Crystal Summit Observatory

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by A SILENT EMU, Nov 24, 2010.

  1. Mr GUINNESS13

    Mr GUINNESS13 Forerunner

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    I love this map! very well made and it has a very good flow to it, my only concern would be the covers next to the big window. At fist i liked them because they only went half way into all 4 ramps, giving you more options for movement and cover but while playing they felt more out of place than anything and just seemed to get in the way, otherwise i'd say this map is perfect, well done!
    #21 Mr GUINNESS13, Nov 28, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2010

    D0NTSH0OTME Forerunner

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    We are currently working on a second version of the map that fixes all frame rate issues and z-fighting. We also are adding a second level in the area where the rocket spawns. If you have any suggestions for the map now would be the time to post them.
  3. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Remove the flooring directly above the entrance to the lower lift hallway that is centrally placed, that way it would split up the platform above a bit, and you can shoot/jump down that hallway from above.

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, glad you liked it.

    I'll check it out. It seems too empty without them but they do look a little out of place and maybe a bit too big.
  5. Limeology

    Limeology Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow 2k downloads. I didn't have any frame rate issues when I was playing on it so I don't know what some people are talking about and my internet sucks.
  6. Noble V1

    Noble V1 Forerunner

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    Wow this is the one of the best looking maps I've ever seen. The fact that it has great gameplay as well is a bonus. I like the colors and layout. Good work.
  7. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    Wow I must say this map looks amazing. The aesthetics are flawless and the gameplay looks great. I love how you interpreted trees into different sections and it is not the center piece. Also, rocks were a nice touch, but what caught my eye was the huge glass window or segments of the windows just lined up in the one room. Nice job and definitely a DL for me.
  8. Isaneman

    Isaneman Forerunner

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    it looks very eye appealing and I love these kinds of maps with the use of both the maps natural state and the forger's art. I played it and I loved it too.

    D0NTSH0OTME Forerunner

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    Version 2 of the map is now finished. Download link here. All frame rate issues have been resolved and almost every instance of z-fighting has been fixed.

    Along with fixing these asthetic issues, we also changed the gameplay up a bit by adding a second level to the window area, but we are unsure as to whether or not we want to keep that addition. For those of you that downloaded and played the first version, we would appreciate if you could download this version as well and give us feedback on whether or not it should be included in the final version.

    Here are some pictures of the new addition:

    From Window Side:


    From Sniper Side:


    From Ground Level:


    New Exit From Spawn (takes you directly to new level):


    New Loadout Camera:

  10. ArchHawk

    ArchHawk Forerunner

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    How in the heck did you get so many views?

    D0NTSH0OTME Forerunner

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    What do you mean by that?
  12. KCDinc

    KCDinc Forerunner

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    I am surprised nobody has mentioned this but you may want to reconsider the orientation of your respawn points. Specifically you want respawns in a general area to point in the same direction.

    If you look at official maps, this is almost always done. Take Ivory Tower for example. The spawns on the shotgun ramp always have players facing up the ramp, never down. Some of your spawns though have you looking entirely different directions from virtually the exact same point.

    The whole idea here being that the uniformity helps with player orientation and flows respawners into specific directions. In this case I would imagine you want to flow people into the center, not away from it.

    Other then that stellar job.
  13. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
    Senior Member

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    Is its me or does this maps name come from Burnout Pardise?
    It just sounds so familiar....
  14. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    First and foremost, beautiful looking map. Not really a fan of trees, but they do help give a map like this some character. I especially liked the windows overlooking the mountains. Also like the glass sails you have up.

    Spawns are a little meh. There are a few spawns where you're staring straight into a wall. Behind the lift is one and at the top of the ramps coming out of the bases as well.
    I also couldn't find any spawn zones... Are there any? Or are you relying on Bungies (fail) spawn system. This could be problematic in games.

    There were no cases of Z-fighting that caught my eye, nor did I come across and instances of screen lag either. There was a slight bump I stepped over at some point in the map, but the vast majority of it was very smooth.

    I like your use of natural cover to interrupt line of sight. The central pillars in particular do a great job at it. The tree by sniper is a bit of a pain for this though... Too thin really, they're essentially only complement this map in aesthetic. :(

    The top floor around the sniper strikes me as rather large and open. Being so close to the initial spawns, I feel this will be a short lived rush/shoot out to start the game.
    The snipe platform is also slightly over powering against the ramps by the window. The ramps are very long and open, running the risk of being a death trap.
    Also a balance issue is that there are few reliable ways to approach the snipe platform safely. The lift is always a good one, but the ramp ways are going to be extremely difficult as the two coming from the bases are essentially choke points.
    It looks to me that who ever dominates the snipe platform area will dominate the game.

    I do like that you set this map up to play various game types. Should keep it fun and interesting. A great map for casual gaming, but I can't imagine it catering to much else.
    Of course this is just me theorizing... I'll leave the verdict to game play. Hopefully get some people together for some customs tonight and this will be on this list for sure.

    Regardless, I do like this map and I want to congratulate you for the hard work you put into it.

    D0NTSH0OTME Forerunner

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    We kind of just lazily threw down spawn points to be honest. We will definetly fix this for the final version of the map.

    Will fix all of this also in final version including adding spawn zones, must have forgotten about that one.

    We changed the map layout a bit in the second version, which should fix some of the problems you mentioned here. You can find it on page 3, and will be on the original post whenever A SILENT EMU gets on.
    #35 D0NTSH0OTME, Nov 30, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2010
  16. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Shame shame I know your name! :p
    But seriously, I can't blame you. Spawns are tricky as hell. That's where the majority of my head ache comes from when making a map. Some one always cries about a bad spawn in the test games. :/

    I was on the second version actually. Hence a lack of "oh noes, color lights" griping. lol. If either of you are on XBL tonight, I'd love to run some customs with you on this. My usual customs crew all have the Noble Map Pack so I'm kinda stranded on my own.. :(

    GT: ProxiSchnitzel
  17. Dralthi

    Dralthi Ancient
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    I like some of the changes but at the same time I think you killed some of what made the map unique.

    You added more depth to the map which is good and bad. The simplistic layout was was unique and looked nice but this might be better for gameplay. The new features also look a bit cluttered in some areas imo.

    The thing that concerns me the most is some of the aesthetics and color were lost in the transition. Maybe you could make a v3 or official v2 with the aestetics of the first and sort of this layout?
  18. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is a great map.... I have had a few amazing matches on this map. Great aesthetics too! I like all the curves and the curved glass wall look amazing . Nice having trees inside! Gives an the map a nice look and feel about it and i like the lighting and colouring. Well placed weapons too. This is a top map . Well done making this :)

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes, yes it does.

    As for the spawns, we're working on it. We will have an official V2 coming out soon, not the random one dont shoot me decided to post that I had no part of.
  20. Noble V1

    Noble V1 Forerunner

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    Just wanted to post on this one other than the "version 2" because I think this one is better. Much more visually appealing and although may have some gameplay quirks, is the originality and simple beauty of the map is hard to beat.

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