Green House

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by TXTCLA55, Nov 29, 2010.

  1. TXTCLA55

    TXTCLA55 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is my first post, so be nice please :p. I made this map a while back when Reach was just a few days old, got some test sessions in but I wanted more "professional" opinions if you know what I mean. The map is pretty simple, two main structures connected by walkways enclosed in a large room with one wall made of windows and a small entrance room. there is also two way teleporter that allows players to escape to the other side. Its mainly for free for all but team slayer is supported; I haven't figured out how to put infection on yet but due to some areas of the map it might result in campers. The weapons are fairly basic:

    -Shotgun (1)
    -Sword (1)
    -Sniper rifle (1)
    -Grenade Launcher (1)
    -Needle rifles
    -and a few low power weapons ie: plasma pistols and such.

    Heres a view of the general playing area...


    #1 TXTCLA55, Nov 29, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2010
  2. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    your post is not up to date. according to the rules it is REQUIRED that you have at least one picture or video of your map embedded in your post. if you are having trouble with embedding screenshots, please see this forum. if you do not fix your thread it will be locked within 24 hours.
  3. El FlyingCondor

    El FlyingCondor Forerunner

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    If you want some other opinions, you should probably enter it for the Testers Guild.
  4. TXTCLA55

    TXTCLA55 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    ok its done thanks for the help!

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