be continuous necessarily, in fact they could be entirely separate and require teleporters to travel between.
  11. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    you pose a valid point and i do agree with you. maybe they should release a map pack in a few months with a just a singular new forge world, in a covenant setting because there is only one none UNSC setting and it sucks because i like the covenant setting (zealot) so i am going to hope for that. Although a Forge Map Pack would be nice for us forgers, i doubt that the whole community would buy it just to forge, although forge world is awesome for us forgers, i think the match making community would be slightly mad at bungie for not giving them something to play on also. So maybe a new map pack with just one new forge world would be very beautiful.
  12. A1ANDY

    A1ANDY Forerunner
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    Free stuff isn’t quite that farfetched, we did get cold storage for free. Maybe a forge variant would go the same way.
  13. Patsteirer

    Patsteirer Forerunner

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    It would make sense on a forerunner world. It's said that they take terrain from many planets. you could have snow, dessert and forest all next to eachother
  14. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    yes but i think we should have a covenant forge world so we could have different theme of forge. Like Foundry, a voi warehouse. Sandbox, just a desert. a forge world, forerunner structure on halo. WHERE IS THE COVENANT!?
  15. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    The biggest problem with a covenant forge map is that covenant architecture tends to be very continuous and rounded. It's much easier to make a human or forerunner-looking map out of blocks and simple geometric shapes; pulling off the covenant look without just using a bunch of huge pre-made objects would be much more difficult.
  16. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    goddammit. moving on to the city forge world idea. haha

    YOUR GETTING NEG'D REPPED FOR BEING RIGHT! just kidding, i love you, i think it would be different to have one because i want something different.
  17. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I agree, it would be really cool. But only timmypanic would have the time and math skills to make it work probably. :)
  18. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    haha i dont know, i think NeXn would be pretty good, there are a few forgers who could possibly make insane maps they would probably just take more time and more thought to place not pointless objects.
  19. TCD

    TCD Forerunner

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    I want sandbox remade! That map was awesome!!!!! I would also like a forge map pack. Yes all the way
  20. grimfandango

    grimfandango Forerunner

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    It would definatley be nice to have some new and differnt areas to forge in. Like everyone says, snow, desert, city ect. as for covenant why not just give us some covenant peices in the forge pallet this time, I'm sure anything could be built then :)

    or even better still the ability to choose the texure or colour of the blocks :D and hopefully the blocks themselves arn't so complicated with glass ect. it would be nice for all the main items to be nice and simple and then a load of decorative items to liven things up a bit.
    #20 grimfandango, Dec 4, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2010

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