Should America be the World Power?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ZANDER1994, Nov 24, 2010.

  1. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    HK should rule the world!1

    Nah, it's rather obvious that China may become the new world power. Its GDP is rising exponentially and its military budget is gaining weight.

    While I don't approve of China's censorship methods... I still don't approve of America's culture either.

    Meh, maybe India will join Japan and take over. Who knows.
  2. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Don't mess with China.



    Not so superpower now, are you America.
    #42 Matty, Nov 28, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2010
  3. Hat

    Hat Guest

    China controls the value of it's currency, not the market. If the US falls, China will fall next fast.
  4. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    You also owe all of that money to China. They also manage your money. They are also your major supplier of goods. Your screwed man, they're probably waiting for their money back before they invade.
  5. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Exactly, if we fail, so do they.
  6. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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  7. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    China is an ALLY of North Korea. The Chinese literally had no comment on what happened the other day. They supply them with food and weapons and money. The reason being, North Korea is the only thing between the AMERICAN military base in South Korea, and them.
    #47 ZANDER1994, Nov 28, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2010
  8. R Richard P26

    R Richard P26 Ancient
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    I'm not so sure. China is being pressured into taking actions against NK and is starting to go along with them. I think their reluctance is not because they are allies (NK has been a pain for China as well as everyone else). I think it's more not wanting to make fun of the kid in high school who has a crazy eyes and makes shivs out of office supplies when you are sitting right next to him in math class. Korea has the 4th largest army in the world, and though it has little way to replenish itself (so many citizens are members that they can't just train more men as there will be so few left). And I am aware that their equipment is at least 30 years old (probably older) however Japan had a somewhat similar situation in WW2, but due to their people's values they were able to take thousands of lives (in the long run the A-bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki saved lives. It was predicted 5 million U.S soldiers would have to die to win, and there wouldn't be a Japan today as all of it's citizens would have comitted suicide rather than surrender to the U.S.) The people of NK are EVEN MORE willing to die for their country, and after the troops are gone their army could easily enough just start handing out surplus weapons and make any invaders life hell. So although NK has almost not ability to attack overseas and over long distance it could make any nearby countries life hell, NK could possibly take over several neighbors before they ran out of troops.

    But if all that is just more reason why if something happens it must happen FAST. Right now NK is contained, nearby countries would be all that woud be hurt and they could be more or less rebuilt quickly. But when NK gets nuclear weapons Kim Jon Il will shoot them as fast as he can in the event of a war, and a full-on nuclear war will be the only option. NK will be nothing more than a smoking crater and the rest of the world will only be slightly better off. Imagine NK as a rubber band that is getting pulled tighter and tighter, and after a certain amount of time it will turn into a grenade, something REALLY needs to happen before that happens.

    Honestly I think someone just needs to assassinate Kim Jon Il and let the slap of reality that he wasn't a god, as well as the resulting power vacuum that always happens in Communist societies will hopefully bring the people to their senses, and hopefully that power vacuum can be used to instil a more humanitarian *cough*democratic*cough* regime that will allow it's people some growth and success. If I ever get terminal cancer THAT is my bucket list.

    EDIT: HOLY COW, this was meant to be a quick thought, sorry for the wall.
    #48 R Richard P26, Nov 28, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2010
  9. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Why would China be afraid of South Korea? Are you suggesting we want to attack China? We're aren't against them man.
  10. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    You can't just assassinate the man, the news outlets there are built around him. Even if the assassination was public, every news outlet in NK would deny it, saying it was a hoax, the military would coerce civilians that witnessed it and there would be a total lock down in the country. Not to mention that his son would take over, who is just as crazed as dad and we don't need to give a reason to set the son over the edge.

    Assassination is completely bad idea. It will have repercussions down the road that we completely have not thought of.

