Remake Bug Zapper

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by BrokenEye, Nov 27, 2010.

  1. BrokenEye

    BrokenEye Forerunner
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    A remake of an old Halo 3 minigame by geranamo which I found to be quite fun. In this King of the Hill variant you use Banshees to act as bugs trying to get as close as possible to the hill located in the bug zapper without getting zapped.

    Weapons are useless in this, because the whole point is fighting for space without getting killed by the zapper, but during the playtest, I got into a few pointless fistfights on the landing pads over who got to use the banshee.

    To prevent people cheating by getting out and standing in the hill, I put a hard killzone on the bottom dish of the bug zapper that does not effect the banshees but will kill pedestrians.

    Highjacking is allowed and encouraged.

    The zapper

    One of the landing pads, with banshee

    Drawn like a moth to flame

    #1 BrokenEye, Nov 27, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2010
  2. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Why is there a green filter? Other than that it looks fun.
  3. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Interesting idea! The green filter hurts my eyes though, I'd probably ditch that. I'm not crazy about most of the filters anyway but green might be the worst looking one other than the completely unusable ones like pen and ink.
  4. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
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    I know that when you said "completely unusable", you were thinking of Nova, too. But that actually works amazingly in the lagoon. Try it yourself. It creates a midmorning ambience and is quite pleasent, actually.

    Oh, and if you WEREN'T thinking of Nova, then well, pretend that I just said that to make a point.
  5. plasmaeagle

    plasmaeagle Forerunner

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    is there a way you can get out of your banshee and camp the bottom of the zapper? and did you try making the zapper blue, cause i've never seen an orange one.

    P.S. i have a bug zapper in my room =]
  6. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    I suppose you could write off the green effect as bug spray. If bug spray was green.

    Anyway, I don't really see the challenge in this to be honest. You fly circles around killballs. And since the forging isn't too complicated, you've got to add a random factor into this.
    Perhaps you can make it a rally gametype, and have different checkpoints around the zapper, that way, since you must get there fast, there's more of a chance of hitting the killballs.
  7. BrokenEye

    BrokenEye Forerunner
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    Trust me, its a lot harder than it looks

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