Hangar 33

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by The Guns of Gilead, Nov 28, 2010.

  1. The Guns of Gilead

    The Guns of Gilead Forerunner

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    ******^^^NEW UPDATE!^^^******
    FRI DEC 13th: New Rock Garden Layout

    Updated map is now available

    Hangar 33 is a mix and match of all my half finished maps, and my desire to utilize a Zen Rock Garden. Essentially, this map was a dock aircraft carrier/office building type of idea and once the pieces were transferred into the coliseum it morphed into the hangar I know you'll love.

    6x DMR (45sec/2clips)
    4x Needle Rifle (45sec/2clips)
    2x Plasma Pistol (45sec)
    2x Needler (60sec/2clips)
    2x Sniper Rifle (120sec/2clips)
    1x Rockets (180sec/1clip)
    1x Grenade Launcher (120 sec/5clips)
    1x Energy Sword (120sec)
    1x Ghost (120 sec)






    Tunnel in between bases
    Red Base

    Blue Base
    Blue Base Exit
    Control Tower (Rockets in the Middle of the Runway)

    When I make a map I just throw a barrage of ideas down at once and slowly bring them together, while ThrowinDemBows adjusts and tinkers everything ALL THE TIME! This evidently was a recipe for Greatness cause this is the only map I have ever been this satisfied with. We butted heads a few times (as will happen) but having two styles and two brains made improving sections and finding crappy and slow areas much easier. Basically we started w/ the runway and my boy Bows took the bases while I set up the areas around the runway. Once we found the right way to connect them all together the whole process sped up a lot. Then after the Catwalk and the glass room over the garage were installed the size of the map became considerably smaller and provided a nice flow of traffic throughout the map making every area accessible and tactical.

    #1 The Guns of Gilead, Nov 28, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2011
  2. CzIz

    CzIz Forerunner

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    Hi, this forum does not support html automatically.

    You need to use BB Code. The code you need to use is
    http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb439/FTownsoldier33/Halo%20Pics/RockGardenEntrance.jpg[/IMG ] (but without the space in the last img tag).

    Like so..
  3. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Wait a minute. I was just looking at this map a couple days ago with a friend. The gamertags aren't matching up. I'm going to be in contact with the person I originally saw with this map.
  4. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
    Senior Member

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    fsoldier and ThrowinSomeBows worked on the map together. It was a fun map to playtest. As far as this thread goes, you could use a couple more pictures highlighting features of the map such as the picnic table area by the granade launchers. A picture better showing the rock area would be nice also. Might want to also show a picture of the ghost so they know its there.
  5. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    Hey Thats my map! lol jk, Pacs right, We worked on this together from the beginning.

    Yea i had to clean up Fsoldier's mess, give him a break though. It's his first time posting a map. Dont you remember your first time? lol

    DL and recommend plz
    #5 ThrowinDemBows, Nov 28, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2010
  6. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    This map was pretty fun to play on but I agree with whoever said that the middle is pretty open. If you wanted the sides to see more action I understand but sometimes it felt like a deathtrap. Also I feel like it would be hard for people to know that the falcon is stationary if they weren't told ahead of time. If you could either just remove it or add more pieces to make it look totally grounded. Or maybe you could just replace it with a pair of machine guns or something? Anyway, nice map guys.
  7. The Guns of Gilead

    The Guns of Gilead Forerunner

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    Thanks for the feed back Cyborg, your right about the middle being too open. I like it to be really open as its supposed to be a deathtrap, but I adjusted the crates by the rockets to provide cover from multiple angles and I think bows had an idea for the falcon. Anyway, its hard to think of anything that belongs on a runway.
    #7 The Guns of Gilead, Nov 28, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2010
  8. Prologic

    Prologic Forerunner

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    I thought it was a great map, also getting a perfection was pretty damn fun as well :D
  9. The Guns of Gilead

    The Guns of Gilead Forerunner

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    Map has been updated on my file share. Crates have been shuffled and the immobile falcon got some work as well. Just entered this bad boy into the contest, wish me luck!
  10. Terrible Towlie

    Terrible Towlie Forerunner

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    Leave it the way you have it on your file share, and it wouldnt hurt to update pics. This map seems like it has the advanced halo player in mind. There are alot of tactical jumps, positions, and the weapon placement is pretty damn good even though i've only played 2 games on it. also i ran across the middle a few times, and i made it through alive in some of those. you arent supposed to nice and cosy in the middle, you are supposed to stick out like a sore thumb, and with rockets in the middle it's supposed to be a challenge getting them. Overall, i think it's a very solid map, it has a great flow to the map. You can get anywhere from wherever you are with relative ease, and this map encourages you to outthink your opponent and gain a better position than them. It really is a treat to move around in this map. Sure it is open, but that is what makes the map, every spot has a counter spot that has an advantage over it. There is no one dominant position, giving the map great balance as well. I think it could use more respawn points, only if theyre in good spots. 9/10, with a potential for more, great work guys.

    PS: I love the rock garden, look legit.
  11. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    Falcon looks more grounded now. I havent had trouble on the bottom floor, but i also know the map like the back of my hand.

    Yea Stevo got one today as well. Interesting indeed.

    Trial and error, looking for the right amount, i know all the ones that are laid out are good so we'll go from there.
    Oh and the pics are updated.

    Thx for the comments
  12. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ideally if there are issues with the map, you shouldn't really be releasing the map to the database. Take a look at This Guide, it explains what to look for in Competitive Map Refinement and how to understand how gameplay adjusts in accordance with different players that frequently play on the map.

    As I only had the one match on the map last night, and I pulled off the second perfection for it in it's short lifespan there appears to be balance issues. I'll save the film from my perspective and upload it to my fileshare for you both to review. Try and do the same for the other guy who got a perfection. It might just be the other guys were pretty terrible, or we could of had a lucky initial spawn. Either way, if it's possible to get a perfectiont the very first time playing the map, there must be balance issues (although, it's possible that the teams were inbalanced even though we switched to make them more even prior to the game).

    What I did like about that map though was the overall layout. I didn't particularly like the bottom as it was slightly confusing, but the upper walkways seemed to connect logically and smoothly. You also had a decent line of sight from the cannon pad at the back with a sniper rifle.

    My only real suggestion to you both is, don't be so eager to post in the Map Database. All in all, it will eventually lose you downloads rather than gain you any as most players who play an already released broken map, won't consider downloading a second version as your reputation is already damaged from their perspective by releasing the first broken version. To get hype up, post map previews and hold frequent testing sessions over and over again ironing out all the creases before even contemplating release.
  13. The Guns of Gilead

    The Guns of Gilead Forerunner

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    Thanks for taking the time to try out my map man. Made this map for the contest and had to get it in for the deadline so thought we'd put it on the hub hopefully draw some attention in case bungie goes on here to scout.

    As far as the ground floor the map is a lot to take in from down there, but it's a lot more simple that it looks. From the bases toward the back of the hangar you can go down the middle of the runway, behind the Control tower, and through the garden. Basically it's three parallel paths.

    Also, it's pretty refined as it is I will respectfully disagree with you there. The goal I had for Gameplay was for teams to take sections of a map and pop shot across at each other while someone flanks their sides. I think what your thinking is that there aren't enough ways to the 2nd level which is true, we ran out of resources. An option to explore would be to get rid of the tank case and add ways up, but display cases are like my signature on the map.

    Thanks for the feedback. I see you made that Envy map. Did you enter that for the contest?
  14. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
    Senior Member

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    So download both....One of which is free of charge...
  15. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow this map looks awesome. It looks massive compared to where you built it. I like the aesthetics, they're not super amazing and in your face but rather simpler designs which add to map. I will try and get a game on it if i can but there isn't much hope (at least until I get to the colnel rank). Good work!
  16. The Guns of Gilead

    The Guns of Gilead Forerunner

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    When starting to build I thought part of the coliseum might need to be cut off, but after getting the sections layed out it fit just right I think.

    You got to get a game on this guy, it's a lot of fun. Receiving nothing but virtual high fives for this map, so I'm guessing it's pretty good. Hit me or Bows up for customs.
  17. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    Yea i know we shouldnt have posted it and i tried telling him but its no big deal. I appreciate the help, Most of the confusion you were referring to is taken care of. We've also worked on the sight lines, so it shouldnt feel as open. The tank case had to go, as it supplied no benefit to gameplay. We've added glass railing along the building block on the right side in front of the garden. We also added to ways up on the 2nd floor of the control tower via colliseum windows. Testing has died down dramatically since the contest is over. However, we will continue to make improvements as we see fit.
  18. Mr GUINNESS13

    Mr GUINNESS13 Forerunner

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    Great map, i really liked it, and think it has def potential. No question my favorite spot is the grass, i think the rock locations were very well placed. But here's a couple things i think you all should consider

    1.The green snipe base has WAY more coverage than rock sniper base. for all three levels of the bases. I think that's something that drastically needs changing.

    2. I love the lift, but sometimes it doesn't work too well

    AND THAT'S IT! Great level. let me know when and if you change it up.

    II CASHnDASH II Forerunner

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    I had a chance to play this map a few days ago and it played great. Everyone in the party seemed to like it. I think it has a a good feel to it when your playing on it. I had no spawn issues and the flow of the map seemed perfect. When i walked though this in forge i was a little worried about there not being enough cover, but it turned out to not be an issue.

    Can't wait to see more from you in the future.
  20. The Guns of Gilead

    The Guns of Gilead Forerunner

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    Thanks for trying out the map guys, I appreciate it.

    If you were playing the version With the Tank Case, then you are in luck. We took out the tank case and added cover to the Rock side and a couple more ways up to the 2nd level via coliseum windows. I forgot all about the lift though, apparently it does slip sometimes. I'll def fix that. I had updated the map a few days ago under the impression that it would update the file share as well, but that would be too convenient. Thanks for trying it out let me know what ya think with the update now.

    Thanks man I'm glad you guys liked it. The map has some cover there now, but it was a lot of fun before too. It was def built with gameplay in mind. I hate maps where theres just one concentrated area that a team wants to hold down, so we wanted pros and cons for each area.

    If you guys (or Anybody)want to get some customs going sometime just hit me or Bows up.

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