Crown of Flies

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by squidhands, Nov 29, 2010.

  1. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Crown of Flies is an asymmetrical, room-based map designed for fast paced, competitive games. Team Slayer is the gametype of choice (DMR starts, naturally), but the map is set up for pretty much everything but Invasion and the racing gametypes. Headhunter, Stockpile, One Flag and Three Plots have all been tested and work well. The map doesn't support more than 8 people without breaking the spawn system, so please keep that in mind if you play with a large party.

    This map started out as a 1v1 map for FH's Conflict Tournament, but even after the map was released I knew I wasn't done with it. I tinkered around with the concept for quite some time after the contest, expanding on the size of the map and the potential routes that one could take to get around. After Reach hit, I immediately went to work and finally crafted what you'll (hopefully) download now. I hate to call this a remake, because it's not. There is some enormous differences between the 1v1 version and this, but I have to keep the name because this is what Crown of Flies should have been in the first place.

    Anyway, on to the pics:


    Rocket (Pink) Room

    Shotgun Cave:


    Yellow lift:

    Yellow Room:

    Bottom Porch:

    Major Weapons:

    • Rocket Launcher (180)
    • Sniper Rifle (150)
    • Shotgun (120)

    That's about all I can say. This has been a labor of love creating CoF to put it mildly. I've enjoyed the process immensely, from the initial H3 version to where it is now, I'd also would like to thank everyone who has helped me test it's various iterations, I couldn't have done any of this without you guys.

    #1 squidhands, Nov 29, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2010
  2. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Oh wow you finally posted it :3

    This map is epic. It has the same feel as the original while being like twice as large. 4v4 works incredibly well on this and the transitions to reach are greatly appreciated.

    I get the feeling we'll be hearing about this map for a long, long time.
  3. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    This is simply a great map.

    I'd like to point out that while my impromptu game of "Three-for-all" may not be common, it still fits in the recommended player counts.

    But, obviously thats no way to test the spawns or flow lol. I can tell you that i like where the rockets were placed because its a real easy to find location, and same with the shotgun. I never actually found the sniper myself, i always took it off of Mick's dead body, but i assume that it wasn't cleverly hidden ;)

    To be honest i have a hard time seeing the similarities to the original map. Its probably a combination of the new layout and palette, but the only part i realized was definitely part was the walkway adjacent to the shotgun that overlooked the rocket spawn.

    Also, needz moar interlokz 2/5
  4. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments, guys. I can't believe how lucky I got with that insanely close game as a film submission. Fingers crossed that Bungie likes the map and we'll see it in MM.
  5. The Guns of Gilead

    The Guns of Gilead Forerunner

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    Real Nice Map buddy. I like how this is set up. I see this being some organized chaos as the map is smaller but spaced out (ya know?) The grassy area is pretty cool as well. I liked to jump off w/ jetpack over the grass and just do a U-Turn around the rock pillar and get back to where I had just jumped off! If possible on the outside or in the grass I'd try to get something out there, like a landmark, or another rock formation to inject a little character.
    #5 The Guns of Gilead, Nov 30, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2010
  6. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Thanks, I did my best to create differing spaces that would be easily identifiable for everyone within the first few milliseconds upon spawn. It is a little smaller of a map, but the match times have been right around the same times for a matchmaking game (8+ minutes). I've got a great example of how a TS game goes, and most of the players hadn't set foot on the map before. Glad to hear that you like what you see and I hope you enjoy the games.
  7. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    OMGosh! The legendary Squidhands posted the new Crown of Flies!!

    Haha love the map. It has great sectioning to keep combat somewhat room-based. The layout is excellent really. I was a little iffy on a few spawns during testing (which i already mentioned). Did you by chance make any changes to them since I've seen? If not, it plays beautifully anyway. The forging is great. I really liked that central rocket bridge. The jump up was pretty cool and made for fun fightin over the rocket spawn. Well there's not much else I have to say. Its a great map! Best of luck in the Forgetacular, good sir!

    *Nonchalantly leaves the thread*
  8. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    Hey, squid. I noticed you posted this in the Forge thread on NeoGAF, so I thought I should find it here and see what other people think of it. Your map looks and plays really great. Me and friends love this map and is a hit in all the LANs we hold.

    Keep up the good forging!
  9. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Thanks so much, GG! Spawns were indeed altered a little, but since this is a dynamic system (compared to static), you'll be spawning close to where your teammates are, even when they may be in a fight. I think that was the problem with your situation if I remember correctly, but in all honesty I've looked at so many films that it's kind of tough to remember. Glad to hear that you like it and thanks for the contest well-wishes!

    Always a pleasure to see a fellow GAFfer post here. Thanks for the nice comments, and I'm really happy to hear that you guys like it. Now I'm off to your thread to see what folks have to say about Yetidome!
  10. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    Simple and efficient design.
    its an important element of all types of design, especially map making.
    squidhands has accomplished this MANY times in his forging career,
    and Crown of Flies' debut in Reach is no exception.

    Crown of Flies was a fantastic map in H3, it never got old to me,
    and was a blast for 1V1's, casual OR serious.

    The transition to full team play and enlargement of the playspace could not have gone smoother. I saw the various iterations of this as you were fine-tuning it for the past... what, month or two? and now that its finally complete, it was really worth the wait.
    The outer areas are equally balanced as the inner areas.
    Team Slayer plays like a dream on here. No one spot is overly dominating. Scores tend to be competitive throughout the entire game, no team taking a gigantic lead unless its due to their skill and not a map flaw.
    Stockpile also played beautifully on here.

    The aesthetics of the map cannot go unmentioned either. You kept it neat, clean, and functional, while still looking great. Lately, with all the screenlag problems people have been having, thats not always an easy feat. This map has no lag, and still great aesthetic features. The rock cave area with the shotgun spawn was a great addition as well.

    This will be a keeper on my box for quite some time.
    Really looking forward to your next project. Congrats!
  11. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    There are so many amazing FEATUREs in this map. Every area has it's own feel and distinct design. I can't even describe how much this helped me and other players to quickly get our bearings.

    It really shows just how much time you put into getting everything just right and it only pays off in the end. I hope to see this floating around in one of the TGIF parties soon.
  12. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    levels flow really well and i like he vertical layout a lot.
    but that colosseum wall on the outside pokes out and im like whut?
  13. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    i was in a customs party, i forget who it was with but maaaaan, the two or so times we played on this bad boy i had a blast. Both games were some of the closest reach games i've played. No team got more than 2 points ahead of the other, i think one ended up a tie game even. Every area is used just as much as the last, every weapon is balanced.

    From my limited experience on playtesting this, it was one of the best competitive maps i've played. It makes me hit myself for missing out on the original.
    #13 CHUCK, Dec 10, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2010
  14. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    It's so sad that such interesting and awesomely laid out maps like this one never really receive any attention. It's one of the main reasons this game is not going to last. Great maps like this are rolled over and people instead download and play maps constructed out of 130 floating bridges.

    I still haven't gotten a full game on this with real teams, but the few games I did run around on it, it shows nothing but improvement from the original in Halo 3. Can't wait to see your next project.
  15. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think that still may be due to the, and I hate to use this word, "noobs" of forge that are still forging almost purely for aesthetics. Over time, I think, great maps like this will not continue to be overlooked, as people will maybe be able to realize what separates a good map from a bad one.

    I haven't gotten a good game on this either, but I'd really like to get one soon, as the original was one of my favorite 1v1/2v2 maps in Halo 3. Great job squidhands!

    C0N5TANTINE Forerunner

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    Dude I am so happy you re made this I played the original alot with my friends and this has the same fun game play style. Great Job!
  17. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    I remember playing this Friday with Nibs, Stevo and some others. It was a pretty fun map, occasional rocket whoring by some people...but otherwise good. Nice flow of movement all over the map.
  18. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    The map is a bit reminiscent of Epitaph from Halo 3, but (imo) much, much better. After running around on the map for a few minutes, I had the entire map layout memorized in my head. Too often maps such as this one are too simple or too complex. You've managed to find the perfect middle ground. The weapon placement was great as well. Everything was easily located and could be seen from a greater distance as well (a problem some forgers struggle with).

    My only real beef with this map (a very small one, mind you) is that there is a small gap between the bunker piece you used by rockets and the wall it's placed against. I'm not sure if that was an intentional tactical gap of not, but I find it a tad irritating (again, me being picky, lol). Other than that I find the map to be beautifully forged.

    Overall the layout is intuitive, promotes movement, and still has some areas that players will want to fight for. Everything a player would want in a map. I don't say this too often, but this is a map everyone should have in their hard drive. It feels like a map that came shipped with the game. Great work squids, I can't wait to see your next project.
  19. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    I love the layout, as others have said it's easy to tell where you are and to get a feel for the whole map right away. It seems like you used a lot of different pieces in random ways but in a good sense, its just the right amount of structure and diversity to keep the map from being overly simple or complex. My only complaint is that there are almost no grenades on the map. i understand some maps have too many and result in spamming but in this map i feel like there could be more.

    I think this gap is a good thing as it promotes movement since grenades can be thrown in there from the sides to prevent camping. Nice map squidhands!
  20. Pope Rex

    Pope Rex Forerunner

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    Somewhat simple and quaint, yet instantly addictive!

    Very fluid map movement and excellent weapon placement promotes active teamwork rather than the typical "set-up-and-dominate." Testing was a pleasant, rather than awkward, process. This map is easily worth your DL and custom game time!

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