Petra Treasury

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by timmypanic, Nov 28, 2010.

  1. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Welcome all to my 3 in 1 map pack.

    This pushes out all the stops, and is a bit of forging genius
    Containing 3 maps in 1 DL.
    first map is the aesthetically pleasing map Petra Treasury - One of the 7 wonders of the world.

    I have recreated a monumental place.
    Given the map a nice colosseum look about it.
    Making up new never seen objects to create an amazing map.
    And not only is it aesthetically pleasing, it also is a highly competitive map.
    Playable by most gametyes.
    2 - 8 players
    8 - 16 players for grifball only

    Weapons: 2 x Hammer (90Sec)
    1 x Assault rifle (30 Sec)
    1 x DMR (60 Sec)
    1 x Sniper (90 Sec +1 clip)
    1 x Shot Gun (75 Sec +1 clip)
    1 x Spartan lazer (90 Sec)
    1 x Conclusion Rifle (90 Sec)
    1 x Energy Sword (90 Sec)
    2 x Magnum (30 Sec)
    1 x Rocket launcher (120 Sec +1 clip)
    1 x Grenade Lancher (75 Sec + 1 clip)
    1 x Each covanant weapon except plasma launcher (30 - 90 Sec)

    4 x Frag
    4 x Plasma

    Also I have reworked invasion and invasion slayer. They are both working perfectly
    there is different colouring on different match types on invasion too. This is only used on invasion and the map looks normal on all other game modes.

    This is my newest and undoubtibly my best creation to date.
    I would say that this would be an asset to anyones forge maps.





    Red team spawning and objective side



    The great mayan shrines

    These pillars are lifts up and down. One of the many aesthetics I am extreamly pleased with!!!










    The purple colouring is only for InVaSiOn (Game 2)




    This shows objective 1 on invasion.


    detonated bomb from stage 2 on invasion

    picking up the final objective...I think its a bomb or enemy intel or something :)

    Taking enemy intel to final destination

    This section shows the invasion slayer gametype...This is newly updated ....And have been working hard getting this to work perfectly.



    This is 1 of the objectives to capture area and recieve weapons and vehicals as the stages progress

    Random weapons and vehicals spawn for either side depending on who captures spartan for spartan, elite for covanant! On this you get banshies, scorpions, warthogs, ghost, revenant etc etc.


    This top section of the map is only for Grifball. The football (soccer ball) is the ball :) This is the 3rd map in my 3 in 1 map pack :D


    Spawning is only for grifball game type up here. Use a hammer and sword no grenades


    Thanks for looking!

    finaly just so u can see what I was trying to create although not identical as I want this to be playable and competitive and not just aesthetics
    #1 timmypanic, Nov 28, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2010
  2. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    THe front facade with the pillars and yellow lighting is %&#$& awesome looking! I like your approach to offering different parts of the map to different modes that is a cool concept and as always your spiral style forge art is as cool to look at as ever.

    I havent had a playtest but I will get it in my next custom room if I can.
  3. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks toastman! Yor comment is greatly appreciated :). I worked on this all night. And finalised it today! I have kept the map as simple as possible. There are many different factors I am exreamly pleased with, the seporate game types, mainly I am pleased with the general aestheics of the map....continuing my spiral efforts on forge world. Can't wait for the new map pack to come out. New forge locations.
    Please let me know if you get any good pictures or any comments if you do play-test the map. Thanks for your comment and DL
  4. Combs53090

    Combs53090 Forerunner

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    Wow the aesthetics in this map are amazing. I'm not sure how it's going to affect the game play though. You might want to think about putting this up in the aesthetic maps forum rather than competitive. I'll give it a DL and let you know how it goes.
  5. Paragon Fury

    Paragon Fury Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It looks awesome, but with all these multiples of objects interlocked togther, I can see the framerate taking a huge hit on this map.
  6. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Sorry I don't meant to be rude but this is a competitive map.. Yes it is aesthetically pleasing but it is a slayer & game type map. The map is made with z fighting and lag fixed from the start too. 3 games in 1 isn't aesthetics sorry ...not trying to be rude. It is in the right catagory. Thanks for your DL and comment.

    Edited by merge:

    Lag is caused by forge items being on the same space. there aren't any objects on this map that are... I would appreciate more constructive criticism.
    also you should test the map before guessing it lags. It doesn't. I fixed z fighting from the start. Thanks for your comment. although a little short and constructivly unhelpful
    #6 timmypanic, Nov 28, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2010
  7. Bleuprint

    Bleuprint Forerunner

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    Wow, the shots of this map look amazing. Really love what you been putting out aesthetically. Downloading now to give it a go. You keep coming up with some really awesome ideas.
  8. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks! Your comment and feeback is greaty appreciated. This is my best map to date! Using new ideas and new looking forge items. I like variety and to make something unique and new. Ye I get loads of negetive comments on lag, but I'm trying to be original, and not create basic maps like atom etc. Thanks for taking notice of my designs! Enjoy :D
  9. JDB95

