Scarred Beach (Tortuga V2)

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by klox2626, Nov 21, 2010.

  1. klox2626

    klox2626 Forerunner

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    Tortuga Beach


    Well here I am again to purpose my Tortuga (now Scarred Beach) map refined with a lot of asthetical tweaking. This is a smaller map made on the beach covered in water next to Paridiso. It was symmetrical and primarily designed for Objective based games... with CTF as the main. It plays pretty well with slayer also. The map is essentially two bases with a Circular Structure seperating them. The Structure has 3 levels to it the middle being tight quarter to mid range, the top being mid to close to long range encounters, and the bottom mid to close range with cover. There is a sniper ramp on one side of the structure and a lower level bridge type thing with a platform on the other side of the structure. When making this I tried to make it so people could utilize their Strengths be it Long range, Medium, Close range, grenades, etc. I also had Fun in mind when making it so please enjoy! :)

    This is an Overview of the map.

    This is Red Side from an angle

    This is Blue Base From a different angle

    Here is a view of the top of blue. If you played my older version I changed the jumpable crates into workable ladders. By workable I mean you go a little slower when walking up them and quick when going down.

    This is the top of the middle Structure. As you can see on slayer gametypes it gets a little hectic up there the first few seconds. :) And in the back there you can see purple side which is the sniper ramp.

    This is Green Side, home to the rocket launcher. Need I say more?

    This is the ancient giant snapping turtle you can see lurking in the background next to the lovely waterfall visuals.

    This is a guy drowning and the moss ridden rocks I added to provide some background visuals for the other side. Since well the opposite side has the waterfall :).

    And here is a Video Flythrough of a frantic 3 teams of 3 slayer match.
    YouTube - Video Preview of my Forgetacular CTF Submission Scarred Beach

    In the near future I will edit this post with an updated map that supports all gametypes excluding Invasion and Race. Also if anyone could tell me how to make my thumbnail img show up. It hasnt worked in the past post either and i know it's killing my views and this is a map I think should get out there :(

    Edited by merge:

    Got the Thumbnail to work :)
    #1 klox2626, Nov 21, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2010
  2. ShKai

    ShKai Forerunner

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    This was a very fun map. We played flag on it like 3 times today and each time was fun overall no complaints and alot of good praise. Keep up the good work and get those other gametypes to work, I cant wait to play them.
  3. jovial1

    jovial1 Forerunner

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    I've had the pleasure of playing Scarred Beach a few times in testing and it's a great map, balancing both aesthetics and playability very finely. The weapon spawns are extremely balanced to ensure that both teams start on an equal footing. It's very easy to orient yourself, and the map makes it easy to propel yourself back into the conflict.

    It's a great map, and I look forward to playing it again.
  4. SlySonikku

    SlySonikku Forerunner

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    I was very impressed with this map; even in places that seem like natural chokepoints, there's options to get away; weapon placement is nicely balanced, and it's just very fun to play as a whole.

    To be honest, I prefer the name Tortuga to Scarred Beach, but that's just me.

    (The giant turtle demands that you name it Gamera! :p )
  5. klox2626

    klox2626 Forerunner

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    lol thanks Sly I'm thinking of keeping Tortuga as the name Maybe Tortuga Coast?
  6. OneDeviantsFate

    OneDeviantsFate Forerunner

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    Woah, upgrades.

    Need to try this version out. To get a thumbnail I usually view the screenshots in and take the thumbs from there and put it up on photobucket... that usually works.
  7. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Looks a tad too linear for my liking... Opening rushes like the one at the start of that video should not happen regularly in maps, and I'm really hoping thats a fluke occurence that it happened in your game.
    There are a couple different routes available to the player, but some of them seem to share common choke points with each other.
    I really need to play a full on custom game with y'all to get a better feel for it though...

    Myone major complaint however is the respawn by the sniper. Never set a respawn point close to a power weapon. Every time that weapon spawns, that respawn point takes priority in the spawn system and the next person to respawn generally spawns there.
  8. klox2626

    klox2626 Forerunner

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    Thanks for the feedback. Yeah the rush in the beginning was because it was a 3v3v3 and my map is made for 4v4 but this was the only vid I had at the time. Add me and I would love for you to try it in a custom. And as for the spawn it isn't a spawn. The host quit out and the flythrough instantly went back to my view. It looks like I spawned because we blackscreened for a second :).

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