Doesn't Bungie love Halo anymore..?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Rigest, Nov 27, 2010.

  1. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
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    I absolutely love Halo Reach and all of it's components. But there is one thing that's making me doubt Bungie. Comparing with the previous Halo's Bungie hardly gives support and listens to the community. Is it because this is their last Halo?

    What do I mean with this? Although the multiplayer is a complete fresh and new Halo experience, the maps(setup) and the playlists are badly supported. Take for example the BTB playlist and then especially the Invasion maps. These maps are set up so poorly with spawns, weapons and overall balance. Half of the maps isn't even used. There is a giant Spire delivering some vertical gameplay and you put the (one flag) CTF somewhere in a corner? And why would I want to spawn across the other side of the map where none of the action takes place?

    Also, I see so few changes in the playlists. Ok, it's great that we have living dead, but the maps that are in there are so boring! And on this forum I've seen a ton of cool zombie maps on this forum, but Bungie keeps using default maps. And although I love that Bungie has brought back race, why don't they make a seperate playlist for it? I've played so many cool race maps, but I always have to play them with just one friend. Same goes for a cool mini game playlist because there are enough of them that don't require honor rules.

    Also, I was little bit dissapointed that the new maps don't seem to have new forge options (that we know off). The mappacks in Halo 3 always brought new Forge oppertunities. Maybe I'm just spoiled with the support that Halo 2 and 3 received.
  2. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
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    I Completely agree with everything you've just said.

    In Halo 3 at least. they acknowledged us in the sense that they had a Maption Sack (Double XP Weekend) playlist. Now in Reach, they took out V.I.P. because no one (other than thousands of forgers) liked it. They also ****ed up Custom Game options to the point that they had to make their own modded versions just to support certain matchmaking playlists.
  3. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    The only thing worse than reading pathetic complaints about bloom, armor lock, etc... is complaints that Bungie doesn't give support or listen to the community.

    Did they not already make numerous changes to playlists?
    - Added Team SWAT playlist
    - Added Living Dead playlist
    - Added Team Snipers playlist
    - Added Rocket Race game type
    - Added/removed maps from playlists
    - Made various changes to maps
    - Removed Friendly Fire from Firefight

    Source : : Blog

    Then they hold the Reach Forgetacular Contest, to get community made maps put into matchmaking.

    Source : : Bungie Reach Forgetacular Contest : 10/14/2010 5:50 AM PDT

    All that while 343 Studios splits off from Bungie... and it's only been about 2.5 months since the official game release.

    Get a grip.
  4. Hey You

    Hey You Ancient
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    What do you mean? Like the above guy said, Constant playlist updates,forgetacular contest and more.

    Sure Bungie probably won't support it as long as 3, but can you blame them?

    Would you rather work on your own game or a game someone else owns?
  5. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    Bungie supports their product more than any other company in the console gaming industry.
    They update their product more frequently, provide more content at reasonable rates,
    and have more involvement with their community than ANYONE.

    Take your ritalin.
  6. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
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    Bungie has only twice acknowledged the problems in Infection and Living Dead.

    One of those fixes (Arena Zealot) was solely intended for Arena and was only put into Infection as an afterthought. The fix was so completely half-assed that they left one of the Safe Havens in the space area that they blocked until they re-released a new version, which can be identified by the "v2" in its description.

    The other fix was to put Soft Kill Boundaries over the roofs of Asylum's sniper buildings. This fix was implemented while ignoring the many posts addressing the problem of Asylum's rockslide, which grants access to the top of Red Base and the entire northern cliff face. (This rockslide, mind you, was the third-most-posted-about issue in the first nine pages of the Living Dead thread. I tallied every issue that was raised.)

    The Asylum cliff issue has remained present even though it was raised on the first page of that topic (IOW, in early October). They've known about it for over a month and a half, even though the fix is ridiculously easy. (Place a Gametype Specific Soft Kill Boundary on the upper half of the rockslide and set its Gametype Label to Infection.)

    Bungie has not once released a Bungie Weekly Update addressing or even acknowledging the game-breaking camping problems in Infection. This fits with their general pattern of not demonstrating any regard for Reach gameplay issues raised by fans.

    Jeremiah, Optimatch moderator, hasn't posted in the Optimatch Living Dead thread even once (excluding the OP, which is his), and I have not seen him post in any other LD-related threads. I've checked his Recent Posts on his profile quite a bit. No Bungie employees have posted in the first 9 or last 7 pages of the topic, either.

    Bungie's abandoned Living Dead.

    Wouldn't be surprised if they've abandoned the entire game with it.
  7. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
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    Well sure, Bungie always supports their games than most developpers! But how about the awfull setups at the Invasion maps. The open spawns, half of the maps that arn't being used, just a few weapons...
  8. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Here's a quick tip...

    If you find infection is broken; don't play it.

    ^ It's THAT simple.
    Infection is a custom game gametype anyway... the matchmaking variants always blow. It's just a gametype for kids to rack up easy kills in high camping spots.

