Doesn't Bungie love Halo anymore..?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Rigest, Nov 27, 2010.

  1. Jupiter

    Jupiter Forerunner

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    The problem with bungie is that they do not do a great job when they are in deadline mode. From my understanding, a majority of bungies development process had to do with the campaign (maps, story sucked), game mechanics and graphics. While I wouldn't want them to half-do, say, armor abilities. I wouldn't have minded halo 3 graphics if it meant the most fun game ever.

    I have made this analogy before; but Bungie was writing a beautiful-masterful even paper, but when they got to their final few paragraphs (Forge, Matchmaking, Custom Games), they noticed they had only a few minutes to submit the paper so then quickly spewed a few words down, spell-checked it, and turned it in.

    We are under the impression that Bungie can simply edit it and re-submit the paper.. Which may not be the case it turns out; even though Bungie made it sound like they could update the game as easily as thinking it.

    In reality only probably a few hundred people gave a **** about VIP. I'm assuming Bungie's plan were to add it in if enough people asked for it. As for the weird modded game types; I think that Bungie first made the game types to work in matchmaking, then they copy and pasted (Bungie equivalent) them to matchmaking fixed it up a little and shipped. I also, though, find it weird that they wouldn't just make one version of the game type that works for both custom games and matchmaking... like they said they would.

    Love it when people complain about people complaining : )

    Anyways I agree with you in a sense. Bungie is doing things. They are not dead like people are making them out to be.. Though people were expecting better. There is a blurry gray line between justified complaining ("yo maps R broke Brah"), and ignorant complaining ("eww evade"). Both can be classified as annoying but, but one fuels progress, and one leads to destruction. Way to many people draw the conclusion that complaining in general is bad, this halts progress..

    Game developers are JUST figuring this out but the more you pander to the consumers wants (when it comes to games at least) the more games you will sell, and the more gamers will be sticking around when you release the map packs.

    Over the past 15 years this has defiantly been true. Though as of now Trayarch is more frequently updating their game. As for being involved, bungie is King (or queen, if you to don't like the masculine overtones)

    Yup! Makes me wonder what the Living Dead playlist thread is for... A stress ball perhaps..

    I see the problem with invasion is that it was completely experimental, and it never really made that jump to "legit". Its still in the "playing around with an idea" stage. No focus in it. Heavily reliant on the maps. No room for modification in custom games.

    If your bicycle is broken; tire is popped, chain is lose (whatever)... What do you do? Abandon it on the side of the road, and repress the idea of ever loving to ride it? Sure there are bigger problems. Like mend a relationship. Maybe you have the flu and you need to fix yourself. Maybe your car is broken, which is a lot more important than your bicycle.
    You know what? Your Right! **** the bike! Its dead and gone. The Bike is broken so why the hell would you ride it. The bike shop is like... in your house.. but that is way to far. You have more important things like KOTH...

    "**** the Bike! Im going to go Jogging."

    "Infection players are a very small percentage of the total population."
    10% is not a small amount when you are talking about a population... Ever..
    "the Infection community finally got their playlist"
    What; 3 games later?
    I got news for you, there were just as many camping spots on the playlist maps on Halo 3 and nothing was done about them.
    So basically Bungie has a history of not caring about infection? Brilliant.

    Exactly! Custom. Games. Matchmaking. I wanted it since halo 2.

    I absolutely hate race, but I think bias doesn't matter when I say Race could use more maps, specifically set up for race. And its own playlist.



    Bungie.Net is Flooded. And not flooded with the crystal clear water of St Johns Island. But flooded with moldy bullshit. your ideas are rarely heard there. And the ideas that gain speed there are overly complained about, usually not very well articulated. You said it. Children.

    Oni should be interesting.

    I have no problem, with the rate at which bungie is releasing new content. Though I find it a little bit tantalizing that things that i could fix in forge in 5 minutes are taking bungie months to fix. I'm sure there is a good reason for these things. In the first 2 months after launch, I think it is extremely important to fix small things (like the rockslide camping spot, or weapon balancing) because people have a short attention span, and the game will loose a lot of players if there are a lot of problems that are not getting fixed. At this point though, Bungie should think about keeping the dedicated happy.

    Don't have tempest yet (sadface)

    Ill finish this later..... Jk
    #21 Jupiter, Nov 30, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2010
  2. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    oh i'm sorry, Jupiter, how many games engines have you designed and built? do you have a log of how many hours were spent on armor abilities vs campaign?