    It'd be interesting to see a revolution inside the country, there has to be some underground movement among some intelligent citizens there that realize Kim is a giant baby and full of ****.
  11. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I think they just flee to South Korea. The lack of food and nutrients in North Korea is practically an epidemic, anybody who doesn't want to obey misseur Kim, but who doesn't want to die usually tries to flee.
  12. hunEtER0121773

    hunEtER0121773 Forerunner

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    i think england deserves more power then usa
  13. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    What a silly response. England was in control of the world at one point because of it's ability to dominate the seas, which came about from the good fortune of a storm, which knocked down the spanish. Anyways, in today's world England is without the resources or man power to be the dominant force in global politics.
  14. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    We conquered the world through good diplomacy, and a bit of brute force. Rome failed in maintaining unified power in far-reaching regions, but somehow we did it okay.

    Also when it comes to the navy it wasn't necessarily the strength, but the variety and depth of designs, methods and training. Even now our navy is like the 3rd largest in the world, but we don't do anything with it but cruise around the med.

    But yea with America and Chinas obscene military budget, we wouldn't stand a chance.
  15. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    What an intelligent response, way to contribute to the argument.

    According to WikiLeak's, North Korea and Iran are supposedly in cooperation, and has sent 19 nukes to the latter. Some US official said the relationship is unacceptable.
    #55 Glasgow, Dec 1, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2010
  16. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    I wish the UN was more powerful than it was (meaning actually having some power). We live in a connected world so the idea of each country doing it's own thing no longer fits. Sure there is international cooperation to a degree, but what we have is not enough. I know that we can't just drop all the borders instantly, but we should work toward a country-less world. Unfortunately, everyone thinks that their way of life is right so trying to de-sectionalize the world would be tuff. First world countries would, for a time, not enjoy the luxury they are used to. Oh well...
  17. Hat

    Hat Guest

    No. This would just not work. What happens when the ruler becomes a dictator? What happens when that government falls? What happens to the people of that fallen government? The leader of this world government would have way to much power. That's why different countries are so great. What would've happened if Hitler didn't become the leader of germany, but the leader of the world? Who would stop him? There wouldn't be any other government power to stop him, no organized military.
    #57 Hat, Dec 1, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2010
  18. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    Let me post-preface my early post with this. I am an idealist who believes in the good of man. Unfortunately it is a well-known fact that those people who most want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do the job. To summarize, anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.
  19. R Richard P26

    R Richard P26 Ancient
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    So your saying that the guy who wants to nuke us is giving nukes to other people who want to nuke us?

    That's why I say assassinate NOW. It's the fastest possible method to stop him (and talking will probably never work on him anyway, though I wish it weren't so) and he's currently trying to groom his younger son into the next leader of NK. Take him out now and they won't have had enough time to make very many more nukes and sonny will have to step up before he's ready sooo.....
    a) (not likely) he turns out to be a competent leader with enough common sense to realize what a nuclear war means
    b) (not likely) he becomes a worse sociopath than his father who kills anyone who tries to take over from him in his father's absence and imediately starts WW3
    c) (the most likely option, like 90% chance IMO) He fails horribly and is replaced by a high ranking NK official. In the power struggle there is a potential for a schism in the country with Generals carving out their own slices of land amidst the confusion. Though some nukes may be launched they will most likely be by one general against another so the damage is contained to the country. If one general does take charge he will have to be extremely intelligent to have outthought the others and so he will know that he must deal with the outside world.

    At least those are the outcomes I see. We all know how messed up stuff can become anyway, despite the best planning and precautions. As Einstein said, "Nothing is fool proof because fools are so ingenious." (Or something with that meaning, I just potentially screwed up trying to look smart by not fact checking didn't I. Stupid quotes.)

    And the whole "China wanting NK as a buffer," I don't think that's so, why would they be afraid of the troop in South Korea, if NK wasn't there neither would the troops.
  20. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Okay if were going down the path of uniting and global interest, then please just watch this, as this is a good example of where we are with this topic in the world.

    17 mins.

    Gordon Brown on global ethic vs. national interest | Video on

    -- Aimed toward above poster --

    Why do you instantly leap to the assassinate card when an idea breaches the defence of your great nation (America)? I'm not questioning power, good will, sence of duty etc i'm going simpler than that. Just basicly, what gives you (and your people) the power to say that we can go out to another country half way around the world, and change their infrastructure, their identiy, their very essense, simply because they are or have assumed to be a threat.
    #60 Matty, Dec 2, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2010

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