
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Stevo, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah I like that bit the most, it conceals forgeworld's ugly gray quite nicely by drawing people's attention to it.

    Originally, there was a receiver node merged into the sword platform so it looked more like a fountain with the blue energy splashing down. However, I thought it'd be best if I removed that after introducing the other teleporters so it wouldn't confuse people.
  2. Drummerboi420

    Drummerboi420 Forerunner

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    This map is boss! I can't wait to go play this, can I ask how long this took? Uncomparable aesthetics and design, Props to the video I felt like I was being shown a Bungie DLC announcement, Top Notch!
  3. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm not sure how long Steve spent actually building this, but the testing and revising process lasted quite some time.
  4. The Guns of Gilead

    The Guns of Gilead Forerunner

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    Just got a look at your map and it's def a good map. The fountain gives it some flavor and fits in well with the enviornment. Other than maybe adding some decortations I think you got a pretty solid map. It was fun to play and while I did pretty well going +6 I didn't get a Perfection like you did on my map (Congrats by the way) I think you hit on the right kind of gameplay for this type of map.
  5. yomilo

    yomilo Forerunner

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    Nice Video, Nice feature...

    I think that from the 3 featured maps, yours is the best one...

    Btw, I would have destroyed your reputation that a critique and active participant of the testing guild would have not made a good map, wouldn't it...

    Anyways, Awsome map, stunning visuals, and the gameplay looks great...
  6. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hmm.. it's hard to say, I think I spent two full days constructing the final version of the map.. However, I spent a good 8 hours constructing the pool and possible map designs prior to deciding on Envy's final Layout. Some Lolboxer's might remember me moaning about an awesome looking pool that I couldn't do anything with... well that turned out to be something after all :p

    Inorite? total ball ache for testing those man-cannons! >:O

    Thanks Mate.. it's always nice to know my maps are appreciated. And thanks... i like to pwn perfections ;)

    LOL, yeah... that wouldn't half ruin my rep!! But seriously... You can have the logic to build a map, but not the skills to build it successfully. I have the logic, but only some of the skills... I'm never 100% happy with my maps, I just like to play them after creating them.. so I hope you had fun playing it too :D

    Thanks guys :)
  7. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    finally had the pleasure of playing this today with you all.

    KOTH was an absolute joy and i can say that i havent had a fun, chaotic and enjoyable game of KOTH like that since halo 3. i havent tried any other gametypes on this yet, but KOTH rocking that hard is reason enough for me to keep this beauty on my hard drive for eternity.

    great job =D
  8. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    awww cheers dude (Y)
    It's been a long while since i've received compliments for Envy... But yeah, it's a cool casual map for just that reason. You should totally get a game of headhunter on it though... PRO AS FECK!
  9. vesicles

    vesicles Forerunner

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    Memorable. This map has been a joy to have on my hard drive. Its sooo good people ask if I made it. Hahaha. Seriously, for a small symetrical slayer map this one is fun and has excellent replayability. Frequently I load it up when the party slows down and it always gets the blood going again. My friends remember this map. It is simply a fun place to play.
  10. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    So yesterday, myself and 7 other members downloaded and played around 30 random community maps, and this was one of them.

    The general thoughts on this map were that it looked amazing. Then we started playing and found that the framerate was awful, particularly on the floor surrounded by glass. As cool as it looks, its awful for gameplay. The other problem was the atrocious spawning. One member even joked that "there aren't even spawns on the map, we are just randomly spawning inside the map". It felt like this was true. I spawned face to face with an enemy who was also spawning. I watched other people spawn frequently. Chrst and Shad0w were having a one on one battle, only to have the three teammates of Chrst spawn right behind him and now Shad0w was facing 4 people by himself.

    If you could reduce the amount of glass and fix your spawn system, this map could be a great map. I would also recommend it becoming more of a doubles or small FFA map though. That also might help your spawning.
  11. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Cheers dude, that's always nice to know that it's a firm favourite of you and your friends... I was beginning to think the hype of this map had completely died :D

    That is something strange... All through testing (of which there were a good 50+ hours at the very least put into this maps testing) there were no framerate issues whatsoever. Also, the spawn system is very delicate, and with player placement it can easily be ruined. But, I'm afraid this literally is the best the map can become with it's spawn system.

    It wasn't actually designed for Team games in mind. It was, and always has been, designed for FFA Slayer. I just prefer the aspects of Symmetrical gameplay, as it familiarises the players with the map much quicker than an Asymmetrical map.

    I appreciate your feedback though TSB, it's nice to know some of the dirty stuff of a map creation, it means I can use it for future maps :) Oh, and the ideal player count for this map is 5 player FFA. It's just set up for 8 players for variety of games and gameplay.
  12. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow, this looks sick. I like the name you came up with for the map and the center piece looks beautiful.
  13. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Envy was built for free-for-all action. Gametypes such as slayer, crazy king, and headhunter bring out the best qualities of Envy. Unfortunately, none of the team oriented games play nearly as well, which reduces the enjoyment of Envy. The map’s simple but aesthetically pleasing design encourages competitive play while not taking itself too seriously. As a whole, Envy is great for a quick game of a slayer.

    Due to the size of the Envy, parties of four to eight are preferred with six people being the best number for free-for-all games. The relatively small amount of players supported by the map improves its overall enjoyment. The limited play space discourages feelings of being cramped and encourages map movement. This movement is usually focused upward going to the top floor.