    JDB95 Ancient
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    I fully agree. I can play a game w/ you if you want Toastman. GT:JDB95. I think the grifball court is kind of bland, but the rest of the map looks unique and swirly just like all of your maps. I like the rock sculpture in this one.
  10. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for your comment and feedback! The rock sculpture is trying to be mayan or aztec in apperance... Just to keep the theme going.
    With the grifball... I remember first playing on Halo 3, and I made the map to be similar, I don't know if you played it on halo 3 but the maps for the grifball game were basic and I wanted that to be in my map! I do have 900 bucks left to add some things if needed. Thanks for your comment, Hope you can give it a good testing soon :)
    #10 timmypanic, Nov 28, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2010
  11. Combs53090

    Combs53090 Forerunner

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    Not worries, I didn't see it as rude. I think you missed the point of my post though. I can be completely wrong but just from the looking at the pics it seems like this is aesthetically pleasing but not competitively. Usually, these types of maps sacrifice smooth game play for a cool looking map. And I was suggesting strip it of its game play aspects and make it more of a "touring" map. Again, I can be totally off because I haven't played it just yet...
  12. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks man! I am glad you haven't taken what I said the wrong way! I know about frame rate... i.e if you put 2 - 20 things in exactly the same spot you should see how badly the frame rate goes. Before i fixed the lag you should have seen the flicker rate, but I have adjusted this so that it doesn't cause lag & frame rate problems (by clicking in left thumb stick and giving slight movement to .01 off line).
    I know what you mean also about aesthetic type map, as I have created something that exists (well tryed to) But as I added individual game types I feel it is competitive.
    Finaly I would say that the best maps to play are the simplest. Say like making a game for 1 game type, I just wanted this to be versatile and attract all different gamers with all game types working. Thanks for your comments
  13. Captan Spudsy

    Captan Spudsy Forerunner

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    Wow...I've seen a few of your maps before (all of them acutally) and they were pretty neat. But you really have outdone yourself on this one. It is absolutely amazing. I believe that this map ought to be a feature. You have my DL.
  14. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, it is really nice of you to say! This has been one of the most pleasing maps to me that I have made. It is really good of you to say it should be featured.... That would be amazing, I am glad you have checked out my other maps too. Thanks for your comments and DL!
  15. Atraira

    Atraira Forerunner

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    First off, nice map! Very original. Looks great.

    Secondly, this is absolutely an aesthetic map. The actual layout and flow/balance of any sort of gameplay is basically nonexistent. Absolutely not trying to be an ass, just telling it like it is. The lifts are really cool. The rest is just kind of random set pieces thrown around the level. Between the general complete lack of cohesion, occasional noticeable frame rate lag from all the overlapping pieces, and constant noise from the bouncing soccer ball on the back teleporter (????), I doubt this map will be seeing any actual play.

    As a side note, I'm also quite baffled by it in Forge. I wanted to really explore the map but 1) died instantly upon spawn 2) was teleported to the arena every time I tried to go somewhere else 3) couldn't find the effects filter to turn the damn thing off (seriously, don't use those!!). Granted that's all besides the point really; I mean that's just Forge, but just throwing it out there.

    Anyway, a great looking map. Trying to defend it as a competitive map is a bit silly. It's not. But aesthetically, it's absolutely a treat!
  16. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hello, thanks for checking out my map.. Ok the ball on the gravity lift does make a noise, it is only for fun and can easily be changed. But this is how u get to the rocket launcher.
    Secondly I would say that I don't know where would be causing frame rate problems as fixed the lag. But I will check it out asap. (also rate is different on custom game to forge world)
    thirdly, you came onto forge world, on grifball, I know this as the teleporters only work on grifball. If you go on forge on different game type should be fine or play as a custom game on any mode except grifball.
    Finaly, big thanks for checking my map out and giving some constructive criticism. It is greatly appreciated.
  17. Slamm Andrews

    Slamm Andrews Forerunner

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    Wow! This is nuts. I always like looking through your maps because you are so creative. It's awesome. I am excited to give this one a try soon as well!!
  18. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thanks! Your comment and feedback is appreciated! This map got me excited as well lol! Been playing on it all day, getting wooped on my own map haha! But it has been a good laugh..thanks

    Few things to point out on the map,

    1 you need to crouch to get through pipe with elite on invasion games.
    2 The hammers although are standing in mid air are set to normal and not fixed or phased as they may look.
    3 there is no lag on this game in a match. On forge mode it may lag a little as you are flying around but this is only on forge and not on custom matches which this map is designed for.
    Finaly, I know lots of comment are saying this is aesthetics and not competitive. I have made this to play matches on.... competitive matches. I stand by my map saying it is competitive.There are no frame rate issues on custom matches, there is plenty of cover. It plays on most game types and is working.

    Thanks for all your comments and feedback! Constructive criticism is welcome, to see where I may be able to improve the map!
    #18 timmypanic, Nov 29, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2010
  19. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You are very good at making creative aesthetics! Everything looks very unique, its good to see you have your own style.
  20. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thank you! It is nice to know my work is appreciated and you like that I am trying to be original! I have put lot of thought into the structure and a fair bit of work on getting all the gametypes working! I am pleased with the end result! And been having fun playing on this map today! Thanks for your comment

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