    And since most of this rant was aimed at INFECTION which a lot of people couldnt give a flying **** about, I'm not surprised Bungie aren't concentrating on fixing the problems in that playlist. They have bigger issues to fix, like the file tagging system, or the KOTH Hill Movement problem, or the assassination animation suicide bug, or the Revenant and ghost bug that just randomly launches you miles across the map. Not to mention they're already sifting through thousands upon thousands of crap map submissions for Forgetacular, to probably get a decent game in 1 map out of 1000 maps tested. If I had to do that constantly, I'd be pretty suicidal and love to chop of your head right now for having a pointless rant about the Infection playlist that has no priority whatsoever over all of the other things Bungie are currently working on.
  9. CzIz

    CzIz Forerunner

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    Agreed with Stevo. Infection is a casual gametype, which shouldn't even be in matchmaking. If you don't like what they have given you, get a party together and go play some customs.. Simple as. unless you want new armourz so you look uber cool, then carry on playing it in matchmaking and stop bitching.

    I do however agree that having a Race Playlist would be pretty awesome, with uber cool racetracks that were posted on Forgehub, so i can show off my awesome racing skills AND get uber cool armourz at the same time.
  10. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Infection's playlist was an afterthought. I mean come on, let's be realistic here. It was only a DXP weekend playlist in Halo 3. Despite the constantly asking for it to become a playlist by numerous communities, Infection players are a very small percentage of the total population. Talk about getting what you want and constantly asking for more... the Infection community finally got their playlist, and now they want to gripe about the maps. I got news for you, there were just as many camping spots on the playlist maps on Halo 3 and nothing was done about them.

    My advice is to wait until the Forgetacular contest is done with and then see what kind of maps are added/removed from playlists.

    As for Race, I too believe it should have it's own playlist (then again I think all game types should have their own playlist to reduce quitting)... but I think the Race community is even smaller than the Infection Community.

    They did state that this one (Halo:Reach) was for the fans, and I honestly believe that the Forgetacular contest is what they meant when they said that... their fans maps being put into playlists. They themselves have admitted that they were in awe of some of the things the community did and created in Halo 3 in the vid doc introducing Forge World before Reach's release.
  11. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
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    The problem is that not everyone has friends that play Reach. I'm still dissapointed that they didn't make a custom game list or something. I love mini games and races, but I hardly get to play them with a group larger than 3 people.
  12. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    i think Race will become more popular once they put the Race playlist up with the forge variants.
    but im curious what its going to be like.
    will it just be a bunch of random, fun race tracks?
    or will there be more tracks that are competitive and you have to actually drive a good line to win?

    we'll see. either way, it might gain popularity.
    i forsee a lot of BS in the playlist though as well.
    people intentionally trying to screw things up at the start so they can win, etc

    i do share the frustration about Asylum Infection, but even so,
    they really arent that hard to kill when they get up there.
    its much harder for the humans to get up there than it is for the zombies,
    i mean you have evade and a much higher jump, just swarm on them.
    too often in Infection, no one plans a swarm. instead they just keep running right at the human and dying.
  13. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
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    The point is that I've seen a lot of great forged infection maps in Reach. In Halo 3 Bungie forged the maps themselves. Why don't they use some community maps or some other gametypes. I mean there isn't even ammo on the maps, so what if you run out of ammo?

    And my biggest dissapointed is the lack of effort put into Boneyard and Spire. I love both of the maps in Invasion, but they are set up so poorly for BTB =(
  14. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    thats the point of the forgetacular contest. populating playlists with community maps.
    have some damn patience.

    the reason theres no ammo on the maps is because its supposed to a survival situation against zombies, not a "large amount of ammo camp in the best spot and slaughter zombies the whole round" situation. sure, that can be fun. but its not fair for the zombies, and in MM, it has to be fair and fun for everyone.

    i agree about Spire and Boneyard in BTB. only half the map is used in BTB.
    somewhat annoying, but i still like the way Boneyward plays BTB.
    i do dislike BTB on Spire though, but i wouldnt say hate. just dislike.
  15. Security

    Security Ancient
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    He's not saying they don't support they're community, he's saying they support it less than they did before.
  16. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Again, they've already made adjustments to playlists more than once since the game came out. They've also tweaked some maps on more than one occasion.

    Seriously, give Bungie a break. It's difficult with all the complaining to filter out all the garbage whining and legitimate gameplay issues, especially since majority of the children posting on's forum don't know how to keep topics to one thread, let alone post in the correct forum. They have threads in Optimatch in regards to playlists and maps feedback. Yet everyone whines in the Reach forum.

    When people start posting well thought out points of discussion, I'm sure they'll take them into consideration. Unfortunately, most of the posting going on in their forums basically is constant whining.
  17. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Which is probably why they are focusing less on stuff regarding Halo. Once a new Halo comes out, all the whiny kids will move on to 343's site, and Bungie's games will probably become more mature.
  18. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    this. after all the testing they do, and creating all these great file sharing services, how can you say they don't love halo?

    as for those of you that say "at least in halo 3 they acknowledged us with maption sack" the game has been out for two and a half months. give it time!
  19. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
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    I completely disagree with you and everything you said except for the new DLC. I love the maps but the forging on tempest seems very limited. Most of the items (mainly buildings,rocks,trees ) take up the whole area, so it seems like it'd be hard to make something truly unique. The only new pieces are another small rock and another spire (F'n Badass btw) and they made different man cannons. When i saw those man cannons i thought we were getting different pieces, but we didnt. They could've perhaps made alot of the pieces on this map usable (Buildings, maybe crashed ship?) It feels like bungie was lazy on this one.
    #19 ThrowinDemBows, Nov 30, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2010
  20. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This isn't a forge map though, it's just been made into a possibility of a forge map to give some people a bit of a change of scenery. the map itself is pretty cool though so I hear... and it could be one of the better maps bungie have produced themselves in the game so far..

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