    Envy is comprised of three main floors. The bottom floor with the decorative pool. The middle floor is mostly built from tunnel pieces with a platform cutting the diagonal of the level, and ramps providing quick access to floor above. The top floor contains a bridge, spanning the diagonal of the space.

    Each level has at least two transition points and as a result movement is generally smoother on the top level. The bottom floor has two mancannons that send players to the middle floor and two teleporters in the corners that send players to the top floor. The middle floor has two ramps leading to the top floor and a dropdown by the mancannons allowing players to fall to the bottom floor. The only way down from the top floor is by the ramps at the corners or holes by the bridge. This simple transition system makes movement easy and is reminiscent of early Bungie Maps like Warlock.

    Unfortunately, team based gametypes do not fair so well on Envy. The spawn system causes team play to be a little cramped, this results in players spawning and immediately being shot at or to seeing someone from the other team. Just remember, free-for-all play is enjoyable, team play is not on this map.



    New and old players on Envy will have no problem finding weapons and understanding the layout of the map. The main power weapons of Envy are an energy sword located in the middle of the pool on the bottom floor, much like Bungie’s Ivory Tower or Reflection. Also a grenade launcher on the middle floor, located under a decorative piece. An overshield rests in the middle of the bridge on the top floor and is the main driving force of initial movement within the map.

    Combat games usually revolve around the concept of who can control the high ground and Envy is no exception to that fundamental concept. The top floor proved to be the focus of combat and any battles around the rest of the map were usually in transition spots to get to the top floor, such as the ramps or near the teleporters on the bottom floor.

    Due to the design and gameplay philosophy of the map, free-for-all play is highly encouraged and thus the individual players playing the map determine balance. During team games, if a team controls the sword, grenade launcher, and top floor they will generally control the entire game. Further reason for players to avoid doing anything team related on this map.

    The balance is fine tuned for free-for-all games but falls apart for team games due to how easy it is to control the top floor and power weapons. Simple transitions between floors and easy to remember weapon placement make Envy well balanced for the newcomer or seasoned players of the map.



    Envy is a completely enclosed space so escape is impossible. There are no places on the map where a kill barrier is needed because every floor is contained and set to certain heights. There are no ledges anywhere on the map for players to get an unfair height advantage using a jetpack. The map also has no framerate problems and any lag encountered would just be related to network conditions and not a result of the map.

    Replayability is another matter entirely. Few maps are built for a free-for-all audience, so in that perspective this map is always a good choice to load up for a quick game if players are in the mood for some free-for-all. Multiple games can be played on it and it would not get old. Team games on the other hand, become boring fast and few players would want to replay the map if it would be loaded up for competitive team play.

    This map is technically flawless, but practically it is boring for anything other than free-for-all games. This is not a problem for players looking for some quick fun or practice with free-for-all. This scenario is what the map was designed for and in this respect it succeeds in being a map that will endure in player's hard drives.



    Aesthetics in Envy are subtle but help cement the overall theme. The theme of Envy is the phrase, “green with envy”, which is followed all throughout the design of the map.

    The bottom floor has many objects tinted green to give an ambient glowing green effect over the water of the pool. The middle floor has the tunnel pieces tinted green, as well as the middle platform and decorative piece. The top floor has a green light, situated high in the ceiling, filtering green light down on the floors below it. The green highlights of the map give each piece a focus and help keep every piece consistent and easy on the eyes.

    Certain pieces are used in subtle ways to avoid potentially ugly areas of the map. Struts are used in the corners of some of the floors to give an angled corner instead of a sharp, ninety-degree, corner. Tunnel brace pieces are used in the ramp transitions to fill space and give a pleasing Forerunner architecture design to the map. It makes the player believe they are in an ancient Forerunner building.

    The clear aesthetic highlight of Envy is the pool on the bottom floor. The pool is one of the earliest completely enclosed pools made solely for aesthetic value. It is in the shape of an octagon with small antenna pieces used at each corner of the pool. The energy sword spawns in the middle of the pool on top of a circular platform composed on many phased together forge pieces. Players that look closely would notice a little Z-fighting on the small platform that could easily be corrected.

    Envy is a map with few but precise aesthetics. The clear aesthetic highlight is the pool on the bottom floor but smaller aesthetics are equally important in giving Envy its character. The green coloration of the forge pieces fills the map with green tinted light. Struts and tunnel braces give the map a Forerunner structure theme.



    Few forged competitive maps have a clear audience in mind. They are constructed to satisfy as many audiences as possible. Envy was built to satisfy free-for-all players and was one of the earliest maps to do so. The enclosed pool on the bottom floor is not only the key aesthetic to the whole map, but also an innovative idea that few maps had at that point.

    Forerunner structure themed maps are not original and no piece on the map was used in unexpected or unusual ways. Mancannons, teleporters, and overshields are used in common ways and although they help define the map, they do not separate this map from many others like it.

    The design plan and as the overall green theme for the map sets Envy apart from other maps. The common use of forge pieces, while evident, is not a major factor in what makes Envy such original concept.


    Rating Multipliers

    Enjoyment: 7 x 3.0 = 21 out of 30
    Balance: 7 x 3.0 = 21 out of 30
    Durability: 8 x 1.5 = 12 out of 15
    Aesthetic : 8 x 1.5 = 12 out of 15
    Originality: 7 x 1.0 = 7 out of 10


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