    So many know-nothing know-it-alls love to talk ****. try creating a perfectly balanced game, see how it comes out.
    #22 IH8YourGamerTag, Nov 30, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2010
  3. Jupiter

    Jupiter Forerunner

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    1, actually. (Made it in multimedia fusion 2.) (ok fine it was a big modification)..
    And: No. I assume armor abilities where being balanced around the same time the campaign was being set up...
    If you are willing to buy me the latest Flash, teach me how to use it.. Trap my social life in suspended animation for a few months .. And I'll make you a "perfectly balanced" game with a multiplayer.

    Seriously are you going to compare me (a single person) to an entire professional game studio that has a net worth of a billion dollars, hundereds of specialized employees, and millions of supports?..... seriously? The word "pretentious" comes to mind. I don't know why.

    Anyways Im not talking ****. I'm saying that bungie spend a lot of time on making their game work (graphics, game mechanics, then making the campaign brilliant), and when they got to multiplayer, they only had like a year. Im not bashing bungie for being lazy or not using their time wisely, neither of which were the case. Its just I saw the potential for this game, and with that I had high standards.
    #23 Jupiter, Nov 30, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2010
  4. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    i'm not comparing you to a studio, but YOU are the one who was talking like he knew the development process intimately for this game. i'm just saying. we have no idea how many man-hours were spent on AA.

    when you put up something the length of a graduate thesis you have to expect these kind of replies. :)
    #24 IH8YourGamerTag, Nov 30, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2010
  5. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    Oh Tempest is amazing, dont get me wrong. they just hyped it up to be another forge area, thats all. Going through it i have found some neat hidden tunnels. I think some good maps can come from this, but its 1/1000 of forgeworld as far as flexibility. Ive tried deleting everything on it, but i still have $80 on the map and my guess is its 2 shotguns and 2 snipers because there are only 14 left of each in my inventory. However some of the items dont delete when you delete all of that particular item. I think they did that to hide the tunnels, because the spire 3s blocking those paths werent deleting when i hit delete all on that object. They may have accidently done the same with shotty and snipe. I could be wrong, but i just cant find the little bastards.

    but seriously though 10/10 on the new map pack, three solid maps. Instantly makes the maplist much much stronger.

    P.S. i forgot to mention the new driftwood pieces, woohoo. lol

    And why the hell do you have to quote the entire world jupiter lol, you took up a whole page almost.
    #25 ThrowinDemBows, Nov 30, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2010
  6. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You start a conversation about Infection and complain that Bungie aren't doing everything in their power to fix it, because they have more pressing matters to attend. So instead, you start bitching about a broken bike? Yeah because thats the same.

    First, grow up. Stop acting like a 10 year old child and arguing about a custom game that bitched its way into matchmaking.

    Second, take a good long look at Bungie's side of things. They're a massive corporate company, they've just spent the last 2 years developing Reach. They are currently holding a competition for the whole of USA to get their custom content maps put into matchmaking. They've got to find a way to stop half of the bugs that keep getting reported. They need to maintain their own servers. Once you understand what they have to do as a company, then and only then can you whine or *****.

    Third, realise that YOU ARE NOT MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANY OTHER PLAYER IN THE GAME!!! Why the hell should Bungie listen to your constant bitching about a playlist only 10 year old kids like? It got put in matchmaking because half of the casual halo players don't like playing the gametype, and the other half ***** and whine if they can't play it online. How about take into consideration what I want? I want Halo to become a COMPETITIVE game, like it always used to be. I want Halo to HAVE MORE SYMMETRICAL MAPS. I want the game to have NO RETARDED BUGS. I want the game to ACTUALLY PLAY LIKE A HALO GAME!

    My wants for the game are no more important than yours. And quite frankly, mine are a minority compared to the 70 odd % of Halo players that play casual and social games all the time. 20% of players play competitively, while a tiny portion under 10% prefer to play infection. Bungie listen to the 70%, because the more they please them, the more money they make...
  7. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    1.) I guarantee that Infection players do not make up 10% of the population. Maybe half that... and yes, 5% is a small part of the community. Especially when you consider the ages of a majority of those kids playing that one-hit kill zombie crap in Halo 3.

    Why would they give a **** about an extremely casual game that's played solely for fun? More people played infection in casuals during Living Dead weekends anyways. This playlist is solely for the purpose of getting in an infection game when you feel like playing infection and most of your friends aren't online. That's all it will be to me, at least.
  8. Jupiter

    Jupiter Forerunner

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    Analogies are fun! But there is a requirement. You have to be aware of when they are being used. I did't think I would ever have to point this out, but I was not actually talking about a broken bike..


    Done. *continues to whine and ******

    Seriously though, I would rather have bungie polish the content that they have right now (not just infection) before they start adding new stuff.

    I feel like you're equating me to this hypothetical immaturity cesspool of 10 year olds that reside on halo in some imaginary corner of the internet. I don't know if you have actually played infection. But the same ages and maturity levels play infection as the do on any other playlist. Your perception of the people who play infection is mostly illusory.

