Apex, a full featured, quality BTB forge map

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by OneDeviantsFate, Nov 28, 2010.

  1. OneDeviantsFate

    OneDeviantsFate Forerunner

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    I have been working for over a month on this map with dozens of play tests in order to make a 100% complete BTB experience. The map supports all game types except race and invasion. A spawn system is in place to prevent unfair spawning in the same quadrant as you opponents... not simply a lot of spawn locations but well conceived spawn areas that force fair spawns.

    The map supports 10-16 players well, can even be played with fewer if everyone is familiar with the map and the game type is adjusted for it.

    As with most BTB forge maps there is a bit of performance issues especially in the falcon, but overall this map plays really smoothly. This map still has over 2000cr in budget left and is still HUGE. Even spawns slightly different configurations of weaponry based on symmetrical and asymmetrical game play.

    Asymmetrical Weapons / Vehicles:
    Ghosts x4
    Banshee x1
    DMR x4
    AR x4
    Plasma Rifle x2
    Plasma Repeater x2
    Needler x2
    Shotgun x2
    Rocket Launcher x1
    Sniper Rifle x2
    Plasma Pistol x2
    Spiker x2

    Symmetrical Weapons / Vehicles:
    Ghosts x4
    Falcons x2
    Mongooses x4
    DMR x4
    AR x4
    Plasma Rifle x2
    Plasma Repeater x2
    Needler x2
    Shotgun x2
    Rocket Launcher x1
    Sniper Rifle x2
    Plasma Pistol x2
    Spartan Laser x1
    Spiker x2


    I would love to put together some games on this map for those who are interested my gamertag is OneDeviantsFate

    Would love feedback on the idea and if you want to I will be running games on this map if I can get enough people on it.

    Here are some more screens:
    Epic Failure playing Assault.

    Surprising blitz gameplay is how this map rolls.

    Mostly ground warfare.

    Not shown are the base interiors which offer a totally different gameplay experience... Open area or indoor combat, your choice, but your team needs to cover both.

    More layout images:
    Red inner circle with teleporter to the Apex

    Blue base

    Blue base backyard
    #1 OneDeviantsFate, Nov 28, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2010
  2. Dandino

    Dandino Forerunner

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    Personally i love BTB, its one of the funnest things ever and i would love to play this with you as it looks fantastic
  3. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Now, I'm not saying this is bad, but saying "Feature Quality" doesn't actually improve your chances on getting it featured. That being said, this looks decent, if you're ever looking for a play test, feel free to invite me.
  4. OneDeviantsFate

    OneDeviantsFate Forerunner

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    Full featured, quality... will make that change to the header. Not going for being featured even though that would be nice. Just wanted to make an awesome map.
  5. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks like a great map. From what I can see, the map has a general S-shape? I would maybe make a bridge that spans from the bases to the Pillar to allow players more options in terms of movement. They can take the gravity lift over to the Pillar, but I don't see any way for them to make it back. Apart from the upper and lower paths, there aren't too many opportunities to flank the bases. How do the Ghosts play? I would have 2 at maximum. The map looks crowded for them to move around very freely. $.02

    And Noxiw, congrats on your 1,000th post :p
  6. OneDeviantsFate

    OneDeviantsFate Forerunner

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    Yes, S-shaped, in the front of each base there are man cannons to push the team forward to the killing ground (not the pillar, the pillar is separate) but you can't double back. There are 3 pathways into each base two that are not apparent at first glance allowing flanking opportunities plenty and the pillar makes up for that as well by providing lots of cover fire. Jetpackers get the benefit of ignoring the gap between the main ground and the bases and overseeing the topside, but you are only seeing about 60 percent of the map from my pics.. There is a lot more room then meets the eye, but I have removed 2 of the ghosts on Asymmetrical games. The pillar is accessed via 2 two-way teleporters that are on the "inner circle" paths that lead from the ground in front of the bases where the man cannon places you.

    Hope this answers some questions. As this is a preview I still haven't revealed all.
  7. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Would love to join a test session. You can add me if you want, GT = Rigest. Hope you found the right balance between on foot and vehicle gameplay (it looks that way :)).
  8. OneDeviantsFate

    OneDeviantsFate Forerunner

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    Testing is almost done, but would love to get a BTB group going and play awesome customs... BTB never gets boring.

    More screens from the last test, Team Slayer:
    Better view of redbase from the center showing red team using the man cannon to get the jump on blue scum.

    View from red base during an assymmetrical game. Hence why there is a Banshee.

    Center field combat, way more space than in aerial shots.

    A red sniper makes good use of the "crown" structure... this is why good players take the low road in objective games. (as a side note, this guy huffed this sniper clear across the map to do this... but yes, when someone does this they basically can suppress an entire team for a short period of time. This guy almost got 1 for 1 kills for bullets.)

    Fighting in the "crown" a small arena like structure that just so happens to hold the rocket launcher... bring a friend, otherwise, good luck making it out of here with it.

    Asymmetrical games always migrate to the center of the map, which is great! No one misses out on the action and objective games are a healthy mix of base, pillar (crown), alleyway, and air combat. Although most play tests have had almost exclusively battles in the center there are a dozen or so times when a player has gone through the alleyways and flanked the enemy team.
  9. Slamm Andrews

    Slamm Andrews Forerunner

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    This is awesome! I want to play this right away! Finally, a good BTB map that's not just a small map beefed up. Nice work so far!

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