    Also the reason why people are complaining about it a lot, is simply because It is easy to complain about. Not only are the problems in infection visible and physical (like camping spots), solutions are also very easy to come up with. This gives people the ability to very easily articulate a complaint.
    Then there are things like weapon balance or spawn locations. When people complain about those things they rarely get past the "somethings not right" stage. Then I seldom see solutions to these types of problems.

    Also, please don't assume that because I only mentioned infection's problems in this thread that think it has priority over more important things... While I very much like infection. (more so than any other gametype, except doubles and custom games) I would still like to see the more ...populated.... things get fixed first.

    Infection is casual/social brah. If your going to group some together, you cant just leave infection out, of course a whole is going to be bigger than a part... You should compare infection to other singular playlists, it would make more sense

    I was basing "10%" off of this. (where i percentilzed - if thats a word - living dead), at the time it was a little over 10%, now it is more like 5% (as you guaranteed :) ). As a number, 5 is small compared to 100. Though it is still an aspect of the game that thousands of people are involved in. It is significant. (Again) Its is really easy to say, "infection" VS "the rest of the game". because of course "the rest of the game" is more important. But this is not the case.

    Oh and something being labled as "competitive" does not instantly make it more important than everything labeled "casual". Its all a about popularity.
    #28 Jupiter, Nov 30, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2010
  9. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yea, people who play infection are just as mature as the rest of the matchmaking community when they sit up in their camping spots and spawn kill the uncoordinated mass of idiotic brain-dead zombies who can't organize a rush.

  10. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You can stop arguing your point. In case you haven't noticed, nobody has agreed with you.
  11. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
    Senior Member

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    that was the point

    To OP, as others have said, Bungie supports their games more than any other developer in the industry. Don't know where you seem to get the idea that they don't.
  12. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Clean up your acts or punishments will be dealt out. People can have a intelligent discussion without flaming and bickering.
  13. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well from a business perspective, if you can make 4,788 Players (a.k.a. customers) much happier with your product it's certainly worth to consider. And I don't think it should cost a lot of manpower since you can take good maps from the community.

    To everyone who says I have to stop whining that Bungie doesn't support Reach enough: I do think Bungie is a great developper who is involved with the community. Okay, my bad for the OP Title but it was to get the discussion going. All I'm saying is that in Halo 2 and 3 it felt like they we're more involved. And also, that all they have to is so little, that I can't understand why they're not doing it.

    There are so many players on Reach, but yet a lot miss out on some great Halo experiences. Take for example the race maps of this board, some are pure genius, and yet 83 percent of the players won't ever get to play them with other people. Why wouldn't they make a playlist with awesome mini games? Why wouldn't they set up the Invasion maps for BTB so that the maps actually live up to their potential?
    #33 Rigest, Dec 1, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2010
  14. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Well, I've read the entire thread here and agree and disagree with many things.

    First things first, I agree with what Titmar said on, I think, page 1. Bungie is the most community driven and friendly developer in the industry. If you disagree have a gander at Valve's forums and the sad delusional people who keep on posting stuff and asking the developers to do stuff when none of them have said anything for like 15 years. Or take Epic, it took like half a year to fix Gears of War 2's matchmaking which was broken from the beginning. Bungie does make constant playlist changes. They post community videos, they hold humpday challenges where they play with the community, and they're currently spending their work time testing what must be thousands upon thousands of crap maps looking for the dozen or so diamonds.

    I disagree with the statement that they care less about Reach than they did about prior Halo games. You can't compare a game that went through it's complete process with a game that just came out. What you can compare is Halo 3 in its first 3 months with Halo Reach in its first 3 months. You know what you'll find out? IT'S THE SAME AMOUNT OF SUPPORT! If not more support because of all the added benefits to since Halo 3 came out. I bet if I look hard enough I could find similar quotes saying that they do not care about Halo 3 as much as they did Halo 2.

    I don't understand all the infection hating going on. I guarantee you that everyone loved playing zombies on Foundation or on Backwash from time to time. So I don't know what infection did to you to foster so much negative feelings toward it but whatever. To play devils advocate a little bit and agree with some of the anti bungie posts let me say this. If a thread is created by an employee with the intent of shedding light of gameplay flaws or bugs and the people in that thread are led to believe that their opinions matter than it is very disappointing when nothing gets changed for longer than reasonable amounts of time. It isn't just infection's playlist thread that is more or less ignored but numerous playlist threads where hundreds of users have voiced very similar complaints that would not take much to fix.

    So, I guess to summarize my points here, Bungie does care, and people have patience, most of your complaints will be answered in